New Beginnings 16✨

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Dominique's POV

It's been really rocky between Trinity and I. I love that girl with everything in me. I shut down when she reacts in a way that's hostile. She's moved out, she's got her own place. She's chilling right now and being on her grown woman shit.

I'm proud of her. I knew that she was a woman that wasn't going to take no shit, when I got with her. Which is why I stopped things with Alicia before they went too far.

Trinity is my wife and she's carrying my son. I'm going to give her her space for now until the baby comes.

I picked up a quick month tour. I knew Trinity was going to be upset about it but I ain't know she was going to react the way she did. She blew up on my ass. I haven't been that involved in the pregnancy like I would have liked. But that's because, I'm out making money for my family.

I took the month show because it was a good investment. I also took Jason along with me because I wanted to spend time with my oldest son and get to know him. In this past year of knowing him, he is a mini me.

Before stopping back in Atlanta, I stopped in Louisiana. I asked Trinity's Dad to meet with me.

"You got Jason?" I asked Marlo.

"Yeah, we good. Ain't that right la homie."

Jason nodded his head and gave Marlo a high five. I got out the truck and went into LIT. I walked in and was escorted to his office. I knocked on the door.

"Come in." he stated.

"What's up?" I asked as I walked in, closing the door behind me.

"What's up." he said getting up, dapping me off, and hugging me.

"Nothing, I just needed to come talk to you."

"Come and talk to me about my daughter?" he asked taking a seat in the chair next to me.

I chuckled and nodded my head. "Yes, most definitely."

"I honestly don't know what to tell you." he said laughing.

"You don't know what to tell me and I don't know what's my next move."

"Your next move is working back to that relationship y'all had in the beginning. You remember when we couldn't get you guys away from each other. When Trinity ran away to be with you and she had a shoot."

I chuckled and nodded my head.

"That's what you need to get back to. She's a hard ass. I raised her that way. Not saying that her mother was bad when we were dating, but I knew and she knew that our daughter was not going to be another her. She ain't taking no shit."

"I know. You know how long it took for us to actually be together." I said making him laugh.

"So, you know. You've already been through it."

"She threw a candle throw the studio door." I said making him laugh again.

"Yep, that Noami's child. Now, you're getting Trayvon, you're getting me. She's showing you that she don't need you. That she can do whatever she put her mind to. But she's not only showing you, she's showing her mother too." he stated.

"Showing her mother?"

"They had some words exchanged about their different life style and what they'll take from a man. Things got crazy. She has felt alone her whole pregnancy. When she was living here, she would call me crying because she thought she had no one. Which is why I've been there in Atlanta. She'll send me a text, 'Dad, I wanna burst out in tears'." he stated.

"She's feeling like she gotta do it on her own." I said.

"Exactly. No woman that is pregnant should feel that way. You're honestly getting the good side. She's giving you space, still talking to you, getting her own place. Now, if she was her mother, she would've move back here with us, not told you anything, not talked to you. You would've been pushed so far out of her life, that you would've had to fight to see Dj. I've been there. I'm so happy, that you're not going there."

"Thank you. I'm glad that she's still there. I know I'm going to marry her. She's my wife. I'm not going to take her for granted. That's why I stopped things with my first baby momma before things went too far."

"Boom, you stopped things. Now, you got to prove to her that shit like that won't ever happen again. Get your son, spend time with him, but keep that relationship only about your son. I think while she's in her space, settle things with first baby momma."

"You're right, that's what imma do. She knows, I've told her multiple times but I just need to buckle it down."

"Buckle it down. Get it right. All before little man gets here."

I sighed. "Thanks. I really appreciate you talking to me. I know she probably have said some things."

"Ain't nothing I done heard from her mother." he said making me laugh. "She's pregnant, she's emotional. Whenever you get back her, all I can tell you is be in her skin."

"How I'm going to do that if she moved out?" I questioned.

"Move in."

I started laughing and nodded my head. "Move in. I got it."

"Now, if she tells you to leave, leave. But pop up there every damn day." he stated.

"Oh my gosh, you trying to get me killed." I said.

"She's not going to kill you. I mean she's not going to feel lonely. She's going to feel as though you're trying."

"You give damn good advice." I stated.

He chuckled. "I've been there. But I had it a lot worse."

"Well, I'm lucky that I got this end of the stick." I said getting up.

We talk for a couple of more minutes before I left out.

"I'm going to take your advice and be in her skin." I said as I was walking out.

"Hey look, that's what she wants right now. I hope you got enough money saved, so that you can just sit around for the next month." he stated.

"Good thing, I do."

I left out and headed to the A.

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