Chapter Sixteen - The Call

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You awoke the next morning to being smothered from both sides, Jimin on your left and Taehyung on your right. Both were snuggled up to the warmth you provided, Taehyung's face tucked into your neck and blowing little puffs of air when he breathed. Jimin's face was resting against your shoulder, nose resting against the sleeve of your shirt. You tilted your head up, trying to look up as far as you could see without disturbing the hybrids that were snuggled into you.

You saw Namjoon and Yoongi, both curled around Joy, and Hoseok being Yoongi's big spoon. Seokjin was on the other side of Jimin, hugging onto his arm. It took so much self-restraint not to coo at the adorable sight, but you looked at the time, seeing it was about nine in the morning. 

You scooted Taehyung's face out of your neck, pushing him slightly over to where Jimin lay so that they would both still be holding onto each other. They both stirred slightly, whining at the loss of warmth but quickly grabbing onto each other instead. You stood, making your way to the kitchen where you began preparing eggs, bacon, and pancakes. 

The smell of your delicious cooking was what woke Hoseok, he was slightly alarmed when he observed the unfamiliar surroundings, but remembered how kind you had been last night and calmed down. He wormed his way out of the blankets, setting his half over Yoongi's smaller body and tucking him in. He followed the smell of bacon into the kitchen, seeing you standing over the stove with the pan in your hand.

He walked over to you, apologizing softly when you jumped at his warm hand sliding around your waist. He nuzzled his face into the back of your neck, inhaling your sweet scent. You fought the urge to blush at how you were standing, caged in by his arms that were now trapping you against the counter.  You turned, nose brushing his hair with how close he was and he stepped away, feeling you move.

"Thank you so much for being so nice to us! You're one of the nicest people I've ever met!"

"Of course Hoseok, I'm so glad that we're neighbors now!"

He nodded, nestling his face back into the crook of your neck to smell you more. He was used to Yoongi's more masculine scent, and while he loved Yoongi and his scent with all of his heart, he loved your more feminine, sweet scent almost as much. Your silent embrace was interrupted by a low growl that sounded from the entrance of the kitchen. 

You turned, seeing Taehyung standing with a look of betrayal on his face.

"Taehyung honey, don't growl please. It's just a hug, don't worry."

Hoseok stepped away, apologizing to your now silent hybrid. Taehyung stalked forwards, wrapping you in his arms much like Hoseok did.

"Y/N? I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to make him jealous." Hoseok's sheepish words were directed at you and you waved him off, offering him a kind smile.

"It's okay honey, don't worry. He's okay, just has some jealousy issues. But he's not upset with you, don't worry about that."

Hoseok seemed to relax at this, nodding and making his way back into the living room. Taehyung tightened his embrace, letting out a snarl.

"Don't like him with you. Mine."

His possessive words were interrupted when he pushed a little too hard, the searing hot stove top coming in contact with the soft skin of your wrist. You yelped, jerking your hand back and clutching it to your chest. Tears leaked out of the sides of your eyes and you ran to the sink, running the red patch of skin under the cool water. Taehyung had frozen when he realized what he had done, only snapping out of it once you were standing at the sink. He stumbled over, wrapping his arms around you once more, although much much lighter. You felt tears soak the skin of your shoulder that was exposed by your top and you turned, seeing him sniffling with tears running down his cheeks.

"Please no leave me. I love you, I so sorry. Please."

You sighed, wrapping a dish towel around your wrist where the burn was. You turned in his embrace, putting a hand on the back of his head and guiding it to lay on your shoulder.

"Taehyung, it's okay. I'm not upset, it was an accident. But think about this the next time you get jealous okay? Please remember that I love you and that I'm never leaving you."

He nodded, face still buried in your shoulder and sniffles still coming out every once in a while.

The sweet moment was interrupted by your phone ringing in the living room. You unwrapped yourself from his arms, speedwalking to the living room in hopes that no one would wake up.

By the second ring, the remaining two hybrids had woken up, sensitive hearing picking up on the ringtone. Their shifting caused the other three to wake up, rubbing the sleep out of their eyes.

You apologized, grabbing the phone before the call was dropped. You took notice of the contact name, recognizing the shelter's name before you answered.


"Hey, Y/N? I hope I didn't wake you up. I was just wondering if you could come over and help us? Jungkook has been getting teased lately by the other kids, and as much as we try to enforce kindness we can't be around them all the time. But it's gotten to the point where he can't even come into the kitchen without someone calling him names and he doesn't stay, he runs away back to his room. We can't get him to eat, he won't take any food from us. It's been two days since his last meal, and I know he trusts you. Please Y/N, I wouldn't ask if it wasn't urgent, but we need to get him out of here."

Tears welled up in your eyes at the thought of the cute little bunny being bullied, and your coat and shoes were on before she was even halfway through her speech. 

"I'm on my way, don't worry."

You hung up the call, explaining the situation briefly to the others before dashing out the door. You got in the car, slightly speeding to the shelter, but Jungkook needed you, so you drove fast.

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