Chapter Thirty-Seven - Meeting

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(Okay so I'm warning you all now that I won't be able to post not this coming weekend, but next weekend, I'm going on a short vacation with my family.)

You smile at the officer, Chanyeol, and take a seat in the metal chair that he offers you. He folds his hands together on the desk, smiling at you and waiting for you to make the first move.

"The wolf hybrid, Xiumin, that you've recently detained? I'm the woman he attacked, but I'd like to give you more information on the case."

"Xiumin... Oh! Minseok! His birth name is Minseok but I think, from our records, that someone tried to change his name to Xiumin. But anyways, I'm going to record our meeting, just audio, is that okay? I need evidence if you tell me something that means we need to change our approach on the case."

You nodded, having already suspected that it was going to happen. Chanyeol took a small black box out of the drawer of his desk, pressing a red button on the side that made a light flicker on.

"Okay, so Miss...?"


"Miss Y/N, you said that you were the woman attacked by Minseok, the wolf hybrid?"

"Yes. I was part of the evacuation of an illegally managed shelter, and he was one of the hybrids there. My coworker, Suho and I, we started getting the hybrids together and helping them with whatever injuries they had sustained while in the shelter. Minseok came to me for help, saying that he had a bullet would in his leg that hurt him a lot. We figured out that the bullet was actually still in his leg, and I wasn't even sure how he was still alive. But I told him that we'd have to extract it, and he agreed. He wasn't enthusiastic or anything, but I wouldn't be either. I didn't have any numbing cream, and earlier in the day, when I was unchaining him and taking his muzzle off," the word was directed at the officer who's eyes widened a fraction in guilt, "I told him that if I hurt him, that he could hurt me back. It was the only way he'd let me near him. So, while extracting the bullet, the pain was too great, and he had to react somehow. It's completely my fault, and I take full responsibility for his actions. He's not dangerous, he doesn't deserve death. It was my fault, please officer, please let him go. He did nothing wrong."

Once Chanyeol was sure you were done, he clicked the machine off, taking the tape out and setting it in a file cabinet. He turned back to you, folding his hands on the desk once again.

"You told him that he could hurt you?"

"Yes. I knew he didn't trust humans so I made it clear that I was not going to hurt him, and that if I did, I wouldn't hold it against him if he did it back."

Chanyeol's hand rose to his head, slowly pulling off the police cap that had covered his head before. You let out a nearly audible gasp when you noticed the two black ears, just barely poking out from his hair.

"It means a lot. Most people just hurt hybrids and then hurt them more when they try to defend themselves. I'm a panther hybrid, and more people are afraid of wolves, but still, I'm a big cat. People judge me too."

"I'm sorry Chanyeol, hybrids don't deserve the hatred that they get. I'm sorry you've had to suffer through stuck up people and their opinions."

"Thank you Y/N. Now, back to Minseok. He was due for a trial in a few days, that was, if you were going to press charges. I doubt you are at this point, and as long as we get the tape cleared, you can take him home as soon as tonight."

"Thank you so so so much Chanyeol, really. Minseok doesn't deserve what he gets either, and I'm hellbent on changing his view of society. Am I allowed to sit with him while the process is going on?"

"You may sit in here with him. I trust you both in my office, I need to go and clear this anyways. I will get Minseok for you, just stay put."

You thanked Chanyeol, absentmindedly drumming your fingers on the desk while you sat in silence. It was five minutes before you heard the unmistakable sound of footsteps. Chanyeol opened the door once again, showing Minseok to the chair on your right before leaving.

"Do I have to stay here longer?"

"Hopefully just until tonight. They're trying to get the evidence cleared. But I'll wait with you until it happens."



"Can we... Can we hug again? But this time for real?"

You nodded, scooting your chair closer and embracing him once more. The skin on his face was once again irritated by the confines of the muzzle, discolored and bloody. Nevertheless, he burrowed his face into your neck, breathing in the scent straight from it's source, not like last time. His head was resting partly on your shoulder and partly on your chest, and with each sob and whimper that escaped from his lips, his head shook. He moved off of his chair, curling up in your lap in true canine fashion. He leaned against your chest, and, remembering Taehyung when you had first met him, he was light enough to carry. So you let him, just squeezing him tight as he cried.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry. I really am, you were just being nice and I... I hurt you. You didn't deserve that, you're too good of a person. I'm just so sorry that I attacked you."

"Minseok. Listen to me. I told you that if I hurt you, to hurt me back. I hurt you, you hurt me back. I'm glad you fought back, that means you're not as easily pushed around."



"Are you and that dog hybrid together? The one who joined us at the shelter?"

"Taehyung? Yeah, we are."

"Do you love him?"

"I do. I love him a lot."

"How do you know that you're in love with someone? I've never met someone like that that just is so obviously meant to be mine."

"It feels like a big part of you has been missing for years and years and the moment you lock eyes with them, it feels like everything is perfectly in place."

Feral - Hybrid!Taehyung x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu