Chapter Forty-Three - Scenting

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Your eyes were nearly closing, you were completely exhausted from the events of the day. Taehyung was restless above you however, shifting around and rubbing his head along your neck and shoulders. He nosed his way up your neck, pressing kisses to your soft skin every once in a while. He nipped at your jaw, soothing the sting of the bite with a few slow swipes of his tongue.

You hummed, shifting your head to angle further down and kiss his chin. His eyes were darker than normal, though not in the menacing way that Hoseok's were in his lust-driven frenzy. It just meant that he was a little more dog than human. You reached up, stroking the tip of his fluffy golden ear and rubbing it in between your thumb and forefinger. He whimpered happily, pressing his forehead against your cheek as you ran your other hand through his hair. 

You felt him lick your cheek, nuzzling his nose further into you with each swipe of his tongue. The whimper that he let out when he reached your neck didn't sound happy, and you gently cupped his face in your hands, bringing it up to be level with yours. His literal puppy dog eyes bore into yours, flooding your chest with warmth.

"What's wrong puppy?" You knew that he liked to be babied, so you used the nickname that always caused his tail to furiously wag in the air. He blushed, a light pink dusting his cheeks as he smiled. His clients had called him puppy before, but when it came from your mouth it didn't scare him like when it had come out of the desperate women who took advantage of him. It made him feel warm and fuzzy inside, and it made him feel like he wanted to be with you and love you forever and have you love him back for even longer.

"You smell like him. Want you... smell like me. Make you smell like me." His words were slurred as his dog side was in the front seat, he was struggling to find the right words. 

You cooed, kissing the tip of his nose and giggling at the frantic wagging of his tail that followed.

"I'm sorry baby, I know it's not fun when I smell like other hybrids. But nothing happened, I didn't let anything happen. I would never, I love you too much."

Between the nose kiss, the blissful feeling of your hands tangled in his hair and scratching his ears, and your declaration of his love, he lost control of himself. His tail was high in the air, wagging at the speed of light as he rolled off of you, curling up to your side and licking a stripe up your shoulder. You took a hand away from his head which made him whine, but you shushed him with a quick peck to his lips and then moved it to ghost your fingers over his stomach.

He reacted just like you thought he would, arching his back and pushing his tummy further into your hand. You laughed, the sound bringing warmth to him as you gave in, rubbing his tummy and scratching his ears with the other hand. He was nearly full dog now, but as he wasn't in heat, it wasn't dangerous. He was just slipping into more of an animal headspace.

The way that Taehyung had come into the shelter, he had been far into his animal headspace. Almost too far to ever go back. So it was only for limited periods of time that hybrids were supposed to slip in between human and animal, and there should be an equal amount of both. You felt guilty, you knew that with everything going on at your house, in your lives, that it was nearly impossible for him to let himself go. So you anticipated that he'd need to stay more animal than human for a little while. 

His nose was digging into your shoulder, inhaling the scent that radiated off of your skin. The fluffy golden ears stood straight, suddenly perking up as he propped himself up on his forearms. Your arm was still sandwiched between his stomach and the floor as he rolled over and steadied his gaze on the door. Your weak human ears didn't pick up on the sound of little feet thumping up the stairs until the person was right in front of the door, and you craned your neck to watch as the door cracked open.

"Y/N! Are you okay? I could smell how scared you were, what happened?" Jungkook's voice reached your ears and you smiled, noticing Joy hovering behind him in the doorway.

"Yes, I'm okay. Nothing happened, I just... I fell, and I... I thought I had opened my stitches! But I didn't, it's okay. Thank you for checking up on me you guys, that was very sweet of you." You fibbed quickly, the lie putting a relieved smile on the bunny boys face. Joy smiled bashfully behind Jungkook, tail curling and uncurling slowly behind her.

"Y/N, Jimin wants to go to the park, and Seokjin said that we could come with them if we wanted! Namjoon said Joy could go, can I? Please please please?"

"Sure! Go have fun, but please just be careful, stay close to Jin and Jimin, don't run off on your own." Jungkook barely waited for you to finish your sentence before he and Joy were down the stairs, already calling for the two elders to go to the park. You laughed, stretching as far as you could and nudging the door closed again with the tips of his fingers. You relaxed after, placing your hand back in Taehyung's hair as he laid his head on your chest. You noticed the pout on his lips, cocking your head to the side.

"Taehyungie? What's wrong?"

"Wanna go... park. But wanna cuddle too." He mumbled, eyebrows furrowed.

You hummed, thinking for a moment before speaking.

"How about we go to the park now with the others, and we can cuddle all night tonight?"

He smiled, getting up and hastily pulling on his shoes, waiting at the door for you to join him.

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