Chapter Seventy-Eight - Parents

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You had a surprise planned for today. Not only was it Jungkook's birthday (I know it's not his birthday today I just needed it to be in the story), but you had the perfect present planned. You had never truly adopted Jungkook, just given him a fake bracelet similar to Taehyung's. It came in handy when the boys were abducted, but it could have gone wrong if they'd have asked to see your paperwork. You decided that it was time to adopt him officially, you knew that he wanted to belong somewhere.

You explained to Taehyung what the plan was, making sure that the mischievous bunny was asleep before delving into the details. You set your phone alarm for nine in the morning, passing it off as an accident when Jungkook asked why it was set on a weekend. You got up anyways, preparing him a plate of pancakes with six little candles in them for his sixth birthday. He squealed in excitement, giggling at the bunny-shaped pancakes that Jin had made. 

It was just after that you presented the bunny boy with his first birthday gift. A bicycle sat in the garage, in place of your car. It had training wheels on the sides, but they were detachable so that you could remove them once he was no longer in need of them. Instead of running over to the bike, Jungkook practically levitated into your arms, jumping to give you a hug. You chuckled, rubbing his back as you squeezed him tight. He squirmed in your arms, reaching for the ground and waddled over to his new bike once you set him down. 

"Why don't we take a walk, you can ride your bike, just stay close to us." He squealed excitedly, hopping on the bike and waiting for the garage door to open. Taehyung already had a camera in his pocket, full battery so that you could capture Jungkook's reaction. He took off down the street, slowing down when you shouted at him to stop.

"Jungkook, you need to stay pretty close to us. Remember when Taehyung ran ahead? Let's not redo that." You felt bad using the traumatic experience of losing his father figure to scare Jungkook, but you needed to get to the adoption center with Jungkook there too. He nodded, riding slowly beside you and Taehyung as you walked and talked.

You made lunch plans, deciding to go to the cat cafe that you'd taken Taehyung to. Jungkook was practically vibrating with excitement, playing with your cat was one of his favorite things to do, so he was quite excited to go and play with tens more. 

Instead of turning left to get to the cafe however, you turned right. Jungkook protested, pointing back at where the cafe stood but you shook your head, taking his hand and showing him how to lock up his bike outside of the center. He hadn't read the name of the place yet, so it would be an even bugger surprise. He took Taehyung's hand in his as he walked in, now holding both of your hands. You led him to the counter, lifting him so that he could see over the counter rather than stand under it with his height. Jimin was working today, and you smiled at the leopard hybrid behind the counter, asking for him.

She rushed off, entering a back room before Jimin came out, smiling at you. He knew of your plan as well, though he had kept his mouth shut in front of the others.

Jungkook was confused for a moment, connecting the dots in his head why Jimin was in his work uniform here. He knew where Jimin worked, he knew what Jimin did for a living and he turned his head to look at you with glistening eyes. You smiled at him, leaning down to bump your nose with his. He began to cry, snuggling his face into your jacket as he wrapped his little arms around your neck. 

"Oh, don't cry bunny! Happy birthday." You nudged your nose into the side of his head, a gesture that he often did to you. Taehyung hugged him as well, facing you and enveloping him on the other side. He finally stopped crying, sniffling as he laid his head on your shoulder. He gave Jimin a watery smile and let a noise out akin to a purr as you stroked his ears.

"Since you already filled out the paperwork, all you have to do is sign it, the both of you."

"Me too?" Taehyung's confused voice filled the hall.

"Well yeah, you're-"

"Wait! I haven't told him yet, can you hold Jungkook for a second while I do that?"

Jimin nodded, arms outstretched for the bunny who snuggled into his neck when he was secure in Jimin's arms.

You led Taehyung out of ear shot of Jungkook, tentatively taking his hand.

"You've said that you wanted kids before. And I know that technically, Jungkook isn't our child. But, you're as much of a father to him as I am a mother. So, I registered you as the father on the papers. We'll be adopting him as a son rather than a hybrid."

Taehyung's lower lip trembled as he stared at you with a smile. He lunged forwards, nearly tackling you to the floor in a bone crushing hug.

"I take it that's a yes?"

"Of course!"

You walked hand in hand with him back to the counter, letting Taehyung take Jungkook from Jimin.

"Alright, we're ready to sign." 

Jimin slid your papers onto the counter, handing you a pen as well. You and Taehyung both proudly signed on your designated lines, and after you were done you looked at Jungkook.

"Jungkook, on these papers, you can register people as the designated mother or father of the child. I know you think of us like parents anyways, so I signed as your mother and Taehyung signed as your father. We're your parents now bunny, for real."

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