Chapter Four - Bath

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You took Taehyung into the staff kitchen, a private one free from the prying eyes of other hybrids. You prepared a sandwich for Taehyung, feeding him a few slices of lunchmeat while you were making it. The way he ate was even animalistic, keeping his hands down on the floor as he ate the meat right out of your hand. He made sure to only touch the meat with his teeth, whining in apology when he accidentally bit one of your fingers. Once the sandwich was done, you debated whether or not to teach him how to sit at a table. But, when he began whining in hunger, rubbing his head against your thigh from his position at your feet, you gave in and sat on the floor next to him. His tail began wagging as you pushed the plate towards him and he looked up at you.

He hesitated, seemingly asking for permission before eating.

"You can eat love, it's for you."

 His tail was thumping against the ground now as he dove down, scarfing down the sandwich. He braced himself with his hands, head buried in the meal. Your heart sank as you watched, seeing him lick the remnants of the food off of the plate. He came towards you, climbing right into your lap and tucking himself against you.

Your hands came up to scratch him behind the ears, running through his hair as well. He whimpered happily, tail hitting your leg as it whipped back and forth. his face was burrowed into your neck and you laughed, feeling the ticklish sensation of his nose snuffling your skin.

"I think we need to get you a bath honey." You cooed, feeling how caked his hair was with grime as you ran your fingers through it. You stood, leading Taehyung over to the door and walking across the hall to the washroom. 

It was just how you had left it, dirt and mud coating most everywhere but the back corner where you had been scrubbing. You ushered him into one of the tile squares on the floor, pointing to the showerhead that hung above him.

"I'm gonna turn this on, it's gonna make a noise and water is gonna come out, okay?"

You were once again met with a trusting gaze, knowing that he probably did not understand what you had warned him of. You detached the shower head from the wall, turning on the spout and aiming it at your hand. Cold water drenched your hand and you saw only a flash of the hybrid before he was at your feet, lapping up as much of the water as possible.

"Oh honey, you must be so thirsty, I'm sorry, I should have gotten you water too. Let me go get you some."

You shut off the tap, frowning at the whine of pretest that came from him. You ruffled his hair and stood, walking towards the door. He scrambled after you, stopping only when you did at the door.

You figured he must have a fair amount of separation anxiety, and you decided to test out the waters then.

"No no, you stay here. I'll be right back, but you stay here."

He whined when you walked out of the door, lightly pushing him back inside when he tried to follow. You could hear his cries from inside the kitchen and you got his water fast, rushing back to the washroom.

You pushed open the door and felt a weight on the other side which soon moved, allowing you to open the door. 

Taehyung sat at the door, tail wagging furiously at your return and you realized that he had been leaning on the door. You saddened at this, leading him back over to the shower stall.

You sat on the ground once more and placed the glass in front of him, watching as he lapped up some of the fresh water inside.

Once he was finished you turned on the tap again and got the water to the right temperature. You slowly brought the nozzle up to his hand, letting him feel it before you bathed him in it. He didn't flinch, which you took to mean that the water was at a good temperature. You positioned the nozzle at his head, tipping it back so that water would not run into his eyes. He whined slightly at the feeling but you shushed him, running a hand through his now wet hair.

You lathered in shampoo and took extra care around his ears, noticing that blood was draining through the shower from a cut on his ear. You cleaned it out with the water, massaging more shampoo into his scalp and laughing when his tail began wagging at the feeling. You spent at least ten minutes running your fingers through his hair and scratching his ears, lathering shampoo in at the same time. You washed it out with no protest from Taehyung and once you had rubbed conditioner in and washed it out, you deemed his head done. 

His clothes were covered in dried patches of blood, some seeming fresher than others and as you ran the nozzle over his body, the resulting water running off was tinted brown. Dirt flowed off of him and you washed the areas that weren't cut or bruised.

You had long since become accustomed to the ritual of bathing people that you didn't know very well, so nudity wasn't extremely shocking for you anymore. You stripped Taehyung of his soaked clothes, wrapping him in a big fluffy yellow towel. He was all bundled up in your arms, only his head peaking out over the soft material.

You got a smaller towel and began drying his hair, rubbing his ears while you were at it. Once he was dry, you slipped him into a pair of shelter clothes, white shirt, white pants, white socks. He seemed to be okay with the material, not protesting when it was slid over him. 

He resumed his position on all fours at your feet, following you as you walked towards the door, You tossed the towel in the laundry bin and walked down the hallway, beckoning him closer. It was time to take him home.

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