Chapter Ninety-Five - Understand

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Stg next chapter will be happy just this one had to be the big sad

Yeosang stood, tentatively sliding his hand into yours and trailing you up the stairs. He was still carrying Hongseok in his other hand and the puppy squirmed, excited to get out into the real world. Yeosang set him down on the pavement when they got out, letting him run to a group of other kids, they seemed to know each other well. They were probably in the same group, so you let Yanan go as well.

Yeosang hung back behind you, wary of the all of the eyes on him. You tugged him forwards, easing him into the back of the ambulance, checking to be sure he was really okay before you went back for more hybrids.

"I'll be okay Y/N. Thank you. So much." You saw his eyes grow misty and you cooed, squeezing his hand.

"Of course Yeosang. Tell me, how many friends do you have in there? I'll go and get them all, bring them here to you."

"Six more. You already got Hongjoong, and we're eight, so excluding me that's six."

You nodded, thanking him before making your way back to the cells. You had a vague idea of who was in his group, unlocking the lock of a cage that read Seonghwa. You waited to see if he would move, seeing that the hybrid was slumped over on his side, eyes closed and dried blood on his forehead from a nasty looking cut. When he showed no signs of movement you rushed in, shaking his shoulders lightly.

"Seonghwa? Seonghwa, come on, wake up. You gotta wake up Seonghwa." The hybrid, he looked like a jaguar, only slumped over further when you let go of his shoulders. You sighed worriedly, hauling him into your arms and rushing out to the ambulance.

"Someone help, he won't wake up! I don't know if he's even alive, please help!" You cried, following quickly after a doctor that took Seonghwa from you. Yeosang joined you right after, trying to climb into the ambulance himself. You caught his wrist before he could run after them, pulling him into a hug to make sure that he stayed put. He struggled in your hold, trying desperately to reach out and touch his friend but you gently pulled him away, herding him back down the stairs.

"No! I gotta make sure he's okay, what if he's dead? Y/N, stop, I need to go back-"

"Yeosang, stop. Seonghwa is gonna be fine, I promise you. I felt a pulse when I first picked him up, I think he just passed out. He'll be okay, I promise. Now, why don't you come and help me get the rest of your friends?"

"Yeosang! Yeosang, let me out!" It was a wolf hybrid, standing at the edge of his cage and reaching through to get to Yeosang. The tag on his cage read Mingi. 

You gave Yeosang one set of keys, making your way over to a different cage, the writing on it read San. He looked like a rabbit hybrid. He stood when you unlocked his cage, though he didn't approach you, instead staring anxiously at you from his place. You smiled, understanding his hesitation and leaving the door wide open, moving to the next cage, a bird hybrid named Jongho. He met you at the door, thanking you profusely and even hugging you. You smiled, squeezing him back and thanking him when he was able to get San out of his cage. 

Yeosang got to a hybrid named Yunho's cage next, unlocking it and hugging him as tightly as he could. The only one of Yeosang's friends you had left to evacuate was a hybrid that was currently, giving you a cold glare. You made your way over, slowing your pace when a fierce growl erupted from his chest. His cage read Wooyoung.

You slid the key in the lock, unlocking it and swinging the door open. You stood in the doorway, leaning against one of the bars and waited until he gave up on growling at you. He still regarded you with a scowl, teeth bared each time you tried coming closer. 

"You're Wooyoung?"

A growl was your only answer.

"Wooyoung, I'm Y/N. I'm here to help you, everyone else in your group is out now, don't you want to be too? Just come with me, I promise you can trust me."

Wooyoung snorted, "Your promises mean nothing. You're just like the rest of them."

Yeosang joined you at the door of the cage, "She's really not. She helped Hongjoong, and Seonghwa, they're both really seriously hurt. She gave them to an ambulance, she really isn't lying. Just come with me instead, if you really can't trust Y/N."

You backed away from the cage, letting the two have their time together. You backed right into someone, squealing slightly and turning to see Taehyung. He was breathing slightly quicker than he should have been, eyes wide. You frowned, quickly pulling him out of the room and back up the stairs. Once you were back on the street you pulled him into the back of the alley behind the ambulances, your hands on his shoulders to steady him.

"Taehyung, what's wrong?"

"I-It's.. I.. I can't, it's-"

"Taehyung, breathe." You hugged him, rubbing his back to calm him down. You heard him sniffle and pulled back, cupping his cheeks in your hands and wiping the few stray tears away that had fallen down his cheeks. He leaned into your touches, pushing his face as far into your hands as he could until his nose bumped against your own. You kissed the tip of his nose, then his cheeks, then his forehead, then his chin, until he finally calmed down, breathing normally once again.

"Okay, now, what's wrong?"

"Being here is awful. All I can think of is what they used to do to me here. I hate it, I can't be here anymore. Please Y/N, please can we go home? I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, it's all my fault but I just can't-"

"Taehyung, it's not your fault. It's theirs, they did that to you. You're not comfortable here and I understand that, we can leave. I just have to call some more people to come and take our place. How about we ask Jimin, Jin, and Yugyeom, then we can go to Yugyeom's house and watch the kids?"

Taehyung nodded, sniffling and pressing his forehead against yours. You smiled, kissing his nose one last time before calling Jin and Jimin, thanking them when the happily agreed. Next was Yugyeom, and you could hear the kids laughing in the background.

"Yugyeom, I need your help. The fake shelter that they held you guys at is getting raided, do you think you'd be comfortable to come back and help get everyone out? The employees are all arrested, it's just cops and newly freed hybrids that you'd be talking to and meeting. But if you're not comfortable with it, that's okay, I understand. We'd need to use your car, but Officer Chanyeol can take you home. But Taehyung and I would come and watch the kids, we've just barely started on the raid. Is that okay with you?"

"Of course! I'm so glad that that place is finally being taken care of, I wouldn't be able to go back if there wasn't the promise of helping the hybrids there. I'll drive over, and bring the kids with me, then you can take them back in my car, is that good?"

"Sounds great, thank you so much Chanyeol. I really appreciate your help."

You hung up, taking Taehyung's hand and sitting with him on the curb. He sighed, closing his eyes and leaning his head on your shoulder. You leaned your head on top of his, squeezing his hand in yours. 

"Thank you Y/N. Thank you for understanding."

"Of course baby, I'll always understand."

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