Chapter Twenty-Nine - Captured

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Jungkook played with the toy cars in the living room, hardly registering that Taehyung was no longer there with him. He didn't hear Taehyung go up the stairs and finally get dressed for the day, nor did he hear the slight whimpers coming from him every so often. But Taehyung tied his shoes, bringing a pair of Jungkook's downstairs as well. Taehyung made his way into the living room, letting the shoes fall from his hand and land in front of the bunny. Jungkook peered up at Taehyung, brows furrowed when he saw that his eyes were red. It should have long since faded from when they were crying in the hallway, but it was back in full force.


"We have to go find Y/N. Please put your shoes on." Taehyung's speech was broken but sufficient as he sniffled. Jungkook rose, ignoring the sneakers on the ground and holding his arms up, gesturing for Taehyung to pick him up. He did, lifting the bunny hybrid to rest on his hip. He reached for the shoes on the ground, thinking that Jungkook was asking for help. 

"No no no no no!" Jungkook wasn't asking for help, and he pointed to the couch, making Taehyung sit with him. 

"Why are you crying?"

"Don't worry, we have to find Y/N." Taehyung shook his head, reaching for the shoes again.


"We just have to. Don't worry, just put on your shoes."

Jungkook huffed, pulling on his slip-on shoes and looking up at Taehyung through his eyelashes. 

"We are going to.." Taehyung paused, searching for the right word, "..Follow! We are going to follow her."

"But where did she go? Taetae, she said it was a surprise, it won't be a surprise if we find out!"

"I don't know where she went, but we have to find her." Taehyung picked up the bunny, forgetting in his haste to put on hats to cover their ears. He rushed out of the door with Jungkook in his arms, only pausing to pick out the key from it's place under the mat. Jimin would be furious if he knew you still had it there, but Taehyung was relieved to have the chance to lock up your house. He picked up Jungkook once more, dashing down the street and trying to follow your scent. He picked up on faint traces of you, but those had to be at least a day old, if not more. He began to realize that he wasn't going to be able to follow you if you were in a car, the contraption masking your scent. But as he turned around, looking at the now unfamiliar buildings around him, he realized that he was hopelessly lost.

"Taetae? These people keep looking at us funny, they look mean."

The woman that Jungkook was referencing had a cellphone clutched in her hand, a scowl on her face.

"Hybrid Services? There's two hybrids here, not with an owner. I'd like our streets to be safe, thank you." She gave the location, but Taehyung had no idea where it was in relation to your house. He tried to pick out his own scent to run back home, but he knew it was near useless, because you're too accustomed to your own scent to recognize it as a scent. Jungkook held onto his shoulder tight, peeping his eyes over to see that more and more people were staring as the phone call progressed. Taehyung was also aware of the increased glances thrown their way, a whimper making its way out of his throat at the feeling of being ogled.

It hadn't seemed like more than a minute after the phone call had ended before Taehyung began picking up on the scent of oncoming Hybrid Services agents, and he just decided to run in the direction he had come from.

Jungkook was bouncing in his arms, watching behind him while Taehyung faced forwards, both on the lookout for trouble. Taehyung was running for only five minutes, but both he and Jungkook alerted the other of the presence there. A van came in front of Taehyung, and behind him, caging him into the alleyway on his left. A chain link fence blocked the end of the alleyway from opening into another street, and both he and Jungkook realized that they were trapped. Jungkook's eyes filled with tears and he curled into Taehyung's chest, breathing in the comforting scent.

"Taetae, please don't let them take us! Please! Do something!"

"I.. I can't.. But I won't let them hurt you Jungkookie, I promise. I love you, Y/N is our owner, and they can't take us away."

Taehyung tried to blink back his own tears, clutching his brother to his chest. He buried his face in Jungkook's hair, cherishing the feeling of Jungkook so close to him. The officers advanced, tearing Jungkook away from Taehyung.

"NO! No you can't take me, that's my brother! Let go!" Jungkook squirmed in the man's hold, reaching out for Taehyung. Another officer came up, slipping a collar on Taehyung that was on the end of a pole, using it to lead him into the back of the truck. Taehyung got in, not wanting to make anything harder or worse for his case. The men didn't even bother to cuff them, just tossing, literally tossing, Jungkook into the back of the van as well. Taehyung wanted to badly to growl but suppressed it, rushing to where Jungkook lay on the floor of the truck and pulling him into his arms. He saw blood trickling down Jungkook's forehead, an injury sustained from his head hitting the floor. Jungkook sobbed, body shaking and clung to Taehyung's shirt, pressing himself against his brother as hard as he could.

"Taetae, I'm scared."

"I'm so sorry! This is my fault, you would be okay if I hadn't made us leave. But don't be scared, I am here, and Y/N will come to get us. They can't keep us, she's our owner. She's ours." Taehyung spoke through his own tears, not bothering to wipe Jungkook's forehead. He was pretty sure that officers weren't supposed to hurt hybrids, and once you got there, maybe you could do something. Maybe you could save them.

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