Chapter Seventy-Six - Eavesdropping

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Jungkook woke with a start, whimpers coming from his mouth as he was curled into a ball. He realized that his arms and legs were wrapped around something and it took him a minute to figure it out, but it was Taehyung's arm. He wormed his way further up the bed, snuggling his head into the crook of Taehyung's neck. The dogboy shifted in his sleep, brows furrowing slightly as his unconscious mind registered the whimpers near his ear and the tears dripping onto his neck. His eyes fluttered open as he squinted in the darkness. His eyes adjusted quickly and he discovered the bunny boy nuzzling into him. 

"Jungkookie? Is that you?"

"Mhm," A soft whine was heard from the bunny as he refused to move his head from Taehyung's neck.

"What's wrong?"

"I had a bad dream."

"Oh." Was Taehyung's lackluster response, he'd never had to handle this before. He tentatively scooped up the bunny, keeping him tight to his chest as he maneuvered his way out of the bed over you. Once he was out without you waking, he flicked on the hallway light, closing your door behind him. He decided do do for Jungkook what you'd done for him. 

He carried Jungkook downstairs, walking to the kitchen and opening the freezer. Jungkook cried harder when Taehyung tried to set him down so he kept him tight to his chest as he took out the ice creams. He brought everything back to the couch, lowering himself onto one of the cushions.

"Jungkook, tell me what happened."

The bunny  raised his head from Taehyung's neck, tears staining his little chubby cheeks.

"I dreamed th-that you and Mommy and me were all on a vacation together, and then you and Mommy went to go swimming, and I stayed on the beach, bu-t then," He paused every few words to sniffle and sob, "But then I couldn't see you anymore, and you never came back for you! And then I didn't have a Mommy or a Daddy a-anymore, I was all alone again!"

"Mommy? And Daddy? What do you mean?"

"You and Y/N, you're my Mommy and Daddy, aren't you? I know Mommy isn't my real Mommy, but it still counts, right?"

Taehyung had absolutely no idea what to say. He wasn't sure when you had become Mommy, or when he had become Daddy, but he didn't actually mind it. 

"Jungkook, don't worry about that, we won't leave you. You won't be alone anymore, we'll always be together."

"But TaeTae?"


"You're gonna marry Mommy, aren't you?"

Taehyung's heart stopped in his chest as the bunny's innocent eyes stared into his.

"H-How did you know?"

"I heard you and Namjoon talking earlier. I was on the stairs listening."

"Jungkook! You shouldn't listen in on conversations, you weren't in the conversation! It's not your business, why would you listen?" His tone was harsher and louder than he wanted it to be, but it was about two-thirty and he was not prepared for this situation. Jungkook's eyes filled with tears again, his lower lip trembling as he slid off of Taehyung's lap. He ran back up the stairs, ears flopped back onto his head as he dashed into your room.

Taehyung was too slow to grab Jungkook before he could escape, instead having to, as quietly as possible, run up the stairs after him. The bunny made it up first, leaping onto the bed and burying himself under the covers. You awoke from the bed bouncing under you, eyes wide open as you sat bolt upright in your bed. 

You took note of a guilty looking Taehyung in the doorway, and noticed a shivering ball under the blankets. You held up a finger at Taehyung, signaling for him to give you a moment, and ducked your head under the blanket. You thanked Taehyung for flicking on the light as you now saw a sobbing Jungkook, and you gently pulled him into your chest.

"Oh bunny, what happened?"

"I h-had a bad d-dream, and then Daddy yelled at me, and now I'm sad again."

You peeked out of the blanket momentarily to half-heartedly glare at Taehyung. His ears drooped and he let out a whimper but you ignored it, going back under the covers.

"Why did he yell at you?"

"'Cause I heard him and Joonie talking yesterday, and I heard something that I don't think Daddy wanted me to hear, but I didn't mean to, I didn't mean to make him angry!"

You knew that Jungkook had quite a fear of loud noises, being a bunny hybrid and all, his ears were extra sensitive. But he especially didn't enjoy people yelling at him, he just wanted people to like him.

"Well, as much as I'm sure you're sorry for eavesdropping, you shouldn't have listened. You know better than that silly," You tickled his sides lightly to make him giggle, "And I'm sure that Taehyung is sorry for yelling at you too, I don't think he could ever yell at you in a mean way."

Taehyung didn't bother trying to hear what you were saying, he figured it'd be a little hypocritical of him. Instead, he trudged back downstairs, sadly putting away the ice cream and pulling a blanket out, curling up on the sofa.

He was sure you wouldn't want him in the bed anymore, at least not for tonight. He was scared that you'd abandon him all together, but the logical side of his brain said that you still loved him. His ears stayed flopped over onto his head as he laid there, trying not to cry.

He truly hadn't meant to yell at Jungkook, it was just that the fear, eating him alive that you would say no to his proposal made him extra on edge. The fact that even Jungkook knew about it posed numerous risks, two being that he might let it slip to you, or that if the proposal didn't work out, that the bunny would be disappointed.

But he couldn't fix anything now, the look you'd given him in the bedroom being enough for him to understand that he had made a mistake. So, in resignation, he stayed curled in on himself on the couch, tears soaking into the cushions.

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