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I woke up sometime later on a bed, I tried getting off but my feet wouldn't move. I was tired, suddenly a sharp light penetrated through the blinds almost blinding me. I flinched and closed my eyes for a bit.

Then I opened my eyes slowly, trying to adjust to the light and my surrounding. I was lying on what seemed like a hospital bed and my hands and feet were chained up along the sides of the bed.

I soon recalled the events that happened earlier today....or were they yesterday...?

"Good, you're awake..." A voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

I turned towards the sound and noticed a man in a white uniform.

"What is this? W..what a..am I doing here?" I stammered.

"You're here for your treatment. Try and relax."

"YOU NEED TO LET ME OUT!!!" I scream and start to struggle.

"Shhhh... Calm down."

I kept screaming. Then, I felt electricity go through my body. My whole body shook up and down.

"I said, quiet..." He sighed and then left the room. I soon realized that the chains give out electricity whenever I struggle. What's happening? Tears trickled down my face. Why would Luke do this to me? Is this my punishment?

I looked around the room. There was nothing, literally nothing, it felt empty. There were no windows, there was only a door, where the man could enter and leave.

I needed to escape..but how? How do I get out of here?

Just then, the man came in once again.

"You came back, good, now let me out of here."

"Okay, here's how this is going to work. First of all, You refer to me as Sir. If you do what I tell you to do, no one gets hurt. If I say eat, you eat, if I say to get up, you get up, if I say quiet, you stay quiet until you're asked to speak. Just obey and listen, and you won't get hurt. If you decide to do otherwise, I would have to punish you, and we both don't want that. Have I made myself clear?"

I remained silent, glaring at him.

"Who do you think you are to talk to me like that? Do you know who I am? I can have you dragged for everything you're worth. Now get me out of here!!!" With a growl, he stabbed my leg with a pocket knife, making me scream in pain.

"Have I made myself clear?!"

"Yes!" I yelped.

"Yes, what?" He dug the knife hard.

"Yes, Sir!" I scream.

With a huff, he pulled his knife out of my thigh, drops of blood following with it.

"What's going to happen now is I'm going to untie you. You're going to walk with me calmly to the bathroom, and you will take a shower. After that, you will go to bed. Understood?" He demands.

I was still whimpering and squirming from the pain, blood start to pool spill on the floor,

He prodded my chin with his knife.

"Understood?!" He shouts at me.

"Yeah, got it." I snap.


He had a remote in his hands. He pressed a red button and I felt more relaxed.

He unlocked the chains! letting me rub my wrists to get the blood flowing again. Who knows how long I would have to endure this? He pulled me up, making me limp to the shower.

The bathroom was just across the room from us. He opened the door and practically pushed me inside, closing the door and locking it from the outside.

Shuddering, I turned on the lights, trying to find a way to get out of here or something to fight with.

They had baby-proofed the entire room.

No mirror I could smash, no heavy objects to hurl, no curtain rods I can pull down...

The only thing I saw were rags, towels, the tiniest bars of soap, small bottles of shampoo and conditioner, and a toothpaste tube. The toothpaste was probably the heaviest object in the room.

"Start the water already!" He shouts and bangs on the door.

"Okay! Okay!" I shout back.

I turned on the water, and began cleaning my wound, it wasn't so bad but it would definitely leave a scar,

I turned off the water and got ready to leave, not wanting to make the person outside angry.

"I'm done," I say hoping he is still there so he can let me out. It's bad enough I have been locked in an asylum, I didn't want to be hit anymore, so I would just have to obey.

The door unlatched, and I was grabbed by the arm and dragged out of the room.

"Can I use your phone? I want to speak to someone, I'm sure everyone's worried."

He threw me onto the bed, then he turned and left, locking the door on the outside once again.

"Did you hear me? I said I want to speak with my lawyer, it's my right."

"Go to bed!" He shouts.

"Get me, my lawyer. "

"Your husband would see you in the morning, feel free to ask him whatever you like. Now go to bed."

I kept punching at the door, until my fist couldn't take the impact anymore, I sunk to the floor in tears, staring at my feet. This was starting to feel like a nightmare.

I wanted to see my babies, my mom. I already missed my life, as imperfect as it was. What will mom think when she finds out what happened? How long would I have to be here? I revisited my memories to keep me company, but all it did was make me cry harder. More scared. More desperate to get out of here.

Sometime later, the door slowly cracked open, the man peeked in again. I hadn't moved since he had left.

"I told you to go to bed!" He shouted, slamming the door and stomping over to me. He grabbed me forcefully by the hair and threw me on the bed. "Don't taste my patience, Jane. I really don't want to hurt you."

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