New Beginnings 48✨

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Trinity's POV

I woke up this morning with a headache. The sun was so fucking bright that it pissed me off! My body was so heavy that I could barely lift myself up. I got out the bed and slowly made my way to the bathroom.

I had to throw up. I sat on the floor, in front of the toilet. I hung my head over, waiting for it to come up.

"You alright?" Laila asked coming in.

I nodded my heavy ass head.

"Why did you let me drink so much." I said making us laugh.

"Well, I'm sorry. You were in the mood to turn up and that's exactly what you did." she stated.

"I did. Nigga got me fucked up."

"Well, did you unshare your location?" she asked sitting on the floor next to me.

I sighed. "I did not. I wasn't even thinking about it. But why do you feel the need to pop up at every vacation I'm at. That's like very stalker-ish." I said making her laugh.

"That is stalker-ish. I don't know but it's sweet that he wants to see you and hang with ya. Came this far to talk to you."

"Okay Laiyah, I don't want to talk anymore."

"What? What did I do?"

"You're encouraging his bullshit."

"I'm not Trinity, I'm just saying what I thought was nice. Before you guys went to arguing."

"Can you get out please?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes and got up, leaving out the bathroom. I threw up and then went to brush my teeth. Afterwards, I went and got back in the bed.

I searched the bed for my phone. Once I got it, I went to unshare my location with Dominique. But I notice that he still shared his location with me.

I did the unexpected. I got up, got dressed, and then got an Uber to where he was. He pops up on me, so I decided to do the same.

As we pulled up, it looked as though it was an Airbnb. I walked up the door and knocked. Mario opened the door.

"Hey Trinity. What are you doing here?" he asked nervously.

"You guys always popped up on me. So, I decided to do the same."

"Oh shit. Okay then."

"Is he with a chick?" I questioned.

He looked at me like he couldn't answer. I chuckled and nodded my head.

"Don't worry, I'll go see for myself."

I walked around, until I reached his room. I opened the door and there were two girls laid up together with him on side. I walked up to his side and kicked the bed.

"This is cute." I said as he opened his eyes.

"Trinity?" he asked wiping his eyes.

"I'll be out on the balcony." I stated.

I walked on the balcony and closed the door behind me. Few seconds later, he came outside.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I came to pop up on you like you do me."

He chuckled.

"But I ain't expect to see this." I said looking at the girls in the bed.

He opened the door and closed the curtains.

"You know, if you're going to do this, you could at least unshare your location." I stated.

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