Chapter 6 - Morning

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You were awoken by a nose digging itself into your neck and a weight shifting itself directly on top of you. You opened your eyes and saw two fluffy ears which you reached up and scratched. Happy whimpers came from Taehyung as his tail began wagging, hitting your leg. You noticed that your hand was still intertwined with his, fingers laced together. You rubbed the back of his hand with your thumb and watched as he sat up, straddling your waist.

His eyes were half closed, sleep still holding onto him as he looked at you, taking your hands and pulling them up to rest upon your chest. You squeezed his hand, letting go to get up when you heard him whine, jerking your hand back to his.

You cooed, holding his hand once more and leading him out to the kitchen. You began making breakfast, pancakes and eggs. He still didn't know how to stand, just having gotten the hang of laying straight, so you decided to teach him while the breakfast cooked. You sat on the floor with him, reluctantly declining him when he tried to crawl into your lap. He watched you with wide questioning eyes as you slowly stretched your legs out to lay straight out in front of you. You asked him to do the same, helping him straighten his legs and making sure to encourage him. After a few minutes of sitting like that, you slowly stood, emphasizing the process of straightening and locking your knees. You took his hand, coaxing him to lift himself like you had. His legs were wobbly at first so you held him up, both hands at his waist. You bent and straightened your legs a few times, watching as he did the same.

"You're doing so good Taehyung! I'm so proud of you!"

His tail was wagging impossibly fast, a large smile spreading across his face. Your heart soared at this, knowing that he finally felt comfortable smiling around you. Hybrids that were trained to the extent that Taehyung was usually never recovered, and he was already doing so well.

When he was confident in himself enough to stand on his own, you backed away, holding out your arms. He had seen humans walk before, knew that the process wasn't really that different from the way he walked, so lifted one foot and put it a little bit in front of the other. He had some trouble balancing at first, bracing himself on your counter before taking another step. Two more steps had him melting into your embrace and you hugged him tightly, humming as he was able to wrap his arms around you in return. 

As much as you loved hugging Taehyung, the pancakes were starting to burn at the edges and so you broke away, hearing whines behind you. You slid the spatula under the pancakes, flipping them onto plates. You scooped up portions of eggs as well, plating them and handing one of the plates to Taehyung. 

You showed him how to support the bottom of the plate with his hand, watching as he walked slowly to the table. He made it only halfway before his hand slid, plate smashing on the floor below him. 

He bolted to the corner of the room, curling up into a little ball as whimpers came out of his mouth. He knew that he had finally done it, he had finally messed up enough to get you to hate him. You'd protected him from those bad men at the shelter, had made him food twice, had let him sleep in your bed when he was too scared to sleep alone, and all he did was mess things up. 

You sat on the floor, slowly scooting over to where Taehyung was cowering in the corner. You reached out, putting a hand on his arm as he cried, not missing how he flinched at your touch. 

"Taehyung, honey, it's okay. I'm not upset with you. It's okay, I promise. It was my fault, I shouldn't have made you do something like that for the first time with a glass plate. But I'm not mad at you, it's not your fault. It's okay."

You saw his head move, and while it was still tucked under his arm, you saw his eyes, wide and innocent, staring out at you. You smiled, holding your arms out and silently asking him to come to you.

He relented after a moment, letting you tug him towards you. You tucked his head under your chin, pressing little kisses to his forehead and ears. He sniffled into your chest, immersing himself in your scent for what he thought might be the last time. He kept his tail tucked under him, tight against his left leg. He was tense, but each moment that you spent consoling him, smoothing his hair down or kissing his forehead, he relaxed a little more. 

Eventually, he was slumped in your lap, dozing off in your arms. You waited a few more minutes, checking that he was really asleep before lifting him off the ground. You laid him on the couch, spreading a fluffy blanket over him before cleaning up the broken glass and food that was still spread out on the floor. You swept up the debris, dumping it into the garbage before reheating your plate. You poured syrup and spread butter on the pancakes and brought it to the living room, gently shaking Taehyung's shoulder.

"Wake up honey, I have breakfast for you." You could practically see his senses kicking in, nose twitching a little as he smelled the pancakes. He sat up, staring up at you with wide, puffy, slightly red eyes. He watched as you cut up the food, feeding him and teaching him how to use a knife and fork to cut up the food and bring it into his mouth. 

His tail was wagging by the end of breakfast, knowing that you weren't angry with him for breaking a plate. Halfway through the two pancakes, he noticed that you hadn't eaten yet. The next time you brought the fork to his mouth, he pushed it away, clumsily taking it and turning it towards your mouth. You smiled, taking the pancake bite into your mouth and thanking him for the food.

Once the breakfast was done he pushed the plate away, still cautious of how fragile they were. He flopped his head in your lap and nuzzled his face into your thigh. He wasn't too sure of his accent or pronunciations yet, but as you scratched his ears, running your hand through his hair every once in a while, he knew what word to say.


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