Chapter Fifty-Four - Hug

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Your reverie was interrupted when five pairs of footsteps bounded down the stairs, Jackson and Joy at the very front with Seokjin, Yoongi, and Namjoon bringing up the rear. Yoongi had Jinyoung sitting on his hip, the baby rubbing his face against the elder's chest. Soft purrs trickled from Jinyoung's throat as he snuggled into Yoongi's soft jacket. Joy and Jackson were the first to reach Taehyung, Joy squeezing him tight and Jackson waving energetically and bouncing on the balls of his feet. Yugyeom was still in your arms and the soft bunny squeaked and wriggled around at the sight of his brothers, running and plopping down onto Jackson's feet and nuzzling his face into his legs. 

Jackson clearly recognized his scent because his eyes became shiny and tears brimmed in them.

"Y/N! This is Yugyeom, he's my brother! You brought me my brother back, thank you thank you thank you!" The small boy scooped up the bunny, rubbing his face into the soft fur and racing towards you for a hug. You bent down, hugging the hybrid who only reached your hip and rubbing his ear gently. He let out a happy yip at the sensation and his tail began to beat against the chair behind him.

You took Yugyeom from Jackson, shushing his protests.

"He can't shift back yet, he won't have any clothes on. I'm going to get him some of Namjoon's clothes, I think he'll fit fine." The man in question nodded at you as permission to take his clothes and you ran upstairs, placing the bunny on your bed and grabbing a set of sweatpants, a baggy shirt, and clean boxers. You set the clothes next to the bunny and excused yourself. After a few moments of soft rustling, the door behind you opened and Yugyeom came out, fully clothed.

You smiled at him, letting Taehyung into the room after him as he had come up the stairs to shift too. You led Yugyeom back downstairs, laughing when Jackson threw himself at the tall hybrid and lept up to wrap his arms around his shoulders. Yugyeom caught the puppy, nuzzling his face into the boy's smaller one and wiping away their tears as they flowed down each of their cheeks.

Your waist was encircled by a pair of arms, winding themselves around you and pulling you back into a broad chest. Taehyung's scent enveloped you, bringing tears to your eyes as you realized how much you had missed him. It had been four days since you had seen him last, not giving in and going to the police had taken too long. You turned in Taehyung's arms, wrapping your arms around his neck and burying your face in his shoulder. Your hands found purchase in Taehyung's slightly matted and greasy hair, stroking his ears and fighting back your tears. You heard a squeal behind you and turned to see Jinyoung trying to wiggle out of Yoongi's arms.

"Gyeom! Gyeom!" He reached for Yugyeom, who set Jackson down and held his arms out for the kitten. The baby purred instantly, rubbing his head against Yugyeom's cheek. The elder breathed in shakily, putting a hand on the back of the baby's head and leaning into him more. Jinyoung laid his head down on Yugyeom's shoulder, reaching for his floppy rabbit ear and taking it into his mouth. He sucked on it, chewing the firm fur-covered ear. He closed his eyes and relaxed, hands resting on the bunny's shoulder. You saw Yugyeom's face scrunch as Jinyoung chewed and sucked on his raw ear, nevertheless cooing softly and rubbing a hand down the babies back. You ran to the kitchen, rifling through the freezer and finding what you were looking for.

Jungkook, being a bunny hybrid, never stopped teething. His mouth constantly pained him and so you had bought him a number of teething rings and pacifiers to chew and suck on to reduce the pain. Putting them in the freezer helped numb the pain because of the cold. You dashed back into the living room, gently taking hold of Yugyeom's ear and pulling it out of Jinyoung's mouth. He tried to bite on it to keep it in his mouth and you had to gently pry the babies jaw open so that Yugyeom wouldn't be in excruciating pain. You hushed the babies cry by offering him the teething ring, touching his hand with the cool plastic before handing it to him. He instantly popped it into his mouth, laying his head back on Yugyeom's shoulder and closing his eyes once more.

You smiled at the relieved bunny, going to the bathroom and grabbing gauze and antiseptic. You cleaned off his raw ears, trying to minimize the sting that came with the alcohol. You wrapped the tips in gauze, stopping when the ear had no exposed wounds left. 

You stepped back to Taehyung who was in the middle of a hug from all of the humans who slowly stepped away to greet you as well. After your hugs from everyone you slipped into Taehyung's arms again, savoring the feeling of his arms around you and his scent clouding your senses. He dipped his head down, pushing his lips onto yours and sliding his tongue into your mouth. You got lost in the moment, forgetting that it wasn't just the two of you there. It felt as though you were the only two people left on Earth and you kissed like people starved before a small hand tugged on the bottom of your skirt. 

You reluctantly broke away, meeting Jungkook's gaze with your own.


"I.. Can.. Can I have a hug too?"

You 'aww'ed, placing your hands under the bunny's arms and lifting him. You sandwiched him in between you and Taehyung, squeezing him into the best hug you could manage. You heard him purr softly, the noise different from a cats but still happy and peaceful. Standing there, looking at Jungkook sandwiched between you and Taehyung, you felt like a mother. And gazing into Taehyung's eyes, you could absolutely see starting a little family with him.

Feral - Hybrid!Taehyung x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن