Chapter Eighty-Four - Planning

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Planning a wedding was the hardest thing you'd ever been asked to do. At first, Taehyung had insisted that he'd do all the work, that all you had to do was show up. Then he realized that it was definitely a job for the both of you, as your opinion mattered too. He wanted to tag along dress shopping, but it was only the week after he'd asked you, so you had to calm him down.

"Babe, we don't even have a date set for the wedding! I need my dress like a week before, so that it fits as well as possible on the wedding day. I promise you'll get to see it eventually, but you can't come shopping with me. You can't see the dress before the day." 

Taehyung had only nodded sadly, asking if you could taste wedding cakes to cheer him up. You laughed, petting his ears and agreeing. The bakery that you'd decided to use was a largely known one on the corner of your street. They had done many professional wedding cakes in the past, and you wanted to see their entire list of flavors. 

Their staff had greeted you, offering you almost twenty little plates of cake and explaining each one. Taehyung's tail wagged excitedly, his hands almost shaking in his eagerness as he fed you bites of cake. He accidentally smeared frosting on the side of your mouth but gladly kissed it away, bringing a violent blush to your face. You finally decided on a chocolate cake, one not too strong so that it wouldn't upset Taehyung's stomach, with vanilla frosting, three tiers with flowers along the sides. 

You finally decided on your wedding date being December 24th, a christmas wedding, and also, you remembered, close to Taehyung's birthday. (Sorry if you don't celebrate christmas then it's just in celebration of Tae's birthday.)

Taehyung grumbled about it being too far away but you reminded him that he'd get triple the gifts, for his birthday, the wedding, and christmas. He agreed quickly after your point was made. 

When you got home after tasting the wedding cakes, Jungkook ran up to you, holding his hands up for you to carry him. 

"Mommy! Daddy! You're home! Did you get married yet?"

You laughed, kissing his little bunny ears.

"No silly, we haven't gotten married yet. You're gonna be there when we do, everyone's gonna be there. You're gonna bring us our rings, and Joy can be the flower girl! Does that sound like fun?"

The bunny in your arms nodded, resting his head on your chest, "I'm tired. I played with Jackson and Joy a lot today, I'm so sleepy."

"Mm, well, did you guys stay out of Yugyeom's way? You know he's trying to pack for their move."

Jungkook nodded, "We were good!"

Yugyeom was currently getting everything packed and ready for their move, having found an apartment only a few minutes walk from your house. They allowed hybrids as residents, but Yugyeom still had to hide his identity as hybrids couldn't own land. Jackson was sad that he wouldn't see Jungkook and Joy daily, really everyone, but mostly the friends his age, but Yugyeom assured him that they'd visit often. 

You were on babysitting duty as Yugyeom packed everything, having accumulated many many toys and clothes for their little family while living with you. Jinyoung was curled up in your lap, snoozing against your chest as you laid with your back against Taehyung's chest. You sat in between his legs, eyes gazing lazily at the tv as it played in the background. You stroked Jinyoung's little kitty ears, cooing at how his cheeks were squished against your chest. You cupped his little cheeks, kissing his baby nose and kitten ears. He didn't wake, only humming softly, a purr rumbling in his chest.

Taehyung leaned over your shoulder, kissing Jinyoung's forehead and then your cheek.

"This is why I want a baby so bad. They'd be so cute, little puppy, but they'd look like the perfect mix of us. Your eyes, your little button nose," He scrunched his nose in fake thought, "Maybe my hair though."

You gasped playfully, a hand coming up to rest over the part of your chest that Jinyoung was not occupying.

"Well, if you hate my hair so much, I won't let you brush it tomorrow morning."


You shushed Taehyung, his cry having aroused Jinyoung from his nap. The little boy rubbed his eyes sleepily, chubby little fists slowly unfurling as he relaxed once more. Taehyung released a breath as the kitten fell back to sleep, apologizing.

"Sorry baby. I didn't mean to wake him up. But I'm definitely doing your hair tomorrow, I keep telling you, I gotta groom you. It's what mates do."

You did know this, Taehyung having insisted on 'grooming' you every morning since you'd been marked. It was a hybrid thing, you didn't want to interfere. 

"Okay well, I'm sure our baby is gonna be adorable. Maybe even cuter than him." You gestured to Jinyoung, pinching his chubby cheek gently. 

"I can't wait. I can't wait to start a life with you, to have a family with you. We already have a little family and it's the best thing that's ever happened to me. I love you Y/N."

"I love you too Taehyung."

This was the most awful chapter I'm so sorry I just had to add a filler before plot stuff happens please don't kill me :')

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