Chapter Thirty-Three - Attack

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It was about ten minutes before the shelter van pulled into the parking lot, trailed by others just like it. You went outside to meet them, taking Taehyung's hand when he followed you to the door. It was a newer employee, Suho, that stepped out of the car, small first aid kit in hand. You greeted him with a smile, explaining that the hybrids needed to be approached with caution at first. He nodded along, knowing that they had to be able to trust him for him to touch them. You led him back to the room, giving into Taehyung's pleading and letting him come in too.

The room was silent at first, almost like when you came in before, but now they weren't confined to cages. 

"This is Taehyung," You gestured to the hybrid who timidly waved on your right side, "and this is Suho. He works at the shelter that I do. He's nice, I promise. If you trusted me, I know you'll be able to trust him too. He's brought several first aid kits, and we'll both clean up and dress your more severe wounds. Once you're done being treated, you can wait here until everyone's done, and then we'll go to the parking lot and get you all into the vans. Sound good?"

You got a few, 'yeah!'s from the more open hybrids, but mostly nods as you took a first aid kit and opened it.

Taeyong scrambled over to be first in your line, throwing a curious glance over your shoulder towards Taehyung. Said hybrid moved closer to you, hovering behind you not sure if he was supposed to touch you. You took a cotton ball and some antiseptic, warning Taeyong that it might sting before dabbing at the cuts on his face where the muzzle had dug into his skin. He hissed slightly at the feeling, not towards you, but you felt Taehyung tense behind you at the sound.

After you were satisfied with the cleanliness of his cuts, you took out a bandage, carefully placing it over the cut on his chin. He thanked you, moving to the side to let the next person go but stopping, hesitating before you.

"You okay?"

"I just.. I have a cut on my side that always bothers me.. Would you mind looking at it?" You had him lay down on the ground, apologizing for the poor circumstances. He lifted his tattered shirt to reveal what was maybe a foot long gash across his abdomen, worse on his left side than it was on his right.

"Holy.. How did you get this?"

"I got into a fight with the people who tried to take me here, I didn't want to go but they took me anyways, they sliced my side open during the fight." He didn't seem fazed at the admission, but you knew that it must hurt him a lot. You regrettably got more antiseptic, warning him again of the possible pain before you gently swiping the cotton over his cut. The skin around became red and irritated, cut itself showing signs of being incredibly infected. Taeyong writhed underneath you, (hello) trying to get away from the burning of the cut. You shushed him, setting the cotton down for a moment until he calmed down. Once he was ready again, you cleaned another small section of the cut, and again, and again, until the entire cut was as clean as you could get it right now. You wrapped his abdomen in gauze, checking to see if it was too tight before securing it.

Taeyong thanked you, sitting up and rising to his feet again. He walked to the side, joining another hybrid who had been treated by Suho that was sitting against the wall. They engaged in light conversation and you turned back to your line, surprised to see Xiumin, the wolf hybrid from earlier. You knew that he wouldn't want to give Suho a chance, but you didn't think he'd want to give you one either.

Nevertheless you smiled warmly, getting only a cold glare in return.

"I'm willing to do almost anything to get my leg to stop hurting, don't read too much into it."

"What happened to your leg?"

"I got shot."

"What?!" You exclaimed, quieting yourself when the room went silent.

"I'm sorry. You... you got shot?"

"Yes. Shot. In my leg. Can you make it stop hurting?"

You nodded having Xiumin sit down as you crouched in front of him. He pulled up his right pant leg to reveal a hole, not all the way through his leg, but almost, covered in dried and fresh blood.

"Did the bullet get stuck in your leg?"

"Well I couldn't find it afterwards on the ground or anything, so I think so."

You nodded, taking the tweezers out of your first aid kit.

"I'm going to have to pull it out. I don't know how long this has been here, but it's a miracle you haven't died yet. It's going to hurt, a lot. But I promise that I'm doing it to help you and that you'll feel a lot better after it's over with."

He didn't nod, but he didn't protest, so you took that as your sign to go ahead. You examined the angle of the wound, guessing that the bullet was probably lodged somewhere underneath the initial hole, and checked one last time to see if Xiumin was ready. You slowly prodded around with the tweezers, trying to cause as little pain as possible. You heard the growl that he gave you, saw his claws extending and scraping against the floor, but you knew that it really really hurt. You went a little bit deeper in his wound, feeling something hard and small, and latching onto it. He howled as you grabbed the bullet, but the final straw was pulling it out. It was lodged so deep in his leg that he couldn't help but let his control break at the searing pain in his leg. 

His brain wasn't working right, but he couldn't help it as he lunged for you, effectively ripping your tweezers holding the bullet out of his leg. The extra pain that came from the harsh movements coupled with his already out of control brain left no room for rational thinking, only animalistic thinking as he swiped his claws over your chest, feeling them sink into your flesh. You let out a scream, blood washing over your neck and stomach as you fell back onto the ground, and the last thing you saw before you blacked out was Taehyung, teeth bared, jumping at Xiumin.

Feral - Hybrid!Taehyung x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن