Chapter Thirteen - Yours

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You were woken up bright and early the next morning by a very hyper hybrid. He dug his face into your neck, licking excitedly and making his way up to your face. He kissed you, happy little whimpers coming out of his mouth when your eyes fluttered open. You peered at him in the still darkness of the room, giving him a small smile before glancing at the clock on the bedside table.


"Taehyung we're going back to sleep now."

He whined, flopping his head on your chest.


His quite literal puppy dog eyes bore into your soul and you sighed, reaching a hand up to stroke his ears.

"It's too early baby, when the clock says '8:00', then we can get up. But it's too early right now, it's time for sleep. Just lay back down, I'll set an alarm for eight so that we're not late."

He whined but complied, flopping over to lay on your side and pull you towards him. You closed your eyes, drifting off to the sound of him snuffling his nose into your hair.

The blaring alarm woke you up, eliciting a groan as you stretched. Taehyung was already up, tail wagging at light speed. You giggled, scratching behind his ears and shrieking as he flopped into your lap, tongue just barely peeking out from between his lips. Once he was satisfied with your affection, he popped back up, leaping out of bed and sliding on his favorite outfit. His brown sweater, the one he'd taken with him on his little adventure, and a pair of ripped jeans. He had a belt on too, having been fascinated with them when he first saw one. Their resemblance to the heavy leather collars that he had been forced into, right down to the buckle on the front. The only difference besides the placement was that they didn't hurt.

He thought about you adopting him, elation filling him until he realized that he had to have a collar again. He wished so badly that he didn't have to be harnessed like an animal, but the laws were that if a hybrid is out on the streets and doesn't have a collar, they're to be sent to the pound. He just hoped that you'd chose one of the soft ones, ones that don't choke him or shock him when he misbehaves. 

Taehyung snaps out of his trance to find you dressed, pulling on shoes. He can't help it, the movement instinctual as he lunges for your feet, face level with your newly put-on shoes. He's crouched down and his tail is wagging, and you almost can't help your laughter at his resemblance to an excited puppy offered a walk. You ruffled his hair, helping him tie his shoes when he tries and fails thrice. You can see the sadness on his face as you knot the laces together so for the second shoe, you take his hands, guiding him through the motions. 

He smiles once more, licking your cheek as a thank you. You smile knowing that he's not only becoming more comfortable around you with his human side, but also his puppy side. You grab his hand, lacing your fingers together and leading him out the door.

The adoption center was a yellow colored building, the paint chipped slightly in a few places. The workers there greeted you as a friend, knowing you from the shelter. Taehyung bounded along beside you, practically skipping through the place. You went to the counter, asking for blank papers and filling them out. Taehyung stood behind you, head resting on your shoulder.

The worker there, a sweet corgi hybrid named Jimin, looked up, quirking an eyebrow at you.

"Why didn't you just do this at home? I know you have to ability to, you have the authority."

You gazed back at Taehyung, watching his tail wag behind him.

"I wanted to make it more special for him. He's really excited. I figured that this would be a bit more special."

Jimin nodded, peeking over your shoulder to see the dog hybrid.

You weren't a hybrid by any means, but you could practically feel the excitement radiating off of Jimin, the thought of a new friend ever present on his mind. You were very close to Jimin seeing as he was Seokjin's hybrid. Jin would come over a few nights a week with Jimin and you'd have movie nights. You knew that Jimin was a kind and friendly person, and the amount of times he'd wanted to befriend someone only to have them turn him down in disgust broke your heart. 

But you knew Taehyung was sweet too, and you reached back, taking his hand and pulling it in front of you.

"Taehyung, remember how I taught you to shake hands? Can you shake Jimin's hand? I think he wants to meet you."

Taehyung lifted his head from your shoulder, tail making a noise now as it wagged and thrust his hand forwards, a large smile on his face. Jimin grasped it, shaking it before leaning forwards, as did Taehyung. They got nose to nose, turning their heads and sniffing each other's faces and necks. Little whimpers filled the air as Jimin finally made a real friend, and Taehyung finally had someone to relate to. 

He loved you, he really really did, but sometimes he wished that he had another hybrid friend. As much as he mistrusted people, he knew that Jimin would do him no harm, especially since you trusted him. You filled out the papers as Jimin and Taehyung greeted each other, giving them their privacy. Once you were done, they had finished, leaning back still sporting huge grins.

You gave the papers to Taehyung, instructing him on where to fill out his name and he did so in shaky, slightly deformed letters. He put the pen down afterwards, clearly proud of himself for writing his own name and you cooed, scratching his left ear. You turned back to Jimin, not missing the adoring smile displayed on his face.

"I know that the law says I have to have a collar for him, but are there any alternatives? Any at all?"

Taehyung's ears had drooped at the word 'collar' and you hated that you had to put one on him. 

"They have earrings now, but since his ears aren't pierced you'd have to do that now. Are you okay with that Taehyung?"

"Aren't the ears the most sensitive?" You worried.

"Yeah, that's why most people stick to collars. But we did get in bracelets a few days ago if I'm remembering correctly."

You looked at Taehyung, finding him already gazing at you.

"Do you want to have a bracelet or a collar? I won't make you wear either inside if you don't want to, only if we go outside somewhere."

"No collar, please."

His words almost broke, slightly wavering as he looked at you.

"Okay, that's okay. We can get you a bracelet. That's okay."

Taehyung nodded, swiping at a few tears that had gathered under his eyes. Jimin ran back into the stockroom, coming out with a silver chain, a plaque in the middle. 

"You stamp the name, address, and phone number on here, so it works like a collar, just less invasive." Jimin explained, pointing to the little silver piece.

Taehyung nodded in agreement of the jewelry so Jimin filled out the necessary information, not even having to check with you for phone number or address. Once the machine had stamped the letters and numbers onto the metal, Jimin handed it to you, gesturing to Taehyung.

"See if it fits."

Taehyung eagerly held his wrist out, actually jumping up and down in excitement when you clasped the bracelet around his arm. You laughed, hugging him tightly as he burrowed into your neck. He sighed in content, because now you were finally his and he was finally yours.

Feral - Hybrid!Taehyung x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя