Chapter Eleven - Adoption

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That night, the night that you had found Taehyung, you cried. You had put Joy to bed, tucking her in before going back downstairs and sitting on the couch next to Taehyung. He scrambled over to sit with you, curling up in your lap and breathing in your scent with a happy smile on his face. It was only when he felt a droplet on his head, that he realized you were crying. His head shot up from being buried in your neck, eyes locked with your misty ones.

A whimper crawled out of his throat as he nudged his nose into your cheek. Your lip trembled, the sight of him safe bringing you more joy that you had ever thought possible. You broke, sobs choking you as you buried your face in your hands. Your shoulders shook and Taehyung's whimpers increased tenfold. He didn't like you hiding yourself from him, he wanted to see your face, to make you happy again.

He brought shaky hands up to your face, peeling your hands away from your tear-filled eyes and pressing his face against your streaky one. He hated how you shook under him, each one of your sobs tearing his heart more and more until he was sure it was in two.

"No sad Y/N. Taehyung sorry. No sad, please."

You pulled away from him, swiping at your face with your sleeve to try and get the tear-stains off. You leaned back on the couch, back resting against the cushions. He followed, leaning forwards and resting his head on your chest. He gazed up at you, brows creased in worry.

"I'm not sad, I'm happy. I guess I'm both actually. I'm so so insanely happy that I managed to find you but I'm sad that you left. I'm sad that you thought I didn't love you anymore. I knew I wasn't giving you as much attention as before, but I thought you knew why. I thought you realized that it wasn't because I didn't love you, but it was because Joy was here. She needs attention too, and I'm sorry that you thought that I didn't love you anymore. But I do, I really do love you Taehyung."

Each 'I love you' that came out of your mouth worked to fix the damage that your sobs had done to Taehyung's heart, sewing the pieces back together. His tail would have wagged if you had not still had a few tears flowing down your cheeks, seemingly his punishment for running away. He knew now that it only hurt you and hated that he was the cause of your misery.

His eyes settled on your lips again, wanting so badly for the lower one to stop trembling. He waited until your sobs had died down to little sniffles here and there, one or two hiccups before leaning in. He pushed his lips onto yours, still a bit awkwardly but you could tell how desperate he was for affection through the kiss. You brought a hand up to cup his face as he slipped his tongue in your mouth, deepening the kiss.

He marveled at the feeling the kiss brought, knowing full well that this was the best thing he'd ever felt. He'd seen people kiss like that at his old master's house, but they were never sweet about it, they never seemed to care for the other person. But here you were, caring for him, rubbing your thumb over his cheek and making his chest swell with love. 

Neither of you heard the little footsteps down the stairs, or across the wood floor until Joy spoke, "What are you doing?"

You both jumped, Taehyung growling softly at the frustration of being interrupted for the second time. You laid your head on his chest, laughing softly at the curious kitten.

"I could ask you the same little girl, I thought I put you to bed?"

She smiled bashfully, ears laying slightly flat on her head.

"I heard crying and I wanted to make sure you were okay! Taehyung, why did you make Y/N cry?"

"He didn't make me cry Joy, don't worry. But it's late, and you need to get to bed. Do you want us to come and tuck you in?"

She nodded, taking Taehyung's hand and leading him up the stairs. You followed after them, smiling at the giggles that erupted from Joy when Taehyung picked her up and tossed her onto the bed. She snuggled into the blankets, getting cozy before closing her eyes once more. You shut off the light, taking Taehyung's hand in yours and taking him back to the couch.

You grabbed a blanket, laying down on the couch before staring up at him expectantly. You held the blanket up over your body and, giving him enough room to get underneath, gestured for him to come and join you. He smiled, a great big grin that lit up the room before tackling you and bringing the blanket up to cover you two. You giggled, feeling his ears tickling your face slightly as he dug his face into your neck. He inhaled your sweet scent before bringing his head up, kissing you quickly. You barely had time to reciprocate before he pulled away, grinning and blushing. He hid under the blanket, nuzzling his nose into your shoulder before whispering, "Taehyung love Y/N."

He barely heard the, "I love you too Taehyung," before he drifted off, deciding that your arms were absolutely his favorite place to be.


This time, it was the both of you that were awoken in the morning by Joy, feeling her nose nuzzle into your faces.

You had gotten up, made breakfast for the three of you, and put on a movie. Cinderella played quietly, keeping both Joy and Taehyung entranced. Each one giggled at the dog and cat in the movie, their endless rivalry funny to the hybrids. You had almost forgotten that Namjoon was scheduled to come over for a lesson, only remembering when the doorbell rang. You groaned, answering the door in your pajamas and bedhead.

"Rough morning?" he laughed, teasing you and messing with your unruly hair.

You stepped aside, allowing him to enter and gathering up the empty plates from breakfast.

You felt a weight on your leg and looked down to see Joy hiding her face in your thigh. You scooped her up, petting her ears softly and remembering that she had never met your friend.

"Joy, this is my friend Namjoon. He comes over sometimes to help Taehyung learn to speak. He's nice, I promise."

The man looked up at the mention of his name, dimpled smile on his face as he approached you two.

"Hello Joy! It's nice to meet you. How old are you?"

She hid her face in your neck as a response, though you could feel her smiling.

"Joy is three years old."

Namjoon gasped dramatically, pretending to be amazed at how old the little girl was. You set her down, only to have her scramble after you as you walked into the kitchen.

You stifled a giggle at the girl's behavior, taking her upstairs to get her dressed for the day. You tied half of her hair up into a little ponytail, leaving the rest down. She raced back downstairs after you were done, trying to see what Namjoon and Taehyung were working on at the table. She was too short, eyes only able to reach just under the table. Namjoon saw this, lifting her up and placing her onto the chair next to him.

"You guys okay if I go shower and get ready?"

All three nodded, leaving you to freshen up for the day. After you had showered, dried your hair, brushed through it, gotten dressed and styled your hair, you walked back down the stairs. You laughed slightly, seeing that Joy had abandoned her chair in favor of Namjoon's lap and was curled against him as he rubbed her ears. Light little purrs emitted from her chest as he carded his fingers through her hair.

You sat down in the seat next to Taehyung who tried to also climb into your lap, but you pushed him back onto his chair. 

"You gotta pay attention to your lesson, we can cuddle later."

The only response you got was a smile and a nod and you watched as Joy fell asleep in Namjoon's lap. You could tell that he already loved the kitten and you took a spare sheet of lined paper that was leftover from the writing portion of Taehyung's lesson. You scribbled on it, the question full of hope.

'Would you like to adopt Joy?'

 You pushed it towards your friend, watching as his eyes widened slightly after scanning your words. You saw him think for a moment, before he looked back up at you and smiled, pushing the paper back towards you.

You surveyed his messy scrawl, heart soaring at the words.

'Yeah, I would.'

Feral - Hybrid!Taehyung x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now