Chapter Twenty-Seven - Surprise

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Yoongi nodded, "I don't want to tell Hoseok either. I don't think anyone wants to know that they're the reason they have to move homes and especially not hybrids. But let's look at places before we tell them, so that they don't stress too much."

"Okay, do you wanna go looking tomorrow, or today?"

"Today. Let's not waste any time."

You nodded, sighing. "I wish hybrids weren't treated so poorly."

"Don't we all."

"Let's come up with two or three viable options for houses, and we can let them help pick. I don't want them to feel left out or not have a say in where they live."

"I didn't even think about that, that's probably best. Well, before we leave, I gotta go get ready and tell Hoseok that I'm leaving. We should tell each of our hybrids the same thing so that they don't get suspicious."

You wracked your brain, trying to come up with something that would take a long time but that the hybrids weren't allowed to come to. 


"No, they'd ask to come."

"Grocery shopping?"

"Yoongi that takes like twenty minutes."

"Oh yeah.."

"How about we just tell them that we're planning a surprise for them. Then we don't have to lie and they can't ask questions." You proposed, knowing that it wouldn't go over well with Taehyung if he thought you were lying to him.

"That sounds like our best option. I'll go get ready and tell Hoseok, make sure you hide the letter."

"Okay, meet me back here in twenty minutes, and I will."

Yoongi walked down the steps and you shut the door behind him, sighing and running a hand through your hair. You walked up the stairs, seeing Jungkook in his bathroom brushing out his hair. You came in, pressing a kiss to the top of his head and resting your chin in between his bunny ears. You thought that you saw a slight red tint to his eyes but you waved it off, blaming it on the poor lighting in the bathroom. He smiled at you through the mirror, turning around to nuzzle his face into yours. You hummed, kissing his forehead before taking the brush out of his hand and finishing his work for him. You smoothed out the black strands, carefully avoiding his sensitive ears with the brush. He thanked you, hopping off of his little stepstool once you were done and scurrying away.

You made your way into your room, giggling at Taehyung who was back in bed underneath the blankets, back facing you. You tugged at his shoulder, turning him around and he groaned, eyes fluttering open. You straddled his waist, dipping your head down to hover over his face and bracing yourself with your hands on either side of his head.

"Didn't Jungkook tell you to get ready?"

"I got ready to sleep." He gave you a sleepy smile, proud that he could formulate the witty sentence so quickly.

You scoffed, rolling your eyes while smiling. You got off of him, ignoring his cries of protest when you got up.

"Wanna cuddle! Please?"

Your bottom lip stuck out slightly at his pleas, heart sinking in guilt.

"Baby, I can't right now. I have to get ready to go out with Yoongi, but I promise that after we get back we can cuddle!"

He sat up now, surveying you with furrowed brows and you noticed a slight redness to his eyes as well. What was going on?

"Go out? Go out where?"

"I can't tell you yet. We're um, planning a surprise for you guys, Yoongi and I. So we can't tell you where we're going, but I promise it's nothing bad and that I'll come back." You knew that by not telling Taehyung where you were going, in fact, telling him that you couldn't tell him, would worry him, but you didn't know what else to do. Your heart cracked at the whimper that came from his throat and you pulled him into a hug. You felt his tail wrap around your leg as he hugged you.  

Taehyung dwarfed you. He was taller than most, you supposed it was because he was a hybrid, but then again Jimin wasn't incredibly tall. But either way, his chin rested on your head and his shoulders were at the perfect height for you to rest your head on. You looked at the clock behind Taehyung, reluctantly pulling away from the hug to get ready. Taehyung followed, trailing you into the bathroom as you fixed your hair, not bothering to shower as you'd taken one the night before. You had to push him out while you got dressed, changing as quick as possible and pulling on your shoes.

You grabbed your bag and checked it, making sure that your phone, keys, and wallet were inside before heading to the door. Taehyung and Jungkook walked after you, stopping at the door as you passed through it.

"I'll be back in a little while, okay? If I'm fast enough I'll bring lunch, but if not, Taehyung knows how to make sandwiches. I'll call you when I'm on my way home and you can call me if you need anything or just want to talk to make sure I'm still there. Yoongi told Hoseok that he could come over here if he wanted to, so if someone knocks on the door or rings the doorbell, make sure that it's Hoseok. Look through the peephole and if you don't know the person, don't answer it. I'll be back soon, I love you!" Each hybrid nodded, saying 'I love you' back and waiting until you closed the door before turning to face each other with somber expressions. Taehyung went to sit on the couch, checking what time you had left at so that he could track how long you were gone for. Jungkook trotted over after him, climbing up onto the couch and kneeling next to him, a hand on his knee.

"TaeTae? Is she really gonna come back?"

"I.. I hope so."

A/N: This was supposed to be an actual plot chapter but then I got carried away with all the little dETAILS sorry y'all the next one for sure :')

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