Chapter 2 - Walk

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You could make out the hat and uniform of a security guard through the tiny window and your eyes widened, seeing how freaked out the hybrid had become.

Your hands came up to rest on the hybrid's shoulders, not thinking about how scared and trapped he must have felt. You felt the pain before you saw him move, barely registering the three bleeding gashes down your arm before the door slammed open. The security guards rushed in, cornering the hybrid. You squeezed through them, turning to face them while standing in front of him protectively. 

"Don't hurt him. He hasn't done anything, and he's obviously really scared by you guys."

"Miss, your arm is bleeding, please step aside. He needs to be tranquilized."

The guard pushed his gun forwards, using it to push you out of the way. You heard a thunk and realized that one of the guards had managed to hit the hybrid with the barrel of his gun. You scrambled back in front of the poor hybrid who was now whimpering on the ground. You were practically backed into the wall and you felt something nudge your thigh. You placed a hand on the gun, raising it to aim above your head before you looked down, seeing the hybrid's face nuzzled into your leg.

"Please, please don't hurt him. He's only acting aggressive because he's scared, before you came in he wasn't aggressive at all. He was calm and open to human contact, he came to me. Please, I know my arm looks bad but he was just scared."

The guard sighed, backing away and taking his partners with him. They stood only a few feet away, still not enough for the terrified hybrid to calm down. You gestured for them to back up more, crouching down and getting on eye-level with the hybrid.

"Hey, it's over now, you're safe. No one's gonna hurt you here honey, we're here to help. Can you come with me?"

He looked up at you, peering through his long lashes and messy hair. You extended a hand, waiting for him to take it. He didn't though, instead nudging his face into it. You smiled, scratching his ears for a moment before walking a few steps away, beckoning for him to follow. He did, scuttling after you on all fours. You frowned, watching as he stared up at you expectantly.

"Can you walk with me? On two legs?"

He tilted his head, still crouching on all fours. Your heart sunk as you realized that he didn't know how to walk like a human. He was worse off than you thought, what kind of people was he used to being around?

You reached down, slowly placing both hands under his arms. He seemed scared at first by the sudden contact but relaxed as he took in the warmth from your touch. You lifted him, hating how light he was compared to his height. He clearly was underfed, if fed at all. You intended to set him on his feet, but he kept them bent slightly, not understanding that you wanted him to stand. 

"Keep them straight, don't bend them. Like mine." You gestured to your legs and bent them a little, straightening them once more. You lifted him again, saddened when he didn't catch on. You balanced him on your hip, wrapping his arms around your neck and his legs around your waist. He seemed confused by the new movement that his limbs were performing, but soon melted into your arms and resting his head on your shoulder. 

You looked up at the officers still stationed across the room, "I'm going to go get him some food, then maybe come back in here and give him a bath. I'll put him in one of the free rooms."

They nodded, following you out the door and going back towards the lobby while you walked down the hallway towards the kitchen.

"Lets get you fed little one."

Feral - Hybrid!Taehyung x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now