Chapter Sixty-Three - Announcement

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You awoke to the newly familiarized feeling of saliva on your mark, peering down at Taehyung who was lapping at the bite. His hair and ears brushed against your face and chin as you laid there, and finally you let out a soft giggle at the ticklish feeling. His ears perked up from their spot on his head and he met your eyes, his own lighting up at the sight of yours. You cooed, leaning forward and connecting your lips to his briefly, but pulling away because you both needed to brush your teeth. 

Taehyung followed you, lacing your fingers through his and picking up his pace so that he was pulling you along to the bathroom. He grabbed his toothbrush, squirting some toothpaste onto it before jamming it in his mouth and brushing as fast as he could. You took your own toothbrush, doing the same, but gentler. You wrapped your free arm around his waist, rubbing your thumb over his tummy in small, soothing circles.

Taehyung was more tired than you thought he was. His vigorous brushing ceased as you rubbed his tummy, giving way to slow tail wags and sleepy eyes. You let him finish brushing his teeth, gathering him up into a bear hug after you were done as well. He let most of his weight fall onto you, making you grunt slightly as you had to hold him up. You backed up out of the bathroom, urging him to move his feet as you walked back and collapsed onto the bed. In true canine fashion, Taehyung did not move, instead laying with his whole weight on you as if he weighed nothing. Your hand was pinned under his belly as he laid on you so you couldn't scratch it and he was very displeased.

"Well, I can't do anything if you're laying on my hand!"

He whimpered, rolling off and arching his back so that his tummy was pushed out. You laughed softly, reaching over and running a feather light touch over his skin that had his tail wagging at the speed of light behind him. There were some days when Taehyung felt more animal than human. You supposed today was one of those days, seeing as he hadn't spoken a word to you yet.

"Do you want some breakfast baby?"

He thought for a moment, brows furrowing before nodding, licking his lips. You got off the bed, offering him a hand as he did the same. You walked hand in hand to the kitchen, preparing to greet Hoseok or Jimin, but neither of them spoke up as you walked in. Instead, their eyes grew wide, noses twitching and then elbowed each other, trying to convey some secret message.

Taehyung was confused, so he sat down beside his two friends who stopped silently communicating the moment he sat down. His brows furrowed ever further, what was going on?

You came to the table with two steaming plates of freshly cooked pancakes and eggs, sausage and bacon thrown in as well. You heard little footsteps come down the stairs and you smiled as Jungkook and Joy came to sit with you. Jungkook's brows furrowed, and he leaned a little bit closer to you, nose scrunched.

"Y/N? You smell different, you smell... like Taehyung? Like, a lot like Taehyung, not your normal amount."

"Well, we did just spend a week together."

"But something is different."

You brushed him off, ignoring the not-so-subtle glances between Jimin and Hoseok before Yoongi, Jin, and Namjoon came in, each greeting everyone.

"Y/N, Taehyung, I'm glad you could make it! Are you uhm, feeling better Taehyung?"Namjoon choked slightly on his words but eyes Taehyung nevertheless.

"Yes, I'm feeling fine."

"Good." Was Namjoon's only reply, as he cut into his own pancakes.

"Yeah, Y/N, I smell it too. Jimin, Hoseok, do you smell it?" Joy's small voice rang out through the dining room and you cringed at the questions it brought.

"What do you mean Joy?" Her owner glanced at her in worry.

"Y/N smells a lot like Taehyung, more than she usually does."

"Well, he's been in h- Uh, sick, for a week, and she's been taking care of him, I'm sure that's it."

"No, this smell is different, it's what I used to smell on the older hybrids when they got married back at my old shelter! Y/N, are you and Taehyung married?"

"Joy, that's not polite, it's not your business." Namjoon scolded the kitten but Jungkook didn't give up.

"Yeah are you? That would be so cool, then I'll have a mommy and daddy that are married!"

"That's very sweet Jungkook, but no, I'm not married to Taehyung."

"But she will be." Everyone turned at the deep voice to gaze at Taehyung.

"I marked her. That's why she smells like me."

The adults all congratulated you two, but the two younger hybrids were confused.

"What does he mean mark?"

"It's something that you'll do when you're older, with someone you really love."

"Oh! Is that how babies are made?"

"No Jungkook!"

The bunny looked pouty at your scolding but his ears perked up nonetheless.

"Well I can still have a mommy and daddy, right? Even if you aren't married yet, I can still call you mommy and daddy?"

"Yes Jungkook, of course." You smiled at the bunny boy, running a hand through his hair and rubbing one of his floppy bunny ears. He shivered for a moment at the contact, making a noise similar to a cat's purr but for bunnies.

Taehyung took your hand under the table, leaving you with no hands left to eat your breakfast. You maneuvered your hand out of Jungkook's hair but couldn't tug it out of Taehyung's hand. If learning how to eat with one hand because Taehyung was holding the other was the only price to pay for your relationship, you were sold.

(Sort of a short chapter, sorry guys :(  )

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