New Beginnings 14✨

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Trinity's POV

I was at Starbucks getting a drink before meeting with designers for my boutique. As I was walking out the door, I seen Alicia.

"Wow, two times in less than two weeks." she stated walking up to me.

I smiled. "I know. Seems as though you're following me."

She smiled, chuckled, and walked away. I got into my car and headed to the boutique.

"Good Morning Ms. Lucas." Alvin said walking up to me.

"Good Morning."

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I have a meeting with designers. I thought since my office is finished, I can have the meeting in there."

He chuckled. "I like it. But there's no furniture."

I smiled. A knock came on the door and it was my Dad and brothers.

"So, where does this goes?" Dad asked with a chair in his hand.

Alvin looked at me, smiled, and then high-fived me.

"Right this way." Alvin stated.

Dad followed Alvin and then the boys came in, looking around.

"Wow, look at you. Ms. Boss Lucas." Tyrone stated.

"This is nice or whatever." Tyson said.

I rolled my eyes. "Thank you guys for coming in and helping Dad."

"I mean, do we really have a choice with Dad?"

We chuckled and I shook my head. "No, not really."

"So, are we going to stand around or are we going to get this office straight?" Dad asked coming in.

The boys left out to get the rest of the things. As they put the furniture in, Alvin and I arrange it.

I was so excited to get things rolling. I have my own studio and my own boutique. I'm about to have clothes and I'm auditioning for models soon.

After everything was finished, Dad came in and sat down.

"So, what's up kiddo?"

I raised my eyebrow. "Kiddo?"

He smiled. "Yes. Kiddo. How are you liking everything?"

"I'm really liking it. I'm having a meeting with Shane and Greg. They have their own clothing brand and I love them. So, I asked if they wanted to go into business together."

He nodded his head. "I'm proud of you."

I looked at him. "Mom told you about Dominique."

He smiled and nodded his head. "Yes, she did. And I can say that you're handling this way better than Mom would have."

I chuckled. "Mom would've probably handled things totally different."

"Yeah, but I'm choosing to handle things slowly. I don't know what I'm going to do with Dominique. I'm just waiting on him to show me something."

"Show you something?"

"Yes, show me something. Something as in, he want me to stay. As in, he don't want to lose me. He's not fighting right now."

"He's flighting." he stated.

I nodded my head. "Most definitely."

"Well, I've done both. I've fought, I ran, but I always loved Mom. And I know Dominique loves you. Step one, he gave you a baby. Step two, y'all moved in together. Step three, he gave you a ring. Even though he did all of that backwards, he did it."

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