Chapter Fifty-Three - Family

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You ran to a different alleyway, about three blocks from the 'shelter'. You had texted Chanyeol to tell him that your appointment was over. He had said that he would pick you up, insisted that you needed to be as safe as possible. You'd rather be inconspicuous, but as the cop car pulled into the alleyway, backing you in, you were glad that he had went for safety. You had gotten a lot of stares from people on the street as they passed, all staring at your exposed thighs and cleavage. If Taehyung hadn't been with you, snarling and barking at everyone who tried to come onto you, you weren't sure what would have happened.

You were sat on the ground, wincing slightly as you stood up and your thighs stuck to the pavement with what you were pretty sure was a mixture of alcohol and stale urine. Chanyeol offered you a pack of wet wipes before you stepped into the car, and you gratefully accepted the package. You pulled one out, swiping it against the back of your thighs and the palms of your hands that had been contaminated when you had gotten up. Once you were cleaned, you tossed the wipe into the dumpster next to you. You slid into the car, setting your purse gently on the seat next to you before ushering Taehyung to get in as well. He happily obliged, hoping up into your lap and fitting himself against your body.

You laughed softly at the hybrid, "Don't you wanna shift back?"

The golden retriever shook his head from side to side once before huffing and rubbing himself against you gently. You thought about it more, realizing that the hybrids held captive there were most often kept naked, and both Taehyung and Yugyeom were naked when they had shifted. They'd be naked upon shifting back, and you did not want that in a police car, in front of an officer you've come to know.

"Oh..." You muttered quietly, a blush coating your cheeks as you looked down. Taehyung huffed again, moving to nuzzle his cold, wet nose against your own nose. The feeling was ticklish and you giggled softly, pressing a quick kiss to his nose. He brought his head up, licking your chin in response.

You heard a soft squeak from your side and you both turned to see a bunny, ears down at the sides of his head as he stared at you. You smiled apologetically, reaching out to pet the bunny. He leaned into your touch, running over with little padded steps and nuzzling his face into your leg.

You glanced up, catching Chanyeol's eye in the rearview mirror as he winked at you. You laughed, leaning forwards and resting a hand on his arm.

"Thank you so much for helping me Chanyeol. I can't even imagine what I would have done without you."

"Of course Y/N, I'd never let a hybrid case go unsolved and I'm just glad that you treat them right. Not many people do, but I'm sure you know that."

"I do, unfortunately. And Chanyeol?"


"I'm sure you knew already, but there's more hybrids there. I could only get two out, but, there's more. I can't just let them rot in there, be raped, I need to do something about it. I'm sure you guys can help, we have so much evidence, please, please help me do something about it."

"I have a confession to make Y/N. We tapped into your phone, we recorded everything you saw, we didn't want to tell you because you would have felt weird, but you did perfectly. I'm so sorry, please don't be upset." His sentence ended with a whine, his black ears flattening on his head as he looked at you from the front seat.

"I... I wish you would have told me, but I'm glad you got the evidence that you needed. Does that mean that we can free them sooner?"

His ears perked slightly, stiff posture relaxing as you didn't sound upset.

"Yeah, it does. Either later this week, or early next week. We just need to, well, technically interrogate you, but we're not gonna be mean or anything. We just need your story. And we'd like to get Taehyung's too, he's been there for so long, he's probably the best person to help us take them down. You can come with us when we actually free them, I'm sure you want to be the one to do it?"

You nodded, smiling at him and smiling even more when you realized that you were in a better part of town now. You recognized it as being around fifteen minutes from your home.

You refocused on Taehyung, running your fingers through his golden fur as his eyes slowly closed. Chanyeol pulled into your driveway a few moments later, opening the door for you as you stepped out of the car. Taehyung was asleep in your arms and you scooped him up, taking Yugyeom in your other hand as you stepped up to the door. You were going to poke the doorbell when the door was yanked open, Hoseok's face appearing above Jimin's who was above Jungkook, all three stacked and waiting at the door.

"Y/N! Taetae's back! You did it!"

"He's so cute!"

The dog in your arms sleepily stirred at the sound of their voices and nestled his face into your neck before he realized what was happening. He jolted in your arms, nearly making you drop his as you yelped and set him down. The three boys threw open the door, Jungkook being the first to embrace the dog hybrid in a bear hug. Taehyung knocked him over, licking at his cheeks as the bunny giggled. Jimin was next to hug Taehyung, their tails wagging in sync as happy whimpers came from both of them. Hoseok embraced you before Taehyung, tail wagging as he wrapping his arms around you. You hummed, kissing the side of his head before breaking away and scooping Jungkook up. He wriggled in your arms, burying his head in your neck while you tried to keep his ears from smacking you in the face.

Hoseok finally got to hug Taehyung, the husky hybrid cooing at the overexcited golden retriever tripping over himself out of excitement. You smiled, hugging Jungkook tighter as you watched part of your little family, cheeks beginning to hurt from smiling so much.

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