Chapter Seventy-One - A Man

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So sorry for the long wait guys, I was offline :') Also my account is dying :')


You turned to the german shepherd, smiling at the curious little boy.

"Seokmin, I missed you too! But right now, will you please go get me some warm milk for Doyoung here? Take Soonyoung with you." You waved at the tiger hybrid in the door and smiled as he waved back with a pudgy hand. The two friends raced off towards the kitchen, leaving you once again alone with the crying snow leopard. 

"Doyoung, I sent two little boys, Seokmin and Soonyoung to get you some warm milk. You're probably really really tired and I'm sure you could use some sleep. If you're able to calm down, how about we get you changed into your pajamas and you can drink your milk and either go to sleep or read for a bit." Your fingers continuously rubbed the small white ear in your hand, reducing the hybrid's tears and sobs to sniffles and hiccups. He kept his face hidden in his knees, head bared so that your hand would continue its ministrations.

You heard footsteps once more and the two boys reentered the room. Both Soonyoung and Seokmin had a cup of milk grasped in their little hands but only Seokmin offered his glass to Doyoung, plopping in front of him.

"Doyoung, Seokmin is here with your milk."

The german shepherd hybrid smiled as Doyoung lifted his head slightly, waving energetically as he held out the warm milk. Doyoung tentatively reached for the glass, eyes widening and tail flicking in pleasure when his hands became warm from the heat of the cup. He shot Seokmin a small smile and breathed out a laugh when the boy's tail thumped against the ground in response. Soonyoung came over towards you, already gulping his own milk down and curling up in your lap.

It was around noon when you had left for the store, but time had flown since seeing Jennie and Doyoung and you checked your phone to see that it was nearly five. You shot Namjoon a quick text, telling him that you'd had to take a detour to the shelter and that you'd probably be back a little bit late. Taehyung sat next to you, quietly introducing himself to Soonyoung who politely greeted him back, charming the dog hybrid with his smile. You reached up, kneading one of Soonyoung's ears with your fingers and stroking the tip of his tail with the other hand when it came up to curl around your wrist. Taehyung laid his head on your shoulder, whining quietly and nudging his face into your neck.

You used the hand that was smoothing down the fur on Soonyoung's striped tail to pet Taehyung. His whining ceased and he leaned into your hand more and more with each scratch. Doyoung's tail had come to rest in his lap and Seokmin eyed it with rapt interest. You saw his hands twitching by his sides and you spoke up.

"Seokmin, why don't you ask Doyoung first if you can touch his tail, I know you want to, but remember we have to ask people first."

"Can I please touch your tail? Please? I'll be gentle, I promise!" Seokmin barely waited a second before posing the question, ears flattening as the snow leapord hesitated.

"Okay." Doyoung's voice was raspy from sobbing but Seokmin smiled brightly, reaching for the furry appendage that laid in Doyoung's lap. Minseok stayed on the bed, eyes dark as he glared at the floor. You shifted Soonyoung into Taehyung's lap instead, striding over to the brooding wolf hybrid.

"Minseok, what's wrong?"

"Y/N, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to push him over. I was just excited to see you. But I made a mess, I'm so sorry."

His ears were droopy and flat to his head, tail miserably flopped onto the bed beside him.

"Minseok, it's okay. It's not your fault. I know you were just excited, don't worry. Someone was bound to scare him at some point, maybe it's better that we got it out of the way sooner rather than leter so that we're able to build off of it and learn what makes him upset. And I'm sure if you apologize to Doyoung too, that he won't be upset with you."

Minseok nodded, ears slightly perking as he sat up straighter. You glanced to the side to see Seokmin sitting in Doyoung's lap, facing him as he talked animatedly about something. You almost had him sit on the floor once more, but Doyoung showed no signs of discomfort to the  fact that Seokmin was in his lap. Seokmin seemed to be describing life at the shelter and Doyoung was listening intently as the german shepherd puppy rambled on. 

You heard a small, 'oh', from Taehyung and turned once more to see a snoozing tiger cub in his lap. Soonyoung had the tendency to shift as he slept, and it seems that a cat nap did just that for the boy. Taehyung embraced the little kitten, lifting him higher up on his body and tucking him under his chin. Soonyoung unconsciously butted his head up, digging it further into Taehyung's neck. 

"So Minseok, how are things here? I'm sorry I haven't gotten a chance to see you in a while, but are you doing okay?"

"Yeah, things here are amazing. I made friends with all the little kids and then a few friends my own age. Thank you for bringing me here Y/N, I know I attacked you, and I'm so sorry for that."

He looked glum once more but you waved off his apology.

"I'm not upset about that Minseok, you were in pain and I told you that if I hurt you then you could hurt me. And I've healed, it's not like you killed me or anything."

"What about him? Isn't he upset?"

Minseok gestured to Taehyung who pretended to be occupied with stroking the tiger cub in his arms rather than listening to your conversation.

"I don't think so. We both healed, he knows you were in a lot of pain. I should have had you come to the shelter first, then we could have numbed you, but then I just thought, after that long of it being in your body, we couldn't risk any more time."

Minseok nodded, tearing his gaze away from Taehyung.

"Well, I'll leave so that he can sleep. But I really missed you Y/N, can we please meet up sometime soon?" Minseok's hand came to squeeze yours and you nodded.

"Of course, I'll try to come even weekly if I can. Goodnight Minseok, I'm glad you're doing well here."

He smiled at you, pointed teeth gleaming in the light of the room before he left, not turning towards his own room, but down the opposite direction. It was strange but you waved it off, turning back to Taehyung.

"Sorry Taehyung, I know you know that he used to like me, but I feel bad not coming to see him."

Taehyung shook his head however, smiling a genuine smile at you, "It's okay. He's mated, I could smell. He has two smells on him, his own and someone else's. Smelled like some sort of cat hybrid. A man." 

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