Chapter Sixty-One - Heat Week

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Hello my loves! Go to and use code scoups to get 10% off of your order! They also offer free shipping! (ignore the fact that my personalized code for a bts merchandise website is a member of seventeen I've already laughed over that for the entire day) Also, I've just published the first chapter of my Werewolf!Jimin book called Eclipse, please go check it out and I really hope you like it!

You were very sore. Each and every part of your body ached from the effort of simply standing, and you prayed that Taehyung would stay asleep as you snuck out of the room. You were absolutely starving. You limped your way down to the kitchen, grabbing a few assorted fruits and vegetables that were bagged and ready to be taken to work by whoever claimed them. You also grabbed a few unhealthier snacks, bringing them all back up to your room and cautiously opening the door. Your heart sank into your stomach as you saw Taehyung staring back at you, but you were calmed when he gave you a grin.

"Where'd you go?"

"To get food!" You held up the various snacks in your hands and he made grabby hands towards a bag of chips. You closed the door behind you, passing him the chips and an apple as well. He sat up in your shared bed, keeping the sheet wrapped loosely around his waist as he wasn't dressed yet.

You opened a granola bar, taking a bite of the honey coated, chocolate covered snack and relaxing against the pillows strewn about the bed. You sighed in relief at the feeling of relaxing finally after seemingly endless hours of nothing but Taehyung's heat fever. You had no idea what you were signing up for when you had accepted his offer.

You watched as Taehyung became slowly paler and paler and your brows furrowed as he jumped out of the bed, barely keeping the sheet wrapped around his waist as he bolted to the bathroom that was attached to your bedroom. You heard him wretch and dashed after him, kneeling behind him as he threw up and running your hands through his hair. None of it was long enough to reach his mouth so you didn't hold it back, but you rubbed his ears for comfort.

He threw up three times before he leaned back from the toilet, whimpering and leaning his head into yours. You flushed the toilet, grabbing the washcloth and wetting it in the sink before using it to wipe his mouth. You filled a cup with water, letting him gargle and rinse before handing him his toothbrush and helping him up to the sink. 

You knew that with heats came sickness for some hybrids, in between bouts of heat fever they got queasy or feverish in the traditional sense.

He brushed his teeth slowly and you hugged him from behind, gently placing your hands over his tummy. When he didn't push you away you ran your fingers lightly over the soft skin and laid your head on his back. He finally finished brushing and rinsed and spit into the sink, taking your hand and the trash can and making his way back into the bed. He set the trash can by the edge of the bed, crawling in and opening his arms for you to join him. You got under the covers, curling into his side and closing your eyes. It had barely been a minute after you had settled when you felt his lips trailing down your neck, leaving wet marks each time they parted from your skin.

Here we go again.


It was a fever break. It was also very very late. You read the clock, 2:30 AM. You heard little footsteps down the hall before the door creaked open and two bunny ears popped into view.

"Y/N? TaeTae?"

"Kookie?" You squinted through the darkness at the bunny boy who smiled at you when you said his name as though he was perfectly innocent, as though he was not sneaking out of bed in the middle of the night. 

"Y/N, I missed you! I haven't seen you in two days, Jimin said something about TaeTae being sick, is he okay? Is that like what happened to Hoseok that one time? Where we didn't see him or Yoongi for a week?"

"Yeah, that's what's happening to Taehyung. But you need to stay out of here, we can't have you getting sick too." Hybrid heat sickness was contagious to hybrids around them, and in worst case scenarios would trigger the other hybrid's heat as well. Jungkook was five, you did not want his heat happening this early.

"But Y/NNNN, I miss you! Please just let me sleep in here for tonight, please?!"

You smiled sadly at the bunny boy, "No Kookie, I'm sorry. Come on, I'll walk you back to your room, and I'll pet your ears until you fall asleep, okay?"

He pouted but grabbed your hand and pulled you out of bed, leading you down the hall to his and Joy's shared room. He crawled into his bed, that was the shape of a racecar, thank you Namjoon for that birthday present, and let you tuck him into the covers before letting his ears stand straight on his head waiting for you.

You cooed, beginning to stroke Jungkook's ears as his eyes fluttered shut and his breathing evened out. The bunny hybrid moved closer to your warmth as he dozed off, unconsciously seeking out your body heat. You wrapped him up in the blanket, cradling him in your arms as he fell asleep. You pressed a single kiss to each of his ears, only laying him back down in his bed when he was fully asleep. You snuck back into your own room, feeling around for the bed before sliding into the blankets and curling up, falling asleep soon after

(A/N I've updated for tWo of my stories today who am I)

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