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I woke up in a hospital bed the next day, I don't remember much about what happened after the blackout, but I remember how it felt letting out all that air.

A female doctor was standing next to me checking my pulse and then she proceeded to ask all these questions about my stress level if only she knew.

"Where's... my husband?" I gasped.

"He stepped out to freshen up, he's been by your side all night.."

I nodded,

"You should be fine, you just need to get enough rest so this doesn't happen again," she said and left me to myself.

I laid there for a while, pondering.

I don't know how long before I heard a knock, pulling me out of it.

I turned to see someone familiar, staring, and smiling at me.


His grin grew and he walked up to me.

"Janelle from the block. How long has it been?" Mark and I grew up in the same neighborhood back in the day. We even went to high school together, and then he left for college and I never saw him again.

"It's been so long." I tried to sit up and tied up.

"I was visiting an old friend last night when I saw them rush you in, and before leaving I thought to come to say hi and check on you, how are you feeling?"

"Thanks, I'm okay, better as you can see." I tried not to give out anything in the smile.

"What happened?" He came closer.

"Stress level, they say.."

"Yeah, I know the feeling." he chuckled.

"So... Tell me, what do you do now?"

"Architecture, the boring stuff, I design major buildings for companies, mostly hotels."

"That's huge, congratulations."

"Thanks, how about you? I remember you always wanted to own a salon in the neighborhood, you never stopped talking about it."

"Actually, I became a lawyer... "

"Wow, that's huge. What kind of Law? I'm in need of a defense lawyer to handle a pending case of mine."

"I haven't done any practice in a while, I'm a little rusty."

"I would leave my card then if you ever get back in the game, call me. I really need a lawyer---"

There was a sudden clearing of throat dragging us both out of it. My heartfelt like it was going to pound out of my chest as I stared into Luke's vicious eyes looking back at me...

"Mark, this is my husband, Luke Hampton." I managed to say without stuttering.

"Wow, you're married!" He said and extended a hand to him, "It's nice to meet you, Mr. Hampton."

Luke took his hand to my surprise.

"Likewise." He lets go and turns to me with a smile, "How are you feeling, cuddles?" His composure did nothing but frighten me all the more.

"Fine..." I was sure he could feel my heartbeat racing as he leaned down to peck me,

"That's good to hear, you gave me quite a scare." If I wasn't mistaken I was sure he was trying to calm himself down,

He looked at Mark again and I held my breath, waiting for his next move.

"I should go... It was nice seeing you, Jane." Mark shuddered at his gaze.

"Bye, Mark." I waved at him and watched him hurry out.

"Nice fellow," Luke commented as Mark left.

"We grew up together." I felt the need to add that,

"Hmmm. .I went home to get you some food, I know how much you hate hospital foods and the smell."

"I do." I forced a smile.

"Here.." I watched him open the food flask for me, "It's your favorite, mushroom soup." He grinned at me, whatever was in his head made him happier and I didn't want to ruin it by telling him I hated mushroom soup. "Eat up, you don't want it to get cold, do you?"

I nodded and began to eat,

"Good news, the doctor said you're free to go home."

I mused and forced myself to eat.

Luke sat and watched me like a hawk.

"So...Did you fuck him?"

I almost choked at his sudden outburst.

"Here..." He extended me a bottle of water, "Why you so worked up, it's just a question..." I flinched when he stroked my cheek softly. "So, did you... fuck him?"

I shook my head, unable to find my voice.

"I believe you."

I was sure I was going to have a heart attack from how fast my heart was speeding.

"Eat up."

He brought the spoon to my lips and I pushed it away suddenly,

"I think I've had enough."

"JANE, I went through so much effort to make this for you and you've barely had a spoon, at least have another spoon."

"I don't like mushroom soup, Luke." I finally let it out.

"What are you talking about? You used to love mushroom soup."

"Yes, whenever I was pregnant."

"I made it for you every other day after that."

"That's because I was too afraid to say anything to you. but I'm telling you now, I hate mushroom soup, I absolutely hate avocado pasta, and I think corn pie is disgusting." I blurted out.

I didn't expect him to start laughing,

"What's funny?"

"You. JANE, you should have just told me you hated them, I made them for every holiday and you ate them like they were the best thing, how was I supposed to know?"

"Now I'm telling you, I hate them."

"Can we agree from now on you tell me everything I'm doing wrong? That way I know when to stop."


He chuckled,

"Uh, what am I going to do with you?" He shook his head, his eyes never leaving mine, watching me like I was the most admirable thing in the world, even at my worst.

"Stop doing that."

"Doing what?"

"You know what you are doing... Quit staring at me like that." I looked away shyly.

"Tell me, Jane, how do I stare at you?" He slowly made his way into the bed and wrapped his arm firmly around me,

I remained still as he pulled me into his hard chest and buried his head into the crook of my neck, holding me so close as if he was afraid to release me. When I don't hear from him for a while, I slowly turned and was faced with him,

His arms were still around me, as he's breathing slowly, fast asleep. I laid my head on my arm, watching him with utterly distraught.

Here I was still completely in love and mesmerized with the man that's caused me so much hell,

My feelings for Luke are complicated, absolutely confusing at times, I mean, there are times I want to strangle him, there are times I want to get so far away from him, very far, there are times I'm afraid of him and loathe him every second, there are times I'm completely maddened by him and there are also times I want nothing more than to be in his embrace, and just to stare at him, just like now. Am I wrong to still feel this way about Luke? Has he really changed?

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