Chapter Forty-Two - Moving In Part Two

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Yoongi's arms were aching, his muscles strained to where he thought they were going to snap. Hoseok was fighting against him, the chains that he had insisted on placing on himself about to snap in half. The growls and snarls that came from the husky hybrid indicated that he was far from human by now, too far gone in his animal headspace. Yoongi had managed to force pants on the man, but he vehemently refused all other clothing. It was when Yoongi heard the soft thumping of feet on the stairs that he knew it was over, Hoseok's head shot up and his pupils dilated as he inhaled. With a newfound burst of strength, he lunged for the door, slamming Yoongi against the wall and snapping the chains around his wrist from the wall. Yoongi landed on the wall opposite the door, somewhat gently as Hoseok wasn't completely feral. He still didn't want to hurt Yoongi. 

Hoseok ripped the door open, succeeding in tearing the top hinge off. It flew across the hallway, landing at your feet. You whipped your head up to stare at the hybrid in the doorway, your own hybrid letting out a menacing growl. Hoseok took this as a challenge, stalking over to Taehyung and circling him slowly. You reached out slowly, grasping Taehyung's hand in yours and pulling him back towards you. Hoseok snarled, trying to follow the threat and continue circling Taehyung but Yoongi was already in the doorway trying to figure out what to do. 

You stepped in front of Taehyung, turning your head and shooting him a sharp, 'No.' when he tried to scramble around you again. Hoseok's smirk was directed at you, eyes narrowing and teeth baring when you met his stare with one of your own. 

Taehyung was nearly choking on the smell of Hoseok's heat, instincts screaming at him to protect you. But he couldn't, your hand was still on his wrist, holding him behind you.

Yoongi crept forwards, reaching for Hoseok and placing himself beside his hybrid. Hoseok saw his chance, arm shooting out to grab your hand and yanking you into the now unguarded door. Both men in the hallway jumped into action, but they were too late, running into the door that Hoseok slammed in their faces. Taehyung instantly began ramming his shoulder against the door, only stopping when you slammed on the door three or four times with the palm of your hand. 

Yoongi realized that you were pinned up against the door, pulling Taehyung back and formulating a plan. Hoseok hovered over you, nosing at your forehead. He moved his way down to your cheek, nipping at your jaw and nudging it to the side, exposing your neck further. 

You were shaking, the unwanted advances from your friend making you incredibly uncomfortable. He had his nose buried in your neck, teeth grazing the point between your shoulder and your neck. You wriggled away from him when you felt his teeth, gripping the sides of his face with your hands. He snarled, pointed teeth bared as you held his face, claws extending from his fingertips and digging into your sides.

"Hoseok, please, please stop. You don't know what you're doing. You're with Yoongi, don't you remember Yoongi? He's outside, please let him in."

You saw his eyes flickering between shades, darkness giving way periodically to his natural rich brown. A whimper broke through the growls that were coming from his throat, a sign that he was breaking. You rested your forehead against him, slowly letting his face out of your grip as he calmed down.

"Hoseok, please open the door. You gotta stay with Yoongi while you're in heat, he's gonna take care of you, I can't do anything for you."

"But-But he said no more. He said he needed a break. Said it was too rough. But it hurts, Y/N, it hurts. Please, please just help me, it hurts so bad." Tears leaked out of the husky hybrids eyes, wetting your cheeks as his were pressed against yours. His eyes were back to their normal color, chocolate orbs overflowing with pain.

"I'm sorry Hoseok, I'm so sorry. I can't do anything, you know that. And I know you don't really want me to do anything. You just want relief. But this isn't the way to get it, it's not going to help. Only Yoongi can help, and I'm sure that he really wants to be inside here and help you, I know he doesn't want you to be in pain. Just be more gentle, I know it's hard but you don't want to hurt him, right?"

He shook his head, wiping at the tears on his face with his hands. You broke from his grasp, walking to the door and turning the handle, hearing the click of the lock as it slid undone. 

"I'm gonna let Yoongi back in, okay? Remember, just be more gentle, okay?"

"Okay, Y/N?"


" 'M sorry. I'm really sorry."

"It's okay, you couldn't help it and you didn't really do anything. I'm not mad."

You ducked out of the room, catching Taehyung as he jumped at you. He wrapped his arms around your neck and his legs around your waist as he dug his head into your neck, growling at the traces of the other hybrid's scent.

Yoongi shot to his feet, eyes blown wide with concern.

"Y/N! Close the door! What happened, how did you get out?!" You cut him off, holding a hand out.

"He pinned me to the door but that's all that happened. I talked him down out of his headspace and he was able to restrain himself. He just needs relief, he said it hurts really bad."

Yoongi nodded, taking the hand that you had held out and squeezing it.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry, I-"

"It's okay, really. He didn't do anything, and he couldn't help it. He apologized too, don't worry. But he wants to see you, he needs... help." You cleared your throat awkwardly at the insinuation and Yoongi blushed.

"Oh. Okay. Well, I'm gonna, um, go help him. Sorry again Y/N."

"It's fine, jsut go and help him."

Yoongi entered the room once again, leaving you and Taehyung alone in the hallway. He was rubbing his head in your neck, frantically trying to cover the scent of Hoseok's nearly mark on you. You carried him into your new bedroom, flopping down on the air mattress that was already set up and sighing as he stretched out on top of you. 

Feral - Hybrid!Taehyung x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt