Chapter 1 - Arrival

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You sighed, silently praying for the clock to move faster. The day was dragging on and you had nothing to do. There were so many hybrids that needed help out there, why couldn't any of them come now?

"Y/N, would you come and clean the washing room? After all those new patients we just treated, there's pretty much filth everywhere." It was Jin, your coworker. He was one of the only people you could count on to keep you entertained throughout the day.

You sighed, nodding as you passed Jin on your way to the washroom.

He wasn't wrong. The washroom might as well have been involved in a hurricane. Dirt and patches of dried blood were everywhere, almost completely coating the floors and some of the walls. You grabbed a sponge, starting on a corner while slipping your headphones into your ears.

Your headphones had served more than one purpose. Due to the music that was blasting in your ears as you cleaned, you were unable to hear the commotion outside. You were also unaware of the door swinging open and slamming shut behind a crouched figure. You had no idea that anyone was in the room with you until you turned to get more soap for your sponge, and were met with a rumbling growl and bared teeth.

You froze, slowly lowering your hands to the ground, dropping the sponge in the process. You tugged the headphones out of your ears as an afterthought, hearing the full volume of the growl. You eyed the stranger up and down, taking in his ragged, malnourished appearance.

His matted hair seemed to be a dirty blonde, curling in slightly to mesh with his long eyelashes. You didn't miss the array of cuts and scratches across his face, marring his tanned skin. The moment you met his eyes, he growled deeper and louder so you dropped your gaze to his torn clothes. They seemed to have been incredibly expensive, high-end clothes at some point, but they were caked in mud and grime.

His growling was getting deeper and deeper the longer you surveyed him so you averted your eyes, sitting back on your butt. You held out a hand, ignoring the snarl that broke free from in between his cracked lips. 

"I'm not going to hurt you honey. This is a hybrid clinic, we help hybrids who need it. I think you might need some help, and if you let me get closer to you then I can do that. I can help you with those cuts on your face, patch them up. We can get you a nice warm bed, get you some soft, warm cookies, give you a bath to clean you up. But you have to let me get close." 

You kept your voice low, almost cooing at the hybrid. He seemed to be of the canine species, long tail kept pin-straight behind him. You fought the urge to smile as his growl lowered in intensity with each word you spoke. By the end of your speech, his tail was relaxed, swaying back and forth slowly, brushing against the dirty floor. 

You could tell he was hesitant, holding himself back from trusting you. Your hand was still outstretched, waiting for him to accept you. He met your eyes and you smiled, watching as he took that as his queue to come closer. He shuffled forwards and you noticed that his hands were curled in on themselves, as if to resemble paws. You stayed still, only moving after he had sniffed your hand, deeming you safe. You brought that hand up slowly, reaching behind his head to hover over one of his floppy brown ears.

You didn't miss the way that he flinched when you touched him, so you moved slowly, scratching his ear. He didn't smile, but his eyes closed and he leaned into your hand. He inched closer, tucking himself into you. His head was buried in your neck and you could feel him snuffling around, taking in your scent. You moved your other hand, bringing it up to scratch his other ear. He melted in your arms, flopping down onto your lap. You took in how dog-like he looked, his hands still curled into 'paws'. You saw a face pop up in the small window lodged in the door, and before you could do anything, the hybrid was back on all fours, snarling at the door.

Feral - Hybrid!Taehyung x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now