Chapter Eighty-Nine - Last Minute Plans

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(I'm so so sorry that the story lately has been focused on other people more than Taehyung and Y/N, espacially their relationship, but relationship stuff between them is coming I pRoMiSe and they're?? Getting married?? So, it's really guaranteed, I swear I'll be better about it <333)


You, Taehyung, Yoongi, and Hoseok had left Yugyeom's apartment that night, making sure that they all had places to sleep before driving back home. The conversation buzzed in the backseat between Hoseok and Taehyung, though Yoongi in the passenger's seat beside you was silent. You stopped for gas and he got out as well, tugging on the bottom of your shirt as you pumped the gas into the car.

"Y/N? How did Taehyung ask you to marry him?"

You grinned, unable to stop the smile from taking over your face.

"He made a huge long speech about how he found me and how I took him in," You ignored the blush on Yoongi's face and kept smiling, nearly hugging him from how excited you were, "He made it really romantic, but with Hoseok, I think you could just ask and he'd tackle you while screaming yes. He really loves you, you know, and I'm so so glad that you really love him. You both deserve to live happily together." You were barely able to stop the gas from pumping before it overflowed.

"You really think he'll agree that easily?" Yoongi chewed on the inside of his cheek in worry.

"Yoongi, Hoseok is the most energetic, exuberant, fun-loving, hyper person I've ever met, all in the absolute best way. He's a dog hybrid, he's excited by nature. He loves you, he's never gonna stop loving you (I don't swear but you know what I'd put here if I did). Dog hybrids are incredibly loyal, Hoseok is completely devoted to you. Even when he's not with you, he's thinking about you, talking about you, he just loves you. He'd be 100% up for marriage, he literally said so himself earlier. Don't worry, everything's gonna work out perfectly."

You paid for the gas, sitting back in the car and not letting Yoongi talk back. If he had less time to think, he'd have less time to worry. You dropped Hoseok and Taehyung at home, telling them that you and Yoongi needed to run an errand. Before they had time to ask questions you drove off, the jeweler about a half an hour away in your mind.

"Where are we going?" Yoongi frowned, looking at you from his seat.

"Jeweler's. We can, at the very least, look at rings. You don't have to get one today if you really don't want to, but I can guarantee you that Hoseok will say yes, you have nothing to worry about."

Yoongi quietly thanked you, making casual conversation the entire way to the jewelers. You finally arrived, thanking the owner's silently for not closing for another hour. Yoongi migrated to the wedding bands, forgoing a more feminine ring and choosing simple engravings to browse instead. He nearly pressed his nose against the glass trying to get a better look at a pair of silver rings, a fine silver stone embedded and engraved in a swirling pattern around them. The jeweler saw, lifting them out of their glass case and letting him see them up close. 

The stones were, upon closer inspection, diamonds. They ran in a swirling pattern identically around both rings, beautifully complimenting Yoongi's skin tone when he put one on. Yoongi admitted sheepishly that he already knew Hoseok's ring size, having asked inconspicuously while Hoseok was shopping not too long ago.

Yoongi also shyly mentioned that he had a wedding ring fund and had been saving for over a year. He'd been with Hoseok for a little over three, so Yoongi decided he was finally ready. He thanked the cashier, heart pounding slightly as he watched the man place the rings in seperate little black boxes. He handed both to Yoongi, who pocketed them both, planning on asking Hoseok straight away when they got home. 

You drove home for what seemed like hours, but really, was only maybe a half an hour. Yoongi's palms were beginning to sweat and he was breathing rather quickly.

You pulled into the garage, stopping the car and locking it quickly, not letting Yoongi out just yet.

"Yoongi, what's wrong? I know it's scary, but do you really think Hoseok would say no? He told you earlier, he'd say yes in a heartbeat. What's really scary about it?"

"The thing is, I know he'll say yes. He did tell me, you're right. I just, I don't know if it's best for him. He could find someone better, he could find someone more confident, smarter, better looking, just better in ge-"

You cut Yoongi off with a stern glare. 

"Yoongi. If Hoseok didn't love you, if he still somewhere, in the back of his head, thought, I could find someone better, he wouldn't be with you today. But he is, he's so devoted to you, he loves you so much. There's no one better for him than you, and there's no one better for you than him. Now let's get inside, and if you don't wanna propose right this second, that's okay. But if you do, then go for it."

Yoongi nodded, gulping and bracing himself. Logically, he knew that everything would work out. His brain was just trying to make him fail. He followed you in, grunting in exertion when Hoseok launched himself at Yoongi. The dog hybrid squeezed the life out of the shorter man, furrowing his brows confusedly at the two oddly shaped lumps in Yoongi's pocket. Amid Yoongi's and your own shouts of 'Hoseok no!' he grabbed one of the boxes, flipping it open and widening his eyes when he saw the sparkling ring. 

Yoongi felt like crying, he wasn't able to give Hoseok the perfect proposal, but he needed to salvage what he could. He took the box from Hoseok, kneeling down and presenting it to him as if it was the dogboy's first time seeing the jewelry.

"Hoseok, I was going to practice a speech for a little while, maybe wait until tomorrow morning, but it seems like now's the time. I love you more than I've ever loved anyone or anything, will you marry me?"

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