New Beginnings 4✨

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Trinity's POV

queen👸🏾 - no one set you up
nana dion👩‍👧‍👦 - you'll be fine. just prove her wrong
me - I'm not working there.

I woke up this morning with a mission on my mind. Yesterday played in my head, over and over. I said that I rather get my own studio and it stuck in my head.

I rather be my own boss then having my Mom or Nana say when and where. I contacted Josè and he was on board with helping me find a studio of my own. I got up out of bed and went to do my hygiene things. Last night I took out my clip-ins and curled my hair because I was bored. So, I just put it up in a messy ponytail.

I'm not going to tell Mom or Nana about this until it's something I know I want to do. I'm also not going to ask them for their help on anything. I'm doing everything on my own.

I went to the closet and got dressed. I dressed in a brown, long sleeve jumpsuit. And I put on a white, cropped sweatshirt over it. I put on a pair of custom, white, low Nike Air Force with a matching fanny pack.

Laila and Kels were still in the bed sleep. I was going to meet up with Josè with my Dad. He's always been supportive of me. When I came to him with this idea, he was all for it. Dad has his own shoe businesses after working at Footlocker and he has two clubs. I think if he can do it, so can I.

We gathered in the car and met Josè at the first location.

"Good morning Mr. and Ms. Lucas." Josè said as we got out the car.

"Morning." Dad said shaking his hand.

"Good morning." I said doing the same.

"So, you want your own modeling studio?" Josè asked.

"Yes, but I want my studio to be a little different." I said.

"Okay. Well, lets come inside and talk about that because it's a little chilly out here." he said making Dad and I chuckle.

"She wouldn't know because my grandson makes her very hot." Dad stated.

We went inside to look around. It was a build job, meaning we would have to build into it.

"So, have a seat and lets talk about your plans." Josè said.

Dad and I took a seat.

"So, what would you like?" Josè asked.

"I want a clothing business, meaning I want a clothing store. Next to it, I want the studio."

"So you need two buildings?" he asked.

I nodded my head.

"Where did the clothing business come from?" Dad asked.

I smiled. "Well, I've been talking to Aunt Asia and I think that's a good thing for me because I like clothes and I like to play dress up."

He nodded his head. "I just have to find something and someone that's willing to let me get on their nerves the rest of my pregnancy. I want everything finished and in place once Baby Boy is here."

They both started laughing. "Well, I know that your friends won't have a problem with helping you out." Josè stated.

"You don't know her friends." Dad said making me laugh.

He didn't mean that in a bad way. He meant that, we would never get any work done.

"But I do think I know exactly who I want to help me." I said.

"Okay, so we need two buildings?"

"Preferably, a half and half." I stated.

"Half and Half?" Dad questioned

"Yes like half makeup and half clothes. Okay, there's a lot of ideas and my head." I said making Josè laugh.

"I want like a girls place. Somewhere that sells makeup and clothes. Because, here's my theory. An inspiring model, walks past the studio. She wants to be a model. She can't go into the studio but the boutique is open to everyone. She walks into the boutique, she gets her makeup done, buys some clothes, we take her pics, her pics come to us and we see if we want to bring her aboard or not."

"I get what you're saying. The boutique can be like a photo audition but it can also be a place to shop for clothes and makeup." Dad said.

"Yes, that's the broken down version." I said making them laugh.

"I like it." Dad said high fiving me.

"I like it too. So, I am going to be in the looks for two building both 900 or more square foot." Jose said as he wrote it down.

"Do you know how long this would take because I honestly want this opened by the time I give birth. At the opening, I want a flat belly and seven weeks post, of course."

"I can find you buildings by the end of the day and we can search them this weekend." Josè suggested.

I smiled and nodded my head. "I would love that."

"Okay. I have everything I need. I also know that this is not the place for you." he said making me laugh.

"It is nice and lovely. I can maybe use this as the boutique's second location if the first one works out." I said making him laugh.

"Well, I will see you guys this weekend and Happy Birthday."

"Thank you." Dad and I stated.

We gathered in the car and headed back to the house.

"Have you told your mother about your plans?" he asked.

I shook my head. "No, because I want to do this alone. I don't want their help because I don't want anyone to say that your mommy or your nana helped you and blah blah blah." I said.

"I don't think they'll be to happy with you doing this behind their backs. Not saying that you need their help or that you can't do it by yourself but you should tell them. Even though I know you still salty about the tour and now you're upset with the ATL lady. Don't move too fast." Dad stated.

"I won't. And this will mostly give me something to do when Dominique is on the road."

He nodded his head.

"I'll tell them when I get my buildings and get a designer." I said.

He looked at me. "Just know that Dad is in this thang with ya." he said making me laugh.

"Come on, you gotta pound it." he said with his hand in a fist.

I laughed and shook my head. I fist bumped him. We had it back to the house and went inside. Desiree had made Chicken Taco Salad for lunch.

We ate and afterwards, I went to try to and take a nap.

"Missy, are you asleep?" Laila asked coming in.

"No." I said as I was scrolling through insta.

She came in and got in the bed with me. "Where did you go this morning?"

I sat up next to her. "I went to look for places for my modeling studio."

I know Laila and I know she wouldn't tell anyone.

Her mouth dropped and she started clapping. "Oh my gosh. Do I have a job?" she asked.

I chuckled. "I would say yes but I know you don't want to work in no damn modeling studio."

"And you right." she said making me laugh.

I tried multiple times to get Laila into modeling but she don't really like the dressing up, hair, and makeup situation. So, she barely likes the spotlight. We're like the total opposite but it works for us.

Trinity Anne 2: The Girlfriend of Lil Babyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें