Chapter One-Hundred-and-Six - Diagnosis

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second to last chapter omggggg

Sitting in the bleak, slightly dingy hospital room threw you back into memories that your head was too jumbled to fully embrace. Your own visits to the hospital, where it had been you lying, pale and sickly in the bed, instead of Seokjin. 

You wished it was you this time, as well. The sight of Seokjin tucked gently into te hospital bed, arms limp atop the sheets and IV stretched from his arm to the drip beside his bed made you almost nauseous with worry.

Jimin was no better, his ears seemed to be permanently tucked flat to his head, and you hadn't seen him smile the entire time you'd been there. The doctors said Seokjin was going to be okay, but the looks that they gave each other after saying it made you think that maybe they were just trying to make you all feel better.

Thankfully, no one else seemed to notice the sad glances the nurses gave each other, so you were able to shakily back up the nurses' claims with your own.

You pulled one of the nurses aside the next morning, while the other checked up on Seokjin. Your heart was heavy because you knew that whatever answer you got now would be the outcome most likely to happen, and you didn't know what you'd do if Seokjin was going to die.

"Is there something wrong?" You'd been there for two days, and the nurses knew you well.

"Well, that's actually what I was going to ask you. I know you say he'll be fine. But I'm afraid I don't really believe you. Please, just tell me what's actually going on."

The nurse's face fell and she sighed, "Well, we weren't lying, we think he might be okay. But he may never be the same. When we got him here he'd been bleeding internally for god knows how long, he was minutes away from dying from it. Patients like that usually don't recover. But he's strong. He just needs rest, lots of rest. He'll have to stay hospitalized for a while."

You nodded shakily, glancing back over at Seokjin who was smiling weakly at whatever Jungkook and Joy were doing to entertain him. 

"You have a nice family." You turned back to the nurse, seeing her shy smile.

"Thank you. I love them a lot." You smiled, feeling as though a weight had been lifted off of your shoulders. He was going to be okay. He was going to live.

"Y/N?" You turned, seeing Namjoon frowning slightly. You made your way across the room to him, plopping down in the stiff plastic chair beside him.

"What's wrong?" 

"What did the nurse say?" Namjoon spoke quietly, hoping that he would go unheard or ignored by the rest of the bunch.

"He suffered internal bleeding. It was bad. He almost died. But he didn't. And he's going to be okay. He's just going to have to stay here for a while."

Yoongi turned to you, having heard the tail end of your statements from where he was sitting, "He's gonna be okay?"

"Yeah. He just needs a lot of recovery time." 

Yoongi nodded, letting a soft smile grace his features, the first one in days.

You all sat in silence for a moment, watching everyone sitting around Seokjin's bed, listening to the stories they told to cheer him up, and letting the knowledge that he was really going to be okay sink into your brain. 

You were zoned out, hearing but not listening to the conversation when Taehyung stood, grabbing your hand and asking to speak to you outside. 

Your stomach dropped once more, hating the phrase that he'd used, what was wrong now?

He stopped you just outside Seokjin's door, leaning up against the wall as he kept your hand gripped tightly in his.

"Taehyung? What's wrong?"

"Y/N," for a grown man, he certainly whined like a child, "When are we getting married?"

You sighed in relief, glad that nothing else had managed to go wrong, "Taehyung, Seokjin's in the hospital! Don't you think he'd like to come?"

"We can have it here!" 

You laughed, trying to imagine a hospital wedding, "I don't think it'd be very pretty."

"It doesn't have to be pretty. It just has to be a wedding. And Yoongi and Hoseok want to get married too, you know. We could do both of the weddings here, now."

"Taehyung, we don't even have nice clothes on," You gestured down to the baggy sweatpands and stained t-shirt that you'd been wearing for your entire hospital visit.

"It doesn't matter! Marriage is marriage, with or without nice clothes."

"You really wanna do this, don't you?" You laughed, contemplating his offer.

"Yes! Now please, just say yes, so we can get started!" He squeezed your hands, holding them between you.

"But what about everyone else? Yugyeom and the kids, Chanyeol, Junmyeon, Minseok, the kids at the shelter, didn't you want them to be there too?"

"Invite Yugyeom. The rest can wait until an afterparty. We'll hold it when Jin gets out. Please, I don't care about clothes, hair, decorations, I just care about you. I just want to marry you." He looked at you with a perfect set of puppy dog eyes and you cursed yourself for being so weak to them.

You smiled, nodding, "Okay. You go tell Yoongi and Hoseok, see if they're joining the ceremony. I'll try to figure out how the hell we're going to manage this."

You barely had time to breathe before Taehyung was wrapping you in one of the tightest hugs you'd ever received, spinning you around slightly in the hospital hallway.

"I love you." He pulled back to smile at you and your heart melted at his excitement.

"I love you too."

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