Chapter Twelve - Like a Daughter

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Namjoon had stayed for both lunch and dinner, Joy insisting that he stay and play with her some more. You meanwhile, were printing out adoption papers so that if Joy wanted to be adopted, she could go home with Namjoon at the end of the day. 

Joy was sat with Namjoon on the floor, one of your old Barbie dolls clutched in her hand. He had to improvise, a small teddy bear as his character in her fantasy world. He was graciously playing along, making her giggle every few seconds with whatever his bear was doing. 

Taehyung had joined you, head resting in your lap on the couch as you filled out the information about Joy before printing them. His face was pressed into your tummy, hands wrapped around your waist as he laid there. If you did not need both hands to type at that time, you'd run a hand through his hair, scratching lightly as his cute floppy ears. You laughed when his tail wagged, hitting the couch cushion. You could feel his lips press into your tummy every few minutes, expressing his gratitude for the pets.

It took you an hour to fill out your portion of the papers and you printed them out in your office. You came back into the living room, hiding the papers behind you as you sat on the floor. You made eye contact with Namjoon, nodding when he agreed that this was the time.


Her head turned to you, hair swishing around her shoulders. 

"Yes Y/N?"

"Namjoon wants to ask you something."

She turned to him, a little smile on her face.

"Joy, would you like me to adopt you? I promise that I wouldn't treat you like a pet, I'd treat you like a daughter. It seems like you're comfortable around me and I just thought that maybe you'd want to stay with me but it's completely your decisi-"

"Really?!" She had sprung to her feet, hands clenched in little fists as she bounced up and down on her feet.

"Yes, really."

"YES!" She leapt forwards, clasping her arms around Namjoon's neck and wrapping her legs around his torso. He sat there in shock before finally snapping out of it and hugging her back. A huge smile broke out on his face complete with little dimples on his cheeks. She curled her tail around his arm, turning and snuggling into his lap. He reached for the papers in your hand, signing them with a flourish and helping Joy write her own name. 

After she had signed, she laid back against his chest and closed her eyes. You giggled at how sleepy she was when all of a sudden, her eyes sprang open and she hopped out of Namjoon's lap.

"Y/N! Wait, now that I'm being adopted, does that mean I'm never gonna see you or Taehyung again?!"

You smiled warmly at the now panicked little girl. 

"No honey, Namjoon is my friend. He comes over a lot and sometimes I go over to his house, so we'll see each other still. 

"Oh good!" She relaxed, taking the big blanket off your couch and curling up in Namjoon's lap once more, making sure to drape the blanket over him as well. He cooed, scooping her up in his arms and standing, shifting to sit on the couch. You moved as well, sitting down next to Taehyung who was staring at a spot on the carpet somewhere. He looked worried, brow creased and biting his lip.


His head whipped towards you and he smiled, albeit forced.

"Are you okay?"

He nodded, adding, "Yes." as an after thought and you smiled at his newfound speaking abilities. You laced your fingers in his, grabbing the remote and switching on another movie. You drifted off, leaning your head on Taehyung's shoulder and not noticing the tear that slid down his cheek.


That night, Namjoon had gathered Joy's belongings, holding her hand as he lead her out to his car. You gave him the carseat that you still had in your car, helping him hook it into his car before waving goodbye and walking back into the house. Taehyung was not on the couch anymore and you had a brief flash of deja vu from when you couldn't find him a few days before. You shook your head, knowing that he couldn't have slipped out without you noticing, and started up the stairs to see if he was in your room.

You saw a lump under the duvet, shaking slightly and you heard light sobs. You rushed over, peeling the blanket back to find Taehyung, his cheeks streaked with tears.

"Taehyung, what's wrong? What happened?" 

He gazed up at you, leaning his head into the hand that you used to brush his hair from his eyes. You sat down, pulling his head into your lap and running your fingers through his hair to calm him down. He eventually sat up, eyes staring at the sheets rather than at you. 

You used a finger to lift his chin up, meeting his eyes with a concerned gaze.

"Honey, what's wrong?"

He opened his mouth, clearly struggling to find the right words.

"Y/N no adopt Taehyung. No love Taehyung?"

You cooed, leaning in to rest your forehead on his.

"Of course I love you Taehyung! I didn't wanna force you into something that you might not want later. Judging from the way you treat me, I'm the first person that's treated you nicely in a really long time. And I didn't want you to agree to an adoption just because I'm nice to you. I also don't like the idea of adoptions, because it makes you look like a pet, but I know that that's the only way you're legally allowed to stay with me here. If you really want me to adopt you, I'd love to make you happy."

He nodded, tears flowing down his cheeks. He wrapped you in a hug and kissed your nose, sticking his nose near your mouth for one in return. You complied, pecking his lips as well just to see the blush that coated his cheeks.

"We can sign the papers tomorrow, but for now Taehyung, let's just sleep. I love you."

It was his first time using pronouns instead of your names, but as the four words came out of his mouth, they made you so happy that you swore you could listen to them for the rest of your life.

"I love you too."

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