Chapter Thirty-Five - Visitors

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You groaned as the bunny landed on you, nevertheless smiling and holding the back of his head in one hand, pushing his head into your chest. He ground his teeth softly and you could feel the small tears that dripped from his lashes. You cooed, turning his head so that you could wipe the droplets away.

"Y/N! Missed you! I was so scared, I heard you scream and then Yoongi ran inside and I followed him and you were on the ground and you were bleeding so much!" The bunny in your arms rambled on, tugging you closer to him with his chubby little hands.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry. I didn't know he was following me, if I had noticed I'd have never let him see something like that. I'm.. I'm so sorry." It was Yoongi that spoke, reaching down to scoop the bunny hybrid off of your lap and into his own, sitting down at a chair by your bedside. Jungkook whined, reaching out for you but Yoongi hugged him closer, shushing his whimpers.

"Y/N is better now, but she's... fragile. You gotta be careful when you touch her or lay with her, you might accidentally hurt her again."

"'M sorry Y/N! I didn't hurt you, right?" Jungkook's eyes were misted over with tears again and you reached over, wiping them from his eyes.

"No baby. You didn't hurt me, but Yoongi's right. You just gotta be careful. I'm sorry you had to see that, that must have been really scary."

The bunny nodded and Yoongi grimaced.

"Y/N, I'm really sorry about that. I just didn't notice he had followed-"

"It's okay Yoongi, it's not your fault. Don't worry about it."

He nodded, reaching a hand up to run through Jungkook's hair. The bunny smiled at this, leaning his head back to rest on Yoongi's chest. It was only then that you heard the whimpers coming from the doorway, and you turned your head to see Seokjin holding Jimin back from the collar of his shirt. The whines and whimpers increased in volume and urgency as you met the corgi's eyes, Jin seeing that you were now done talking to Yoongi.

"Y/N, can Jimin come over now? I didn't want him to interrupt, but is now okay?"

You nodded, watching Jin remind Jimin to be careful around you before he let Jimin go. He didn't heed Jin's warnings, rushing over to you and wiggling himself into the sliver of space left on the bed beside you. You giggled softly, scooting over to give him more room.

"Jimin! That's not exactly what I meant by be gentle with her. Come on, get out of the bed, why don't you sit in a chair instead?" Jin scolded the puppy, gesturing to the chair next to Yoongi's. You shushed Jimin's whines, waving a hand at Seokjin.

"It's okay, he can lay here for right now. He's okay, he was gentle about it." You smiled as you felt Jimin nuzzling his nose into your cheek and you reached up, scratching behind his right ear.

"Why can't I lay with you? Why does Jimin get to and I don't?" Jungkook's incredulous voice came from your left and you peeked over Jimin to see a pouting bunny.

"Come here Jungkook, you can lay between Taehyung and I. But remember what we said, be gentle. Get on the bed from down there, and then make your way up here, okay?"

The four year old nodded, sliding off of Yoongi's lap and running to the foot of the bed. Jin helped him up, smiling when Jungkook planted himself in between you and Taehyung. Taehyung wrapped his arm around Jungkook, resting it on your side and burying his nose in Jungkook's hair. Hoseok fell into the chair next to Yoongi, scooting closer to his owner and resting his head on his shoulder. He smiled at you, the blinding grin making you feel ten times better.

"How are you feeling now?"

"Okay. My chest is a bit sore, but it's not too bad. Thank you for coming to visit me!"

You heard the thumping of Hoseok's tail against the fake leather of the hospital chair and you smiled, turning to the only people left in the room that you had not said hi to yet. Namjoon stood in the corner, Joy resting on his hip. She was squirming slightly, reaching for the ground as she silently asked to be put down. Namjoon just readjusted his grip on her, sitting in the third seat, leaving the last one for Jin. Joy's eyes were filled with worry as she watched you, meeting your eyes after she was done.

"Y/N! Joonie said that we had to go to the hospital to see you because you were hurt and I was so worried! Are you sure you're okay, you're not gonna die?" Her words drew whimpers from each of the hybrids in the room and Namjoon rubbed her ears to comfort her.

"No Joy, I won't die. I'm okay now, they just have to run some tests to make sure they did everything right. I promise, I'm okay honey." She nodded, tail relaxing and curling around Namjoon's wrist, his hand still tangled in her hair. You looked up at Namjoon, sending him a smile when he grinned at you.

"I'm so glad you're okay Y/N, I was really scared to be honest. The chest is never a good place to be hurt." Namjoon's voice was slightly hoarse, and it was only then that you noticed the slight red tint to his eyes. You grabbed his free hand, squeezing it lightly. He smiled at you, moving his hand from Joy's hair to wipe at his eyes subtly. Jimin's even breathing fanned out over your neck, nose squished slightly against your collarbone. Jin scoffed at the sleeping hybrid, a small smile creeping onto his face that betrayed his annoyed expression.

"In his defense, he couldn't sleep well while you guys were out, he was too worried."

You cooed, rubbing one of Jimin's ear between your thumb and forefinger. He nuzzled closer to you in his sleep, tail laying snug against your leg. You let your eyes fall closed to, mumbling a half hearted apology to the others in the room before drifting off to sleep.

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