Chapter One-Hundred-And-Five - Surreal

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Hello loves! This is chapter 105 of this story, and that's insane!! I never thought I would get past 25, let alone 100! The way I have it planned, chapter 107 will be the very last chapter, and as I've mentioned in previous chapters, I'll probably open up a one-shot book based off of this series, that's open to requests. So, if you'd like to see anything from this book that I won't get to in the actual book, send me a message or comment here and I'll see if a.) I even need to open a one-shot book, and b.) what one-shots I can do for you. Thank you for sticking around this long, I know I haven't exactly been super active, but it means the world to me that you stuck with me. I love you all, Thank you so much!!! <3

It was surreal. Watching the ambulances pull up to the warehouse, load in as many hybrids as they could, packing them in like sardines in a can, then shutting the doors and racing off down the street again. It was surreal, knowing that just two hours ago you'd been locked up in a cage, fearing for your life and the lives of those around you. Your head was spinning and you leaned back against the wall that you were sat in front of, tugging the blanket that was wrapped around your shoulders even tighter. Jimin was waiting anxiously beside you, knowing that Namjoon and Taehyung were on the hunt for Seokjin. And Jungkook was sound asleep in your lap, tears long since dried on his cheeks as he held your shirt tight in his tiny fists.

You heard a soft sniffle come from beside you and you turned, grabbing Jimin's hand from off of the ground and lacing your fingers in his.

"He's gonna be okay. They needed him alive." You squeezed his hand, letting him rest his head on your shoulder. You had a moment of silence before a car screeched into a parking spot on the curb, the person inside not even bothering to stop the car before getting out. Yugyeom rushed towards you, eyes wide and chest heaving.

"Yugyeom! Yugyeom, I'm so glad you're okay, I was so worried-"

"What happened? You called and told us that you'd be right to our place and then you never showed up and I was so worried but you made me swear that I wouldn't leave so I had to stay there with the boys and I'm so confused, just, what. happened, and then I got a call from the police giving me the address and? What the hell?" Yugyeom finally stopped venting, breath coming in fast and heavy as he looked around at the scene.

"A woman that I'd arrested before, she wanted revenge, and she had a, um, a business idea, and she took us all, she was hunting us down, I was so scared you'd be next, but you're okay, I'm so glad you're okay-"

"Y/N!" Jackson came sprinting down the sidewalk, evidently having unstrapped his seatbelt. You quickly set Jungkook down in Jimin's lap, scooping up the pitbull puppy hybrid and hugging him tight.

"Y/N, what happened? I thought you were coming over!" You smiled sadly at Jackson, pressing a kiss to his chubby cheek.

"I was, but then we got into an accident. We're okay, Seokjin got a little bit hurt, but Namjoon and Taehyung are getting him now, Yoongi and Hoseok are inside helping everyone out."

You set Jackson down, hearing Jinyoung fussing from the backseat of the car. You let Jackson lead you back over to the car, gently scooping the kitten out of his carseat and cooing at him until he stopped crying. You smiled at BamBam when the doberman puppy hugged you, wrapping his arms around your leg and resting his head against your tummy. You passed Jinyoung off to Yugyeom, crouching down to hug BamBam properly.

"Y/N," You turned your head, seeing Namjoon leaning out of the doorway of the warehouse. You stood, ushering BamBam over to sit with Jimin, Jungkook, and Jackson, jogging over to Namjoon.

"Is he okay? Where is he, did they kill him-"

"He's alive. He's not looking great, but he's alive. He's awake, but I don't know how much longer he will be. He needs rest, I don't even know how he managed to wrangle the energy to be conscious now. We need to reserve a spot in an ambulance for him, will you run and do that?"

You nodded, wandering off to find an ambulance that wasn't completely full of people, finally finding one with a stretcher free and enough room for Jimin to ride with Seokjin. You told the paramedic to hold that stretcher, helping Taehyung and Namjoon lug Jin out of the warehouse. He was almost completely white, pale skin stretched tight across his cheeks. He looked gaunt, completely unlike himself. 

"Seokjin. Seokjin, oh my god," You rushed forwards to help stabilize him, some of the stress and worry ebbing away when he sent you a soft smile.

"I'm fine. I'm just glad you guys are okay. Where's Jimin?"

Right on cue, the corgi hybrid rounded the corner, tears streaming down his face as he stood completely still.

"Seokjin...?" It took Jimin a moment to realize that Seokjin was alive, then he was off and running towards the frail man. You gasped, rushing to catch Jimin before he could knock into Seokjin, tugging him into your chest instead.

"Jimin, you have to be gentle. You can't hug him now, you need to wait. He's too weak. When he's in the hospital you can get closer. Let him breathe for now." You kept your hand in Jimin's, letting him stay as close as possible to Seokjin without the corgi hybrid actually making any contact. It wasn't his fault, he was traumatized. But you couldn't risk hurting Seokjin further.

You helped Namjoon and Taehyung hoist Seokjin into the ambulance, getting Jimin settled in the seat beside him. You sent Namjoon along for the ride, grabbing Joy who'd been sitting with Jungkook and helping her get a seat beside Namjoon. Yoongi and Hoseok had emerged from the warehouse with the final hybrids, and you gathered Taehyung and Jungkook so that you were all together. You piled into the ambulance, telling Yugyeom the address of the hospital that you were headed to, and then you were off. Taehyung grabbed your hand in the back of the ambulance, eyes locked onto Seokjin's pale, nearly lifeless form. You said nothing, only moving to wrap him tightly in a hug.  

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