Chapter Eighteen - Brothers

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On the drive home, you stopped by the ice cream store, getting nine ice cream sundaes, seven for everyone back at home, and one for each you and Jungkook. He ate his happily, thanking you for the treat. It was about eleven in the morning, so you assumed that everyone would be finishing breakfast. Maybe not the best time for ice cream, but is there really a bad time for ice cream?

You pulled into your driveway, smiling as you saw the blinds still pulled. There was a good chance that no one had left and that was what you had been hoping for. Jungkook took one of the two drink holders with the ice cream, following you inside while you held the other. You heard voices in the living room and a set of rushed footsteps before you were greeted by Taehyung, tail wagging and smile wide.

"You came back!"

"Of course silly! I told you I wouldn't leave you, here, take some ice cream."

"Thank you!" After praising him on his manners you stepped to the right, revealing Jungkook who had been hidden behind you.

"Taehyung, I brought Jungkook home from the shelter because some other hybrids were being mean to him. He's gonna live with us now, he'll be like your brother, but don't worry because I'll always love you so much."

Your words were rushed, scared of Taehyung's reaction, but instead of a whimper or a growl, a yip came out of his mouth before he set his ice cream on the table, clumsily dropping to his knees in front of Jungkook.

"Hi!" His tail was wagging at light speed, whipping your leg as it swung back and forth. You held out your hand for Jungkook's ice cream tray, taking it from him so that they could reacquaint themselves.

Once he was free of the cardboard tray, Jungkook hugged Taehyung, taking the dog slightly off guard. Nevertheless, he wrapped his arms around the bunny and stood once more, now holding the rabbit. Jungkook squealed, clinging to Taehyung as he was lifted high in the air and giggled, showcasing his little bunny teeth in a grin.

You cooed, kissing Taehyung on the cheek before walking through the hallway, into the living room where everyone else was. You were glad to see that Yoongi and Hoseok hadn't left yet, instead cuddled up on the couch. Everyone greeted you, tails wagging, ears twitching, and thanks' exchanged when you announced that you had gotten ice cream. Taehyung and Jungkook had made their way into the living room, bunny still held in Taehyung's arms. 

"Taehyung, who's that?" Jimin asked, ears perked as he watched the shy little bunny burrow his face into Taehyung's neck.

"Jungkook. My brother!" Taehyung exclaimed, setting the boy down only for him to tuck his face into the back of his leg bashfully.

You sat on the couch, smiling at Jungkook who peeked out from behind Taehyung at you.

"Everyone's really nice Kookie, don't worry."

At this, Jungkook moved his head to rest his cheek on Taehyung's thigh, looking around up everyone else. Jin of course knew Jungkook from the shelter and waved, smiling when he was given a shy little wave in return. Namjoon had also met Jungkook before, on the few days that he visited you at work to bring you lunch. He gave a warm smile to the little bunny who ducked his head shyly at the gesture. Jimin set his ice cream down, pushing off of the couch and sitting instead on the floor in front of Taehyung.

"I'm Jimin! I'm a dog hybrid, are you a bunny hybrid?"

Jungkook nodded, eyeing the ears on Jimin's head. Jimin ducked down, pushing his head closer to the child while his tail wagged behind him. Jungkook reached out, slowly unwrapping himself from Taehyung to tug softly on the fluffy ears. Jin smiled, knowing that Jimin was absolutely overjoyed from making so many new friends in such a short period of time.

Taehyung moved over onto the couch and sat next to you, watching as Hoseok and Joy moved onto the floor as well to meet Jungkook. He began eating his ice cream, offering you a spoonful as you didn't have one. 

"Oh, it's okay Taehyung, I already had mine." He shook his head, pushing the spoon further into your face until you relented, accepting the bite.

"Thank you baby"

"You're welcome."

It was Namjoon this time who complemented Taehyung on his use of words, praising him for his fast learning. Taehyung blushed, smiling and hiding his face in your neck. You brought a hand up to stroke his hair, feeling him shudder slightly as your nails scraped against his scalp. The moment was ruined when you snorted, catching sight of a very flustered Yoongi with Jungkook's head in his neck. You patted the little bunny on the shoulder, pulling him away from Yoongi who thanked you, shooting an apologetic smile at the crestfallen bunny.

"It's okay Kookie, you just don't know him very well and you got pretty close. But he's not angry, it's okay."

Yoongi nodded, reassuring Jungkook before taking another bite of his ice cream. Jungkook crawled onto the couch, still wearing his onesie from sleeping last night. He sat in your lap, looking up at Taehyung who's face was still turned and buried in your neck. He tentatively stretched out, laying his feet across Taehyung's lap and nestling his face in your tummy. 

Taehyung moved, looking down at the two little feet in his lap before reaching for one.

"So small." He cooed, running a finger down the underside and laughing as Jungkook squirmed. He took his face out of your tummy, sitting up and trying to twist his foot out of Taehyung's hold. When the dog kept a firm grip on his foot, Jungkook pouted, crossing his arms and huffing. Taehyung laughed, lifting Jungkook out of your lap and all the way into his. Jungkook curled against Taehyung's chest, eyes fluttering closed and eyelashes brushing against his little cheeks.

"Y/N?" Taehyung gazed up at you, eyes full of adoration.

"Yes baby?"

"Thank you for my brother."


A/N: Did you like the chapter? I hope so! Next chapter I'm planning to look more at Y/N and Taehyung's relationship, really start the idea of them being a couple. :) I love you all and don't forget to request for my new book, Bts imagines, preferences, one-shots, and scenarios!

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