Chapter Eighty - Departure

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I got six albums today oh my godddddd

Taehyung's tummy filled with butterflies the entire rest of the cafe visit, not even the kitty in his lap helped. He focused on the warmth of your hand in his, smiling like a quite literal lovesick puppy as you stroked your thumb over his hand in yours. He sipped his drink consistently. using his free hand to pet the cat in his lap. Her eyes were closed and purrs were rumbling from her throat as she dug her face into Taehyung's shirt. Your lap was overrun by kittens now, several more trying to join the catnap with the baby boy. You made sure to keep his head up, resting against your chest but had no obligation to letting more kitties pile on. 

Joy was hand feeding her little kitten bites of her tuna sandwich that Namjoon had packed for her, ignoring the warnings that she shouldn't be feeding the cats. Jungkook's bunny ears were laying over his shoulders, the kitty in his lap licking the ends of them gently, grooming him. Jackson however, had a less content kitten. 

He squirmed around in Jackson's arms, finally turning and facing him. He raised a paw slowly to be level with his head, harshly batting at one of Jackson's puppy ears. One of the cat's claws caught in the fur, tearing the skin a little bit and eliciting a cry from Jackson.

"Ow! Ow, that really hurt! Yugyeom!" The puppy's eyes filled with tears as he waddled around the table, waiting until the kitten was off of Yugyeom's lap before crawling on himself. Yugyeom quieted the puppy, taking a napkin, wetting it with the condensation from his drink and dabbing it over the puppy's cut. Jackson whimpered at the stinging feeling, hiding his face in Yugyeom's t-shirt. His tail was tucked under him as he sat there, tears staining his cheeks. You dug in your bag, pulling out a hybrid band-aid that was designed to not tug on fur if it was stuck there. You passed it to Yugyeom, instructing him on how to place it over the tear in Jackson's ear. 

Everyone's drinks were either finished or close to it, large gulps turning into slurping throughout the cafe. You gently stroked the hair back from Jinyoung's face, smiling in adoration as the baby's eyes fluttered open and he groggily blinked.

He looked around, somewhat alarmed by the unfamiliar surroundings but once he registered the pile of kitties all around him he giggled, smile squishing up his cheeks. He busied himself by grabbing one of the cat's tails in his chubby hands, trying frantically to capture it as it wriggled around his hand. Jackson was still sniffling in Yugyeom's lap and the sound caught Jinyoung's attention, a frown pulling at the chubby cheeks. 

He held his arms out, attempting to crawl over your lap and into Yugyeom's. You handed him to the bunny hybrid, cooing as the baby reached for his brother. Jackson held out his arms, letting Jinyoung burrow into his chest. He giggled as the soft fluffy ears tickled his neck as the baby wiggled his head into his brother's neck. 

Namjoon pressed a little kiss to the head of the cat that was burrowing into him, scooping them up and giving them to Joy. She gladly accepted, now snuggling two kitties and Namjoon stood from his seat.

"Okay, well Taehyung and I need to go, do you mind just watching Joy while I go?"

"Of course not, go ahead. What time do you think you'll be back?"

"I have no idea. But I'll call you when we're heading home."

"Okay, have fun you two!" You waved goodbye to them, oblivious to the fact that they were about to go get you a wedding ring. Joy hopped up, clumsily placing the cats on her chair before running after Namjoon, hugging his leg. He scooped her up, pressing a kiss to the side of her head and hugging her. She purred, rubbing her cheek against Namjoon's.

Taehyung ran back to you quickly, kissing you shortly and ruffling Jungkook's hair in goodbye. The two eventually made their way out, getting into Namjoon's car and driving away.

"Alright Joy, I was gonna take Jungkook to the park so that he could ride his new bike, but now that you're staying with us, do you wanna go too? I'm sure Kookie would let you ride on his bike a few times."

She nodded vigorously and you turned to Yugyeom.

"Would you want to come too?"

"I'm actually pretty tired, Jinyoung didn't sleep well last night. I think we'll just go back home, thank you though." He smiled at you, though frowning at the protest that came from Jackson.

"Please please please can we go? I really wanna play in the park!"

Yugyeom bit his lip, opening his mouth to say no again but you cut him off.

"Well, I can take Jackson to the park if you want. If Jinyoung needs to nap then you take him with you, but if he's fine I can also take him so that you're free to sleep."

"Well, he didn't get much sleep last night at all, so I'll take him with me. Thank you so muhc Y/N, you're a lifesaver." He smiled gratefully at you and Jackson hopped off of his lap to stand beside you.

"Alright, well then, Joy, Jungkook, Jackson, let's go!" They giggled at the realization that their names all started with a J and ran towards the door together. Joy held back, a frown on her face.

"But my kitty..." She looked down at the tiny little kitten still nestled in her arms. Her eyes began to look misty and you quickly tried to remedy the situation.

"Joy, how about we take the kitty home with us? I can pay for him now, then we can take him to the park with us, see if he likes it outside." Your wallet was surely crying in your purse but you hoped that since he was tiny and obviously the runt, that he'd be cheaper. 

"Thank you thank you thank you!" She ran towards you, wrapping her arms around you in a hug. You picked her up, leading the boys to the counter and making sure Joy still had the kitten in her arms.

"Can we adopt him please?"

The kitten only ended up costing $100, and they accepted cards, so you were able to adopt. You got him a collar, telling Joy that she should wait for Namjoon to get back home to name him. You sat him in the front seat of your car, strapping everybody into the backseat and heading for the park.

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