Chapter Eighty-Two - The Question

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Namjoon and Taehyung arrived home only ten minutes before you did, Taehyung almost didn't have time to slid the ring into the drawer in his bedside table before you were opening the garage door and ushering the kids into the house. At least he'd been able to save time because you'd had to unload Jungkook's little bike from the backseat of the car. Later you'd have to pick Jimin up from work, as he'd lent you his car to drive to the park.

You had a kitten in your arms, and Taehyung took note that your own cat that you'd gotten from the cat cafe was snoozing on the couch, so it must have been a new one. Namjoon was sitting at the table, eyebrow raising inquisitively as he regarded the cat in your arms. 

"Did you adopt another cat Y/N?"

"Umm, about that. It's yours." You gave him a sheepish smile, holding the kitten out in front of him.

"Y/N..." He gave you the look, glaring slightly at you as he crossed his arms rather than taking the kitty from your arms.

"Namjoon, she loved him so much! And he loves her, come on. 'S just a little kitten!" You gave him a smile, placing the kitten in his lap where he curled up, nudging his head into Namjoon's tummy and purring.

Namjoon cracked, a small smile sliding onto his face as he picked up the tiny kitten, cradling him close to his chest and pressing a kiss between his ears. Joy padded over to him, crawling gently on his lap and nuzzling her face into his chest, closing her eyes, clearly tired from the park.

You lead Jackson and Jungkook up the stairs, kissing Taehyung briefly on the lips as you passed him. He ran up the stairs after you, dashing into your bedroom and you heard the slam of a drawer before he reemerged, smiling coyly. You ignored the strange behavior, seeing that Yugyeom's door was shut. You figured that he was still sleeping, leading Jackson to your room instead. 

"Okay boys, you can both play with Jungkook's toys, Jungkook, please share nicely, and if you want, you can take them downstairs and play with Joy too. I'm sure she'd like that. In the meantime, please don't be too loud, Yugyeom and Jinyoung are probably asleep and the door is closed, so we have to leave them alone. Okay?"

Both boys nodded, ears flopping back and forth as they did. Your back was to the drawer so you didn't see Taehyung sliding the drawer open quietly, pushing the ring box into his back pocket. You let the boys grab toys and race out of the room, hopefully going to invite Joy to play with them. You flopped down on the bed, sighing as you relaxed from your eventful day. 

Taehyung kneeled below the bed, both knees on the ground as he poked your nose with his index finger. You peeked an eye open, squinting at him and giggling as he chuckled. You hummed, leaning forwards and kissing him. He kissed back, pulling away after a few seconds though, and taking a deep breath.

You frowned, "Taehyung, are you okay?"

He nodded vigorously, "Just nervous."

"Oh. About what?"

"Nothing, nothing. How was the park? And you got Namjoon and Joy a cat?"

You laughed, successfully distracted from the awkward situation as you told him about your day.

"Well, she looked really sad to be leaving him there, and he was so cheap. I just had to. And the park was good, chaotic though. Jackson made a huge sandcastle but then Jungkook accidentally smashed it when he jumped right into it off of the swing. Joy fell asleep on my lap actually, it was mostly just the boys playing."

He stared into your eyes as you rambled on, smile growing and growing on his face as you continued telling him about the park. He loved everything about you, the sparkle in your eyes, the way you spoke, the tone of your voice, the way your nose scrunched slightly as you talked, the way your hands toyed with each other along with your story, absolutely everything. He knew that he had made the right decision in choosing to marry you.

He slid off the bed in the middle of your story, landing on his knees again and resting his chin on the bed as he waited for you to finish. 

"-And then later I have to pick up Jimin because I used his car, do you wanna come?"

He nodded, taking your left hand and kissing the top of it. You noticed him squirming slightly, brows furrowing again.

"Taehyung, are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes. I'm more than okay. Y/N, can I ask you something? I have a story to tell too."

You nodded, waiting for him to speak.

"One night, only months ago, I was near death. I was running, running from my old owner, running from the sex ring, running from everything I'd ever known. I ran into a city park, tried to find shelter among the bushes but a troop of rangers grabbed me and restrained me. They put me in the back of a van, and they drove me to a shelter. They opened the doors and took off my restraints, but I was too quick for them. I ran, I ran into the shelter and into the first room that I saw. I also smelled a sweet scent from inside the room, which is probably why I focused on it most of all. I ran in and you were sitting there, headphones in your ears as you washed the room. I growled at you, I even scratched you, but you didn't care. You protected me, from everything that tried to hurt me there. You fed me, you bathed me, you gave me clean clothes and water. I thought you'd throw me out again, I thought my time was up, but it wasn't. You took me home, you accepted me into your family, we built our own little family with Jungkook. You helped teach me how to speak, you taught me how to be human, you taught me how to love. You taught me that I can be myself around people, that the people who love me for real won't judge me for what I can't help. You never pushed me, you let me back out of whatever I didn't feel comfortable with. I want to stay with you for the rest of my life. No one else could ever compare to you, no one else's love could ever compare to yours. I want you to stay with me, I want your love, I want you to have mine. I love you more than anything in this world, I really do. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I could never thank you enough. Y/N, I want to ask you a question now."

You nodded, tears streaming down your face and soaking into the pillow below your head.

He got up on one knee, pulling the ring box out from his pocket. 

"Y/N," He opened the box, revealing the beautiful sparkly ring, "Will you marry me?"

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