Chapter Forty-Eight - Third Mistake

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Your third mistake was underestimating the brains of Taehyung's captors. You and Jin rode around the town for hours, stopping in large squares and shouting his name, searching through the alleyways and dead end streets. But there was no trace of your dog hybrid.

Each time you failed to find him your eyes overflowed with tears, and it became harder to stand. You eventually gave in and let Jin drive you to the police station. You pushed open the doors, running over to the reception desk. A black haired hybrid stared back at you, flashing his elongated, sharpened canines as he smiled.

"Hello ma'am, I'm Kihyun, how may I help you?"

"I'm Y/N, I.. My," Your tears were stinging at the back of your eyes again and you furiously wiped at them, trying to force words out.

"My dog hybrid, we were walking back from the park by our house and I let him and his friends run ahead, and then his friends came back and he was gone, they said someone had taken him. I don't know what to do, I need to find him, I can't just let him suffer somewhere, but we can't find him anywhere. Please, please help me. Please, I'll do anything." 

Your hands were clasped on top of the desk, in a silent prayer while you stared at the receptionist.

"Oh Miss, I'm so sorry! Of course we'll help you find him, what's his name?"

"Kim Taehyung. He's a golden retriever hybrid."

Kihyun typed Taehyung's full name into the computer, spinning the monitor around to face you.

"Is this him?"

There was a picture of Taehyung on the screen, you almost smiled when you remembered what the picture was from. You had taken it back at the shelter, the night he first came in, so that you could register him into the system. 

You set Taehyung down, smoothing his hair down flat to his head and untangling his floppy dog ears from his locks. He pressed his face into your tummy, nuzzling his nose into your shirt as you ran your hands through his hair. He was crouched on the chair that you had set him down on, sitting like a dog would with his hands flat to the chair's seat in between his feet that were in the same position. You tried to get him to smile, retreating behind the camera each time you were successful only to see his smile melt off when you stepped away from him.

You changed your strategy, scooting the camera closer and zooming as far out as the lens could go so that the shot would be the same. You reached a hand out, cupping his cheek and rubbing your thumb over his cheekbone. He closed his eyes, small smile creeping onto his face at the affection. You moved your hand from his cheek to his hair, being careful not to mess it up as you scratched behind his ear. His eyes were open now as he leaned his head into your hand and smiled, teeth showing. You pointed at the camera lens with your other hand, keeping your hand in his hair and quickly snapping a picture when he looked into the lens. 

The expression on his face was priceless, boxy smile on full display while his eyes became little crescents. Your hand in his hair looked a little strange in the official picture, but it would have looked stranger had he been pouting because you weren't touching him anymore. You sat on the floor, uploading his picture to the center's laptop. You heard a whine from in front of you, seeing Taehyung still stuck on the chair, unable to get down. You cooed, reaching out and lifting him off of the chair. You set him on the floor next to you but the moment he was set down he wiggled his way into your lap, nosing at your cheek and nuzzling his forehead against yours.

You laughed at how clingy he was, but it was adorable. The design of the laptop was undermined as he was taking up your entire lap, so you awkwardly cropped and uploaded it and a description of him while leaning to the side. The hybrid in question shifted in your lap, eventually ending up pushing you back onto the tile floor and laying sprawled out on top of you. He rubbed his head in your neck, wrapping himself around you, albeit awkwardly. You giggled at how clumsy he was, relaxing in his hold and rubbing his ears between your thumbs and forefingers.

"Yes. That's him. That's," You choked at the sweet memory, "That's Taehyung."

"Okay Miss, well, I'm going to send you to our chief of hybrid cases, his name is Chanyeol. He's just through this door, your friend can come too."

You were glad that you were going to give the case to Chanyeol, you trusted him. You took Jin's hand, dragging him with you behind Kihyun who led you to Chanyeol's office. He knocked, opening the door a few seconds later and showing you inside.


"Hi Chanyeol, how are you?" You tried to make your voice sound happy but you were anything but.

"I'm okay, but why are you here? Sorry, that sounded really rude! I just meant, it's usually not good when people come in here, what happened?"

"It's my hybrid, his name is Taehyung. He.. He got kidnapped."

"Oh no! I'm so sorry Y/N, come and sit down, and tell me everything, absolutely everything you can remember about what happened, I'm going to record you again, and then we'll make our case. Kihyun? Can you get someone to start a file on Taehyung? And I'll send them the tape afterwards and they can add that info?"

"Of course, I hope you find him Y/N, good luck."

"Thank you Kihyun, really, thank you so much."

He nodded, smiling widely at you as he excused himself from the room and closed the door behind you. You turned back to Chanyeol, seeing him start recording.

"Okay Y/N, tell me everything you remember about what happened to Taehyung."

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