Chapter Nineteen - Not Ready

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It had been one week since you had brought Jungkook home and to say that he and Taehyung had bonded was an understatement. Taehyung had taken it upon himself to perform all of the usual older brother activities, half of the time not even knowing how to fully do them himself. The amount of times you had to reteach Taehyung how to tie his shoes just for him to turn around and show Jungkook was almost funny. 

But, once again, Taehyung instinctually felt as though he had to fight for your attention. You however, were much more aware of how sensitive Taehyung was now, so you made sure that he was always taken care of. Sometimes Jungkook would run up to you and hop in your lap, or push his face into your neck and you would see Taehyung's ears begin to droop. You'd pull him in, nuzzling your nose against his or resting your head on his shoulder. 

You also got Jungkook his own bed, a little trundle bed for if (when) Joy came to visit. It let you and Taehyung sleep alone together and have your last bit of private intimacy that reassured him of your love. That was the other thing, Joy and Jungkook had become the best of friends. Tonight you were actually sending Jungkook to Namjoon's house, Joy had asked him over for a sleepover. Jungkook was happy to meet hybrids his age that weren't in the shelter, especially because some of the ones in the shelter weren't the nicest towards him. 

You helped him pack his bag, tucking a blue and white striped onesie in his backpack along with his bunny slippers. You had taken him to the store to get new shoes and he had been amazed to see the little slippers displayed on one of the shelves. You just had to get them for him. He chose little blue overalls and a white and black striped t-shirt for his outfit tomorrow, thanking you for packing with him before gathering his toiletries. 

You heard a knock at the door, sending Taehyung to answer it knowing that it would be Namjoon and Joy waiting for Jungkook. He greeted the two, scooping the kitten up in a hug before calling for Jungkook. He bounded down the stairs, little ears flopping back and forth. He hugged Joy, waving at Namjoon before running back to hug you goodbye.

"Bye Jungkook, have a good time! Make sure you brush your teeth tonight and tomorrow morning, don't forget!" He nodded, kissing your cheek before skipping out the door, clambering into the car behind Joy. You laughed, saying goodbye to Namjoon before closing the door, turning back to see a grinning Taehyung.



"Yes we are." 

He hummed, taking slow steps towards you and softly caging you against the door. He pressed his body against yours lightly and bumped your nose with his. You returned the intimate gesture, making him smile and wag his tail. He moved his head forwards, finally caving and pressing his lips against yours. He wrapped his arms around you, lifting you carefully and taking you over to the couch. He laid you down, crawling on top of you and wasting no time in locking your lips once more.

He ran his tongue across your bottom lip, sliding his knee in between your legs. You granted him access, noticing that he used primarily tongue when kissing, not incredibly surprising seeing as he was a dog hybrid. You brought your hands up to slide under his shirt, feeling light scars littered across his stomach. He squirmed slightly at the ticklish feeling but shifted closer, pressing his tongue deeper into your mouth and his knee deeper between your legs.

You moaned into his mouth, tugging at his shirt to tell him to take it off. 

He was in his old room, a cell more like it. A mattress that was only permitted to be used for clients sat in the corner of the room, bearing a woman that was already stripped. 

'They said you were the best one here puppy, you better not disappoint.'

He shuddered at the nickname, wrapping his hands self-consciously around his midriff. His shirt, also only given to him for when guests came over, was still on his body, clinging to his sweaty skin. He was terrified, he didn't want to be intimate with her, he didn't even know her! She smelled sour, and he practically choked on the lust that was covering her body. She lewdly spread her legs, beckoning him closer.

'Come on puppy, I don't bite. But I really hope you do.'

His ears were flat on his head, almost dissappearing into his shiny, newly washed hair. He was only groomed when a client came, otherwise left to starve and rot in the cell. He shook his head, whimpering and backing into the corner of the cell. She scoffed at this, sitting up and latching a hand onto his shirt. She yanked him out of the corner, trapping him in her arms as he tried to wriggle away.

'You're not going anywhere mutt, you're mine. You serve me now, got it? Now lets see what you can do."

He pulled away, retreating to the other side of the couch. He buried his head in his hands, taking in a big shuddering breath. At first, you thought it was from the lack of oxygen created by the kiss you two had shared but when his shoulders began shaking you got up, kneeling in front of him.

"Taehyung, baby? What's wrong, are you okay?"

He looked up at you, seeming so small and broken with his head in his hands leaning on his knees.

"I'm sorry Y/N."

"For what? Why are you sorry?"

"Not ready. I'm sorry."

You cooed, bring a hand up to wipe the tears off of his face.

"You don't have to be sorry. I'm sorry that I pushed you. I thought you wanted to, I had no idea. But don't be sorry, I'm glad you told me. You don't have to do anything that makes you uncomfortable here, I won't force you into anything. I love you Taehyung."

He sniffled, nodding and leaning into your hands. He leaned in so far that he fell off the couch, toppling onto you. You squealed, huffing as his whole body weight was on you now.

Taehyung laid his head on your chest, staring into your eyes. He loved you, he loved you more than he had ever even thought it capable of loving someone. But when he was on top of you, when your hands ghosted over the scars on his chest or tugged on his shirt, he was reminded of all the things that he was forced to do at his old master's house. This time was different, he really loved you and he had really wanted to be intimate with you, but he couldn't erase the images of the twisted, rotten, lust-dripping 'clients' that had come to see him. He was especially self conscious of his scars, a reminder that he wasn't normal. A reminder that he was a hybrid, a filthy, disgraceful, unworthy hybrid who deserved nothing but abuse. He didn't want you to see them, realize that he wasn't worth it and give up. Because he really did love you, you were his rock and you were the only human that had ever treated him nicely. You had taken him in in a time of need and for that he would never be able to repay you. He just hoped that you wouldn't be too angry that he hadn't had sex with you, not like his clients were. He hoped that you'd understand. 

And you did.

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