Chapter Twenty-Five - Homesick

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You lowered Taehyung onto the couch, shushing him when he whimpered and reached out for you.

"I'm gonna make some dinner, you can sleep more okay? I'll wake you up when it's ready."

He shook his head, standing and following after you, you snorted at the image, like a lost puppy. He followed you all the way into the kitchen, plopping on the floor to lay his head against the fridge. You giggled, crouching down beside him.

"Wouldn't the couch be more comfortable?"

"Wanna be with you."  His already deep voice somehow got even deeper while he was sleepy, coming our raspy and slurred but beautiful just the same. You cooed, kissing his nose before starting dinner. You hadn't had anything planned, so you just made two grilled cheese sandwiches, smiling when you felt Taehyung's head slump against your calf while you stood at the stove. 

Your dinner was eaten in comfortable silence, Taehyung still wrapped in his blanket. It was past six when you finished and you went to clear the plates while Taehyung sat on the floor playing with the kitten. You realized that you'd have to tell Jungkook too, and you hoped he wouldn't be too upset that he wasn't there for the decision.

Once you were done with the dishes, you guided Taehyung up the stairs. He had the kitten enveloped in his blanket now and he gladly laid down on the bed when you gestured for him to. You laid down after him, grabbing the tv remote and switching it on. You pulled up Netflix, choosing the next episode of your favorite series. 

Taehyung's head rested on your shoulder and the kitten nipped at your fingers in your lap. You grabbed one of the toys, waving it around and tiring both you and the cat out for the night. The little kitten crawled onto your chest when you laid down, yawning and curling up before falling asleep.

Your eyes fell closed as the characters bantered back and forth on screen and you barely heard the little whispered, 'I love you Y/N ' before your mind went blank and you were asleep.


Your phone woke you up for the second time in twenty-four hours. This time however, it was Namjoon on the other end.

"Uh, Y/N? Jungkook got really homesick, I know it's like three in the morning but can I bring him over? He's really really upset and he just wants to go home."

"No no, it's okay, I'll come pick him up."

"No really, I think he'll be happier if he's on the way to see you. That way he doesn't have to wait around until you get here, he's gonna be on his way instead."

"Okay. Well I'm sorry that you have to run him back, and would you apologize to Joy too? If she's even awake? Maybe we should try a sleepover here first."

You could just barely hear crying in the background and your heart twisted at the sounds.

"Alright, I will. We'll be over in about ten minutes, yeah?"

You said your goodbyes, hanging up the call and sliding out of bed. Miraculously, Taehyung hadn't woken up in the commotion and you slid your pillow in his grasp in place of you. He whined at first, but after he realized that your pillow was covered in your scent, he complied and snuggled into it. You slid on slippers, waiting on the couch until knocks sounded on the door.

You rushed to the door, pulling it open to reveal a tear-stained Jungkook. He lunged for you, jumping high enough to actually reach your torso and wrap his arms around your neck and his legs around your waist. You supposed it was a bunny thing.

"Y/N!" He wailed, "I missed you so much! It was all dark and everyone was asleep and I was all alone and I just wanted you to sit with me and read me a book but you weren't there and I didn't know what to do-"

"Shhh, it's okay. You don't have to explain yourself, I understand. Everyone gets homesick sometimes. But why don't you thank Namjoon for the time you spent at his house and for driving you back here so late- er, early."

Jungkook's fuzzy ears tickled your neck and chin as he buried his head in your neck. You could hear his little sniffles and see how droopy his ears were.

"Thank you Namjoon!"

"Of course, I hope you feel better now, you should get some sleep."

You nodded, still holding the bunny boy in your arms and shutting the door, shooting Namjoon a grateful smile. You took Jungkook upstairs, sliding the pillow out of Taehyung's arms and placing Jungkook in it's place. Taehyung reacted immediately, curling himself around his brother and pulling him to his chest. You slid in on the other side of the bed, also wrapping your arms around Jungkook. 


"Yes Jungkook?"

"Why is there a cat in the bed?"

"Oh, we got a cat. We went to a cat cafe and got a cat."

"Without me?"

"I'm sorry Jungkook, Taehyung just saw the place and wanted to go. We fell in love with the kitten and we had to take him home. But I think you'll really like him, he's sweet."

"What's his name?"

"We don't really have a name for him yet, but because you didn't get to adopt him with us, we'll let you choose, how about that?"

Jungkook nodded and smiled, nestling further into your warmth and falling asleep. The movement woke Taehyung who blinked sleepily and stared at you.

"Y/N? Jungkook is home?"

"Yeah, he got homesick."


"It's when you miss your home and the people in it a lot when you're away."

"Oh. Is he better now?"

"Yeah, he just needs to sleep, and so do you. Goodnight Taehyung."

"Goodnight Y/N."


A/N: Sorry this was a filler chapter before plot things happen and I just needed some time to pass :I 

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