Chapter Fifty-Eight - Arrested

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You remained scrunched up in the kitchen, arms wrapped around your knees as head buried between your arms. You heard nothing besides the knocking and ringing of the doorbell but a hand was placed on your knee and you squeaked in shock, covering your mouth with one hand and cowering back.

"It's just me Y/N! What's going on, Jinnie called you and TaeTae and Kookie are in our room, who's at the door?" Jimin's soft voice reached your ears and you reached out, pulling him to the floor beside you. He yelped and you covered his mouth as well, reaching for your phone to call Seokjin.

He had already sent you a number of texts and as you read them, you figured out what had happened.

Y/N, Jimin ran out the door!

Make sure he's safe.

Is he with you?


You typed a quick 'yes' before shutting your phone off again, turning to Jimin.

"Taehyung's old owner is at the door, and we're not going to answer it. I know you're probably scared, but don't be, I called the police, the officer that helped us find Taehyung and he's on his way, he should be here really soon. Just stay completely quiet and don't move at all, Chanyeol's coming to arrest them."

His nervous whimpers broke your heart and you wrapped an arm around him, pulling him into your side.

"It's okay, I promise. Don't worry, everyone is safe and he can't get inside. We just have to wait for Chanyeol, and then he'll save us."

You were cut off by a loud banging on your door and you prayed that it was the police and not Taehyung's old owner. But as the bashing continued, you realized that the intention was to knock down your door. You pulled Jimin up, dashing for the stairs and dragging him behind you.

He quickly overpowered you in speed because of his animal traits and he scooped you up, running into the first room off of the stairs which happened to be the room that Joy and Jungkook sometimes shared. Joy was sitting up in her bed, clinging onto Namjoon who was running a hand through her hair and cradling her. Her tears stained his shirt and they both turned to stare at you as you and Jimin came bursting through the door.

"Namjoon, did Jin tell you what was going on?"

"Yeah," His voice was still rough and raspy from sleep, "He texted Yoongi too, he and Hoseok know."

You nodded, coming to sit on the bed that Joy and Namjoon were perched on. You reached up and rubbed one of her little kitten ears, doing the same for Jimin who perched himself on your lap. He curled up, flinching each time the door was smashed into, but all noise in the house stopped after a particularly large bang and a crash. You heard footsteps in the doorway of the house and whipped your phone out of your pocket. 

Chanyeol, they're inside!! Please, PLEASE tell me you're close!

Your fingers shook as you typed the message and Jimin lightly growled at the scent of other men in your house. You placed a hand over his mouth, shaking your head at him and texting everyone to keep the hybrids quiet.

The footsteps were on the stairs when you heard a car pull up, screeching to a halt somewhere outside of your house. There were more footsteps, rushed, before they ran into your house and you heard a, 'Police, freeze and put your hands up!'.

You nearly cried in relief, hearing thundering footsteps up the stairs and the clicking of what you assumed were handcuffs. You saw the doorknob on the room door turn and two black ears popped into view before Chanyeol's head was inside the room, peering around until he saw you.

He gave you as warm of a smile as possible, "Can I come inside?"

You nodded and he opened the door fully, stepping inside. Joy's head turned and she gasped, running over to the hybrid officer and hugging his leg.

He looked taken aback for a moment before his face lit up and he reached down, scooping the kitten up.



He stroked her ears as she laid her head on his shoulder, purrs coming from her chest.

"You two know each other?"

Chanyeol looked up, "I found her on the street a few years ago, maybe two or three? I got her sent to a shelter, a safe one, but when I came back the next day she was already adopted. I underestimated the demand for cute little hybrids. Did Y/N adopt you?" He turned back to the kitten in his arms, but found that she was fast asleep. He cooed, leaning his head onto hers.

"No, she was sent to him, Taehyung's old owner." You gestured to the door, not being able to see the man behind it in handcuffs.

"When the two men came to get Taehyung, the ones who's ID's I got a picture of, they had her with them. I asked for her and they resisted at first but then they realized who I was and handed her over. Then, my friend Namjoon adopted her. My friends and I, we all have hybrids, and we all live together here."

Chanyeol had nodded along with your story and turned to Namjoon once you were done.

"Thank you for taking care of her." 

Namjoon gave him a dimpled smile and nodded, reaching out to take the sleepy kitten from Chanyeol who handed her back. She curled into her owner's chest and sighed in her sleep, nudging her nose into his chest lightly. He smiled down at her, tracing a hand over her ears and only smiling wider when they twitched underneath his hand.

You stepped out, taking Jimin and Chanyeol with you and leaving Namjoon and Joy to sleep. Jimin clung to your side at the sight of all of the police officers crowded around the men in your living room and you pushed him towards his and Jin's shared room. He raced inside, crawling into Seokjin's lap and curling up. Everyone seemed pretty frazzled from the night's events, rightfully so, but you were just glad that no one had gotten hurt. 


"Yeah Y/N?"

"Thank you."

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