Chapter Twenty-Four - Sleepy

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You woke up to your ringtone blaring throughout your silent room, a few startled barks coming from Jimin and Taehyung. You groaned, tapping the, 'accept' button on the phone and raising it to your ear.


"Y/N? Is Jimin there?! I told him to get home by three, it's five. I'm really worried, would you help me look for him?" Seokjin's worried voice sounded through the phone.

"Oh, yeah, he's here. It's not his fault, we fell asleep. I'll drive him over to your place really quick. We'll see you soon."

"Okay, thanks Y/N."

You ended the call, tossing your phone on the bed and shaking Jimin awake. He had fallen back asleep after the call had woken him up and you had to practically throw him across the room before his eyes squinted open and he glared at you.

"Jin wants you back now, he said he wanted you back by three but now it's five. He doesn't seem mad though, I explained the situation. We'll give you a ride back, okay?"

Jimin shifted back, sleeping nodding. You wondered why he wasn't naked, having expected so after he hadn't had clothes on as a dog. But you supposed that it was the same force that allowed them to shift in the first place so you kept quiet.

Taehyung's head was still resting against your chest and you ran your fingers through the golden fur between his ears. You scratched at the base of one ear and his eyes fluttered open, yawning widely. 

"We're gonna take Jimin back to Seokjin's house, okay?" You turned to Jimin, almost cooing as he was rubbing his eyes with his fists. 

"Jimin, does Taehyung need to be taught to shift back or is it the same process just backwards?"

"It's the same process just backwards. He just needs to visualize himself in his human form and he'll be fine."

You nodded, turning back to Taehyung who's head was once again resting on your chest and who's eyes were nearly closed.

"Taehyung, honey, you gotta get up. Can you shift back please? We have to leave for Seokjin's house now." 

He didn't even move from your lap before shifting back, taking a minute or two to get the hang of it. The air left your lungs as he changed back, body landing right on top of yours. He turned over, now facing you as he laid on you, closing his eyes once again.

"No no no, you need to get up! Come on, get up." You patted his cheeks, thanking him when he reluctantly sat up and let you get up. You gave him a blanket off of the bed, leading both boys to the car and strapping yourself in. Taehyung was already half asleep wrapped in his blanket so you strapped him in too, pressing a kiss to his nose. A soft little smile made it's way onto his face at your touch. 

"Y/N?" You had nearly forgotten about the boy in the backseat until he spoke up.

"Yes Jimin?"

"Did Jin sound worried?"

"At first, but I explained that you were safe."

A pout took over Jimin's face as he sighed.

"Didn't mean to worry him. Should have told you that he wanted me back at three."

"It's okay Jimin, he didn't sound upset. Just next time remember your time limit." He nodded from the backseat and you pulled out of the driveway.

Your house was barely five minutes away from Seokjin's and you got there to find Jin standing on the porch. He rushed towards your car as you pulled up, hardly waiting for Jimin to open the door before he was pulling him out of the car and into his arms.

"Jesus Jimin, you scared me! I thought you had gotten lost or hurt on your way back or you hadn't even made it to Y/N's, anything could have happened to you!"

"'M really sorry Jin, we just fell asleep and I didn't think about the curfew, I won't do it again, I swear!"

Jin snorted, letting Jimin out of his hold.

"I don't believe that but it's okay because I love you." 

Jimin's little tail wagged behind him and you giggled from the front seat of the car.

"Thanks for driving him over Y/N, sorry you had to."

"Jin, it took me like two minutes. Don't worry about it. And thank you Jimin for teaching Taehyung how to shift, if he were awake right now I'm sure he'd thank you too."

Jimin laughed at that, seeing Taehyung fast asleep in his seat next to you.

"I liked it, now I have someone to play with!"

You bade your goodbyes to the pair, driving back home for the second time that day with Taehyung asleep in the passengers seat.

You carried him out of the car, smiling when his head slumped against your shoulder and his nose nuzzled it's way into your neck. You felt him inhale, the feeling ticklish against your neck. You watched as he raised his head, finally somewhat awake. 

It was in that moment when you truly realized how beautiful he was. His half closed, droopy eyes were still just as alive as when he was laughing or talking. His messy blonde hair flopped into his eyes and meshed with his eyelashes. His cheeks, which were much fuller than the day you'd first met him, puffed up slightly as he pouted about being awake. His bottom lip stuck out, overlapping the top one. His beautiful eyes, the deep, rich brown that they were, slowly opened more and more until they were fully open, golden specks weaving in between the brown. The pout coupled with the puppy eyes he was now giving you almost made you cry, he was just so amazing, and he'd had such a hard life. You were so glad that he'd been given a second chance, that he'd stumbled into an area that your shelter covered.

You hugged him there, standing in the middle of the hallway, and swore to whatever higher power there was that you would give him the best that life could offer, it was what he deserved.

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