Chapter Seventy-Three - Revelations

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Taehyung seemed to put everything together two seconds after you did. A barely audible gasp was heard before the thump of his tail against the floor. You narrowed your eyes at Junmyeon, staring into his eyes as he defiantly did the same back. You only broke the staring contest when a face peeked over Junmyeon's shoulder. You now looked into Minseok's eyes, watching his sheepish grin and slowly wagging tail behind him. 

"Y/N, Junmyeon and I are dating. We're mates." He rested his head on Junmyeon's shoulder, cheek squished against the soft fabric of his shirt. Your head was still somewhat spinning, but you were able to realize that one thing wasn't right.

"Wait wait wait, Taehyung, you said Minseok's mate was a cat. That doesn't make sense, Junmyeon wouldn't be able to work here if he was a hybrid, hybrid's can't get jobs."

Both Minseok and Junmyeon looked confused that you had been speaking about it behind their backs, but Junmyeon's cheeks heated up at the end of your sentence.

"Actually..." He lifted a hand to his hair, forcefully tugging the strands apart until you were able to see two bums, flicking slightly in the cold air now that they were exposed.

"I'm a scottish fold hybrid, we're known for our really small ears. I got a job here as Suho, not as Junmyeon. Junmyeon is a registered, hybrid, but Suho, Suho can be whoever he wants to be. But I understand, you know, if you want to fire me. I shouldn't have lied to you all. Just please don't tell anyone about me. I was going to buy a house, with Minseok. I was going to make it look as though I had legal rights over him, and we were gonna live together. I was just using the shelter as my temporary home until I had enough money." He refused to meet your eyes, staring intently at the floor as his hands wrung together. Minseok whined from behind him, pressing himself against his mate to try and comfort him. 

He peered up at you with tear filled eyes, "Y/N, please don't say anything, I wanted to be with him so badly, please."

"No no no, I would never! Your secret is safe with me, I swear. I should have seen it coming honestly, you came over to my house bright and early this morning to discuss illegally registering Yugyeom as a citizen, I don't know why I didn't see if before." You trailed off at the end, trying to infuse humor into your tone as the mood in the room had dropped to an all-time low.

"Mister Suho? Why are you sad?" It was Mingyu, another one of Seokmin and Soonyoung's friends. He was a chocolate lab hybrid, large ears flapped down on his head. His little hands were clasped around Minseok's shirt hem as he tugged on it.

"No reason Mingyu, I'm happy now. Thank you." Junmyeon's response was slightly muffled as he raised a hand to his mouth, covering it in an attempt to stop his sobs. Mingyu hugged one of the elder's legs, his head reaching to waist level as he was tall for his age. It was a few seconds later when he noticed you in the corner of the room, eyes lighting up and ears perking on his head.

"Y/N! I missed you so much!" Junmyeon gently nudged Mingyu in your direction, letting him know that it was okay for him to leave and the child catapulted towards you, nearly knocking you over in his excitement. You grunted, squeezing the child in your arms nevertheless and ruffled his hair, paying special attention to the ears perched on his head. You turned to Seokmin, about to announce that the three of them should go and get the rest of their friends, that you wanted to see them all, but found that both Seokmin and Doyoung were fast asleep, both curled into each other. You stood, keeping a hand tangled in Mingyu's hair but grasping Taehyung's hand in your other one. You gestured to Doyoung and Seokmin, taking the child from the leopard's arms and cradling him to your chest.

He stirred slightly, eyes opening blearily as his head lifted off of your chest. You shushed him, stroking his head as you pushed his head back onto your shoulder. Taehyung and Minseok helped move Doyoung, gently lifting him into the comfy bed that lay waiting in the corner. He was tucked in but his arms were still reaching for something, the space where Seokmin used to be. You debated it for a moment, deciding that Seokmin would transfer fine, and gently laid him in the bed beside Doyoung.

The two instantly moved to each other, clinging onto each other as though their lives depended on it. The shelter had a program where each exotic, new, or just plain stubborn hybrid was paired with a domestic one. Age didn't matter in the system, just that the outcasted hybrid had a friend to turn to. Dog hybrids were the most friendly by nature, so it was mostly the dog hybrids that were assigned to the patients. You'd make sure that Seokmin was assigned as Doyoung's partner, as a partner's job was to help integrate the outcasted hybrid into the shelter community. Partners often formed a lifelong bond, usually becoming the best of friends. You supposed that after such a rough environment, the fighting ring, Doyoung could do with a little childish innocence and playtime. 

You stared down at the two, feeling content that Doyoung would be thoroughly introduced to the rest of the shelter when you felt Taehyung's arms wrap around your waist from behind. You felt his slightly cold nose nuzzle into your neck, gently pressing against what you knew was the mostly healed mark on your marking point. The newly familiar warm feeling spread through your body, blooming in your chest and forcing a smile to break out onto your face. You were nowhere near new to the community of hybrids, but this, what it was like to be with one, was something you never thought you'd experience. It was unexpected, but it was amazing.

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