Chapter Forty - Moving Out

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It was midway through breakfast when your doorbell rang, both hybrids' ears perking up at the sound. You slid off of your chair, padding over to the door and peeking behind the curtain. You were met with Jimin's smiling face and wagging tail. You swung the door open, catching Jimin as he threw himself at you for a hug. Jin smiled at you from behind Jimin, placing a hand on his hybrid's shoulder and guiding him into the apartment. You awkwardly waddled backwards per Seokjin's request, squeaking in surprise when you hit Taehyung's chest. He wrapped his arms around you and Jimin both, sandwiching you in the middle of a human/hybrid sandwich. You heard the thumping of little feet on the ground before Jungkook wiggled his way in between you and Taehyung. You squirmed in the hug, reaching down to lift Jungkook up and let him be a part of the hug. You felt his little foot thumping against your thigh and you reached out, grabbing the collar of Seokjin's shirt and yanking him forwards.

He laughed and joined your group hug, worming his way in between Jimin and Jungkook. You all stood there for a moment, before Jin broke away and Jimin followed, leaving you, Taehyung, and Jungkook. Jungkook shifted in your arms, reaching for the ground. You set him down, taking Taehyung's hand and leading him to the couch, joining the others who were already sat down. Jungkook was draped across both Jin and Jimin's lap, head resting on Jin's chest while his feet laid on Jimin's legs.

"Y/N, sorry we just barged in, but I just realized, the week that Mrs. Tucker gave us is up today. We're being evacuated by midnight. If you don't have the money quite yet, I can pay your end of the bargain, but we need to buy the house and move in. Yoongi's ready to pay, I called him earlier. So are you ready?"

"Yes, we just might need a little help packing up. But I think it might be doable by midnight."

"Why do we have to move?" You had forgotten that Jungkook didn't know about the letter, but you knew that the only reason that Taehyung had decided to leave the house was because he had read the letter. 

"The people that we bought this house from, and Yoongi and Jin bought theirs from, don't like hybrids. They think that they know everything and they said that we had to leave the house and find somewhere else to live. We found a new place to live, and guess what?"

"What?" Jungkook's eyes were round and wide with worry, but you smiled to reassure him.

"Jin and Jimin, and Yoongi and Hoseok are coming to live with us! We're all going to live in the same house!"

Jungkook barely had time to gasp in excitement before Jimin did as well, turning to Seokjin.

"Can I tell them! Please please please!"

"Yes, yes you can tell them."

"Guess what else?!" Jimin was practically vibrating with excitement.

"What?" Jungkook had turned to face Jimin, his head still resting on Seokjin's chest.

"Namjoon and Joy are coming to live with us too! We talked to them about it while you two were in the hospital!" Jimin gestured to you and Taehyung.

"That's awesome! And we're sure there's enough room for them?"

"Yeah, there's enough bedrooms, don't worry." Jin's reassurances lifted your spirits, now you would all be living together. 

"Alright, well if we want this done by midnight, we'd better start now." Everyone nodded at your statement, and Jin excused himself, saying that he had boxes in his car that you could use. You quickly got dressed, not bothering to shower when you'd just get all hot and sweaty anyways.

You raced back down the stairs to see Taehyung and Jimin already ready, Jin bringing in handfuls of collapsed boxes from his car. You ran back up to Jungkook's room, giggling quietly when you saw him flailing around, stuck in his sweater. You moved forwards, wrapping an arm around his waist to keep him steady and using the other hand to maneuver his arms and head through the appropriate holes in the garment.

When his head and bunny ears finally popped out of the red knit sweater, he hugged you quickly, grabbing your hand and pulling you down the stairs. Once you were all stationed in the living room, Jin finally came in through the door, holding the final handful of boxes. 

You each took three, starting in a different room. Taehyung and Jungkook worked together, packing up the bunny's room, while you worked alone on your room that you shared with Taehyung. Jin took the kitchen and dining room while Jimin worked on the living room. 

You folded all of the clothes, stacking them gently in one box, placing books, bedding, and small trinkets in another. The third you saved for the smallest parts of large furniture. the headboard of the bed per se, or maybe your lamp.

Once all three boxes were filled, you taped them shut, looking at the bare room. It was somewhat surreal, you were leaving the house after at least five years of living in it. You were going to miss the house, just not the people on the board. Your silent reverie was interrupted when a pair of arms slid around your waist and trapped you into a hug. You turned your head, cheek bumping against Taehyung's chest as he embraced you.



"Are you sad?"

"A little bit. I'm going to miss this house, but I'm excited to all live together."

He nodded, squeezing you tighter as you stood, staring at the near empty bedroom that you had once shared.

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