Chapter Thirty-One - Evacuation

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The employee said nothing, hand inching along the wall behind him searching for the doorknob. He found it,waiting for a moment under your intense glare before jerking it open, dashing inside and slamming the door shut despite your shouts of protest. You bolted for the counter separating you and the door, vaulting over it and yanking on the door handle. It gave way a few inches, pulling back every so often. You could tell that there were people on the other side, all holding it closed, but it was by some herculean, probably adrenaline-caused, strength that you finally tugged it open, one man falling at your feet as the door handle was now close to you.

You nearly spat at the man who quickly regained his footing, cowering back behind the door along with his colleagues. 

"Was it you? Or you? Which one of you dared to lay your filthy hands on them?" The second man that you had pointed to shook his head fervently, near tears.

"It was those two! I swear, the rest of us haven't done anything!" He pointed to two very betrayed looking men who tried their best to smile warmly at you.

"We didn't know... They didn't have..."

"They were all alone.."

"Listen up and listen good, I know exactly what your company does to hybrids. I know that you abuse them, I know that you starve them, I know that you sell them off into sex-slavery if someone offers enough. But I've never had evidence until now. I'm taking them straight to the police station, and I'm suing each and every one of you. I'm also taking all of the hybrids that you have in here and transferring them to the shelter that I work at. I'll make it my personal mission that you're all jailed for at least twenty years."

You hadn't noticed Yoongi coming in the door, even though the little bell above the door rung. You only knew he was there when you heard a soft thump behind you, and felt a hand pulling you back by your arm.

"Why don't you go free the other hybrids and call the shelter to arrange transportation. I can take care of these guys, if any of them act up I can call you back and let you handle it." The last portion was directed at the employees, all of which were sweating with nervousness.

You nodded, reaching down and taking the ring of keys from one employees belt. You headed for the back room, stopping to smile at the two stunned hybrids still sitting in the lobby. Their shock only lasted for a second though, soon giving way to excited tail wags and a foot thumping on the ground. Jungkook slid out of Taehyung's lap, bouncing up and down with his arms raised so that you picked him up. You complied, scooping the little bunny up and pressing a kiss to his forehead, under the cut that had long since stopped bleeding. He smiled, wiggling around and burying his head into your neck. Taehyung stood as well, tentatively standing to the side while you hugged his brother. You turned, setting Jungkook down and embracing Taehyung. You could hear his tail wagging, beating against the chair when it swung to the right. You felt him squeeze you as tight as he could, pressing himself against you, trying to be as close as possible. You turned to the side, pressing kisses to the side of his head that was facing you as he laid on your shoulder. 

You reluctantly pulled away, feeling Taehyung's presence as he followed after you.

"Baby, can you stay with Yoongi? I don't know how the hybrids in there are gonna react to what I'm doing, and I don't want you getting hurt."

Yoongi knew that Taehyung wouldn't comply by himself, reaching out and resting a hand on Taehyung's shoulder.

"Y/N just wants you to be safe, the both of you. You can sit back here with me, I don't think we'll be getting any trouble from these guys. But come back here with me, and bring Jungkook too."

Taehyung nodded, lifting the bunny boy off of the floor and placing him on the other side of the counter. He hoisted himself over too, giving you a blinding smile before you were off, pushing open the door marked 'Hybrids'. Your nose scrunched at the scent of the room, predominantly garbage. But you quickly refocused on the hundreds of eyes, each pair staring you down with heated glares.

"Hello, I'm Y/N. I work for a hybrid shelter, but before you start, we treat everyone well. Everyone gets their own rooms, only sharing if they want to with close friends. The meals are homecooked, I've made plenty of them before to know that they're not shipped in from somewhere. And they're certainly not," You picked up the bucket of 'food', "straight from a garbage can. Each of you gets your own bed, with plenty of blankets and pillows to keep you warm and comfy. We don't use cages or muzzles, and you're free to roam the building as long as you tell us where you're going." You saw that several of the, probably predatory, hybrids were sporting muzzles, ones that looked far too tight around their face.

"And why should we trust you?" The voice was sharp and biting, and you traced it back to a hybrid in a cage close to you. He was muzzled and you could see dried blood where the leather and metal dug into his skin.

"Because I trust you." You pulled a key from the ring, using the written guides on each one to figure out which one was right. Once you matched the cage number with the key number you inserted it, turning the lock and swinging the door open. You heard a few gasps from the hybrids around you, gaining a surprised glance from the surly hybrid in front of you.

"Can I take that muzzle off? It looks like it really hurts, and we both know you don't need it." He hesitated for a moment before nodding, and you slowly approached him, one arm raised so that he was ready for the contact. You followed the leather straps of the muzzle, finding them buckled in the back with a near impossible buckle to figure out. You had seen it before though, and maneuvered your fingers into the underside of the straps, pressing the release button lightly. It clicked open and you peeled the leather away from his skin, wincing at the injuries that it had caused. There were markings on his face, skin discolored from the lack of light and oxygen that it had received while being pinned under the strap.

He opened his jaw as wide as he could, massaging a particularly sore spot. You lightly moved his fingers away, investigating the spot yourself to find that it was a fairly deep gash.

"I can clean that up for you when my friend brings the shelter van around. What's your name?"

The hybrid rose, standing taller than you in his cage, "Taeyong. I'm a lion hybrid."

"Like I said before, I'm Y/N. Do you want to come with me to the shelter that I told you about earlier? Hopefully, everyone else will want to come too, I'm getting all of you out of here one way or another. But the shelter is the safest option."

"What if someone adopts one of us and abuses us? We'd be better off on the streets."

"Every hybrid has to consent to their own adoption at our shelter. You cannot be forced to go anywhere you don't want to go. And, if you get tricked by anyone, we do monthly checks on our hybrids, as well as a small monitor that we can place on you, it tracks your vital signs, so we'll know if you're hurt or being abused."

"It sounds too good to be true." It wasn't Taeyong that spoke, but a hybrid further down in the room.

"It's not, I promise. And if you don't like it at our shelter, then we can relocate you to a place that you like. You're not forced to go and you're not forced to stay. But I'm giving all of you the choice tonight, and if you decide not to go, but need to in the future, you're always welcome."

"I think... I think I want to go." Taeyong's statement put a smile on your face and you nodded, moving to unlock another cage.

"Well I'm glad, I hope your friends feel the same way."

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