Chapter Twenty-Two - Shifter

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"A.. A what?"

"A shifter," Jimin paused, "Purebred hybrids, meaning both of the parents are hybrids, can shift into whatever animal they share DNA with. I'm not sure what breed of dog Taehyung is, but whatever it is, I think he can shift into it."

"So you're telling me, that he can turn into a dog?"

"If my theory is correct, yes. I've thought about it, and if I'm being honest, I snuck onto Seokjin's computer one night, and researched the guy who used to own Taehyung. He used halfbred hybrids to breed with other halfbred hybrids, or a purebred hybrid, and only kept the purebred ones because those are worth more. If he kept Taehyung for so long, he's gotta be a purebred, meaning that he can shift!" Jimin looked very proud of his detective work, tail wagging behind him on the bed.

"But if he's a 'shifter', why hasn't he done it yet?"

"That's the other part Y/N, I don't think he knows he's a shifter. Some hybrids, when they're taken into a home and then abused, sneak out in their shifted forms and escape. So if his previous owner knew this, and has had Taehyung since he was a pup, he wouldn't have ever let Taehyung know that he was a shifter, because then he could have escaped."

Your head was spinning too much new information presented at once for you to process.

"So, he can turn into a dog.. but he doesn't know he can.. which is why he hasn't done it yet?"

"Basically, yeah! But hybrid's parents usually help them shift for the first time, because they usually first shift as babies, and the parents are the only ones around. But he's gonna need some guidance with shifting and I'm willing to help if you want!"

"Hold on! You're a shifter too?!"

"Yeah, how did you not know?"

"Jimin, how would I have known? You've never told me and neither has Seokjin."

"Who did you think the corgi was that used to follow you to work and back each day before it was nearly hit by a bus and had to stop? Did you think that was just a random dog?"

You recalled the little puppy that had used to trail you to work and back a few years ago, the sweet thing had nearly tripped over it's short little legs to keep up with you until you noticed and pet him each day. But you had never really connected the dots that the puppy was Jimin. He had stopped following you a few years ago, you were crossing the street and he was trying really hard to keep up. He had found himself nearly under the bus when you figured it out and ran back out into the street, yelling at the driver to stop. You had scooped him up, taking him into the clinic and feeding him, staying with him the whole day before sending him back on his way.

He had tried to follow you again the next day but you had stopped him, telling him that it was too dangerous. In hindsight, you probably should have realized that dogs can't understand things like that, and he stopped following you right after. But you didn't think twice about it, promising to come and see him at the park some time.

Without fail, each time you came to the park he was there, no owner in sight, but happy to play with you. You really need to tell Seokjin not to let Jimin just roam around anymore.

"That was you? How did I not see that coming?"

Jimin giggled, eyes practically disappearing as he smiled.

"Anyways, I can help Taehyung to learn to shift for the first time if you want, then we can go to the dog park together and I'll have someone to play with!" You knew that Jimin was more focused on his personal gain in the situation, but you didn't care. You wanted Taehyung to be able to shift, if it was something that he didn't even know that he could do.

"Okay Jiminie, if you really want to help Taehyung learn to shift, that's okay with me. But you really should be more careful just roaming about the city like that, you could have gotten hurt!"

He had tuned out the last half of your statement, only hearing that he could help Taehyung learn to shift.

"Yay! Thank you Y/N! Can we tell him and ask him now?!"

"Yeah, but I'm gonna have you lead, since I'm still a bit confused. Remember, use basic language, he's not completely fluent yet and I don't want to make him overwhelmed."

Jimin nodded, practically flying to the door and wrenching it open.

"TAE- Taehyung!" Jimin seemed to rethink screaming and for that you were grateful.


"Come here, we have something to tell you!"

You knew Taehyung would be somewhat scared by the phrase, having seen him burst into tears when you said that you, 'wanted to talk'. You had just wanted to converse with him and help him test his new speaking skills but in hindsight it maybe wasn't the best phrase to use.

He appeared at the top of the stairs, kitten trailing behind him and struggling to overcome the last stair. He turned, picking up the cat before coming into the room and sitting on the bed. He flickered his eyes between you and Jimin, ears flat on his head. You took his hand, rubbing your thumb over the back of it soothingly. Taehyung relaxed infinitesimally, shoulders slumping a little.

"Taehyungie, baby, Jimin has something that he wants to tell you. It's not bad, so don't worry."

He nodded, turning his gaze to focus on Jimin.

"Taehyung, I think you're a shifter. I think that you're a pureblood hybrid and that makes you a shifter. Do you remember your parents? Were they both hybrids?"

Taehyung's eyes began filling with tears, lower lip quivering.

"Jimin, he's probably sensitive about his parents, just be a little more gentle."

Jimin looked crestfallen at making Taehyung cry and you smiled at him reassuringly so that he wouldn't feel so bad.

"I'm sorry Taehyung, please don't cry! I didn't mean to make you cry!" Both hybrids whimpers filled the room and you reached a hand out to both.

Scratching each behind the ears, you moved your hand down from Taehyung's ears to wipe away a stray tear.

"It's okay Taehyung, he doesn't mean for it to be sad for you. But do you remember if both of your parents were hybrids?" Squeezing Jimin's hand, you pulled it away, looking back at Taehyung.

"Yes. Both hybrids."

You smiled, reaching out to wipe the few tears that had escaped while Taehyung was thinking. You gestured for Jimin to continue.

"Well that means that you're a shifter. You can turn into whatever breed of dog that you share DNA with. So whatever kind of dog hybrid you are, you can turn into it." Jimin quickly recovered from his technical language and gave it to Taehyung in a way he could understand.

"I can turn into dog?"

"Yes! And you're gonna need help to learn how to do it, but I can help you if you want! I'm a shifter too!"

"You help me? You be teacher?"

"Yeah, I'll teach you!"

"O-Okay, you teach me."

Feral - Hybrid!Taehyung x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now