Chapter Eighty-Six - Hidden Hybrid

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This is chapter eighty-six for real this time

Also, I know I say this a lot but I've started an AO3 account, and I now have 2 stories on there, please please go and read them I'll cry if no one likes them


You drove behind the moving truck, following Yugyeom, Jackson, and Jinyoung to their new apartment so that you could help them unpack. Yoongi and Hoseok sat in the back of the car, having volunteered to help as well. Hoseok's head was resting on Yoongi's shoulder, tail thumping against the backseat as you drove. Taehyung helped you unload all of the boxes, handing them to Hoseok, Yoongi, and Yugyeom.

Jackson rushed to your side, trying to lift a box that was much too heavy for him. You handed him his own backpack instead, loaded with one pair of pajamas, one pair of day clothes, and a few stuffed animals and toys in case he got bored throughout the day. You weren't sure if you'd be able to finish the unpacking today and so you wanted the puppy to have backup clothes and nighttime things just in case.

Yugyeom had the keys to the apartment, quickly unlocking the door and letting Jackson in first as he was the most excited. He ran around the space, grinning and pointing out his favorite features. Jinyoung was snug in Yugyeom's arms, though looking around attentively at the inside  of their new home. 

Jackson hopped up onto a windowseat overlooking the park that you guys always went to, little hands pressed up against the glass and nose squished against it as well, breaths fogging up the window. Yugyeom sat beside him, letting Jinyoung stand in the same position that Jackson was in.

You began loading things into the bedroom while they took a moment to enjoy their new home, starting with the bed frame and lugging the mattress in next. You grabbed a tool kit that you'd thought to bring, starting on assembling the bed frame so that they'd all have somewhere to sleep.

Taehyung sat by your side, peering at the instructions and fiddling with the tools that you set down. You showed him how to use a screwdriver and a wrench as you went along with the instructions, teaching Jackson as well when he came sprinting in and asked to help.

You managed to get the entire bedframe set up, moving on to lifting the mattress on top of it and making the bed with a set of sheets that you'd bought for them. Jackson playfully sprawled out on top of the sheets, so you played along, pulling the comforter up and over him and tucking it in. He squealed, wriggling this way and that to try and free himself. Taehyung fake yawned, flopping down onto the bed and laying directly on top of the pitbull hybrid.

Jackson giggled, squirming around and finally freeing himself from the covers, crawling on top of Taehyung and tugging gently on his ears. Taehyung growled playfully, pretending to bite the puppy's fingers when they pulled at his ears. You leaned against the doorframe, smiling and watching as Taehyung had fun with the puppy. He was good with kids, you couldn't deny that.

Yugyeom set Jinyoung in a bouncer that he hung from the kitchen doorway as he began unpacking the living room, letting the baby jump up and down within the fabric seat. He heard a soft whimper from the kitchen and looked over, seeing Jinyoung still smiling up at him with a toothy grin. Knowing that the kitten couldn't have produced the sound he walked further into the kitchen, peering into cupboards and looking in the oven. He heard the sound again, coming from a crack between a wall and a cupboard, kneeling down and peering inside.

There was a puppy inside, shivering and well wedged between the wall and cupboard. He cried, little paws trying to pry him out and ears flat to his head. Yugyeom gasped, shouting your name and reaching a hand in to stroke over the animal's ears. The puppy leaned into Yugyeom's touch, nudging his little wet nose into his hand to get more pets. 

You came running out into the kitchen, panting slightly from exertion and saw Yugyeom on the ground, kneeling by one of the walls with his hand stuck into the wall. You thought for a moment that he'd simply gotten his hand stuck until he spoke.

"There's  a dog in there! It's stuck, we gotta get it out, come help me!"

Your eyes blew wide open and you nodded, quickly running back to your tool set and grabbing a crowbar. You ran back to the kitchen, using the tool to pry at the cupboard's wall, finally pulling hard enough to where the piece of wood broke in two, granting the animal inside access to the space inside the cupboard. Yugyeom pulled the puppy out, cradling him and setting him in his lap. 

A quick whooshing sound and suddenly the dog was not a dog anymore, instead a disheveled little boy with tears running down his face. He sniffled, clutching Yugyeom's shirt and burying his face into the fabric. You looked at Yugyeom, eyes wide and brows raised as the boy cried into the bunny hybrid's shirt. Yugyeom rubbed a hand over the matted ears on the hybrid's head, shushing him and rubbing his back with the other hand.

Finally the boy's cries had stopped, little whimpers here and there but nothing bad. Yugyeom shifted the boy in his lap, peering around to meet his eyes and smiling at him.

"Hi there, what's your name?"

A/N who do we think it's gonna be my loves

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