Chapter 4

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The click of my heels echoed on the pavement as I walked into my firm, smiling slightly and waving at everyone on the floor to my office, "You're in a good mood." My secretary Ruth said, walking beside me to my office.

"It feels like a good day, Ruth." I said, making a few stops.

"Well, not to be a mood ruiner. But we still have that meeting with Sir. Ruiz, his secretary had already called in twice this morning to remind us." She said,

I sighed, and finally settled in my office.

"What time?" I asked,

She glanced swiftly at the clock, "10 A.M but we can always plead to reschedule, that's if you're not up for it. We still have the Mackenzie case to handle and the press is going off the roof with calls, I couldn't even close my eyes last night." She began rambling,

"It's fine..." I cut in, "Anything else?" I asked, pulling out some files for my next meeting.

"Yes, there's a Mrs. Mendes in the waiting room asking to see you, she was here yesterday but you were in that meeting and you asked not to interrupt, so I asked her to leave."

"Ruth..." I sighed in frustration, the woman has a talent for words. "Just bring the woman in." I said,

She nodded, hurtling out of my office.

I shook my head, going through the files lying on my desk. Not a second later, the door opened, revealing Ruth and a woman in a blue sweater.

I took a quick peek at her; she had deep blonde hair and added to her absolutely pale white skin, was a large bruise at the right side of her cheeks.

Ruth soon left us alone. "Hi." Mrs. Mendes walked in extending her hands to me. I stood up and took it, that was when I noticed the black nasty bruise on her wrist. "You must be Mrs. Mendes?" I smiled,

She nodded and tucked her wrist away. "Please, take a seat." I gestured,

She nodded again before taking an empty seat in front of my desk, "Before we start would you like something to drink, we might be a small firm but we serve the best coffee in the city, at least that's what they say." I said in a humor, trying to calm her, the woman seemed quite shaking.

"No, I-I'm fine..." She stuttered, tucking back her blonde hair.

I took a moment to look at her again before muttering, "So, how can I help you, Mrs. Mendes?" She placed her purse away before speaking.

"My husband Frank...he was arrested last night, I need you to get him out before tomorrow night." I noticed how her lips quivered as she spoke.

I smiled politely, "And, I'm sure that's possible but you have to tell me what happened?" I said, and she went completely stiff, "Mrs. Mendes?" I urged her in a whisper, she lifted her heavy eyes to me in silence, "I can't be of any help to you if I don't know what I'm working with." I said and paused for a bit, "Okay, how about we take a break? I see how hard this is for you, so I suggest you go home, get some rest and return when you're ready." I told her and she shook her head.

"No, I want him out." She spurted quickly.

"Okay...Again, I can't help you if you tell me what happened?"

She lowered her head, fiddling with her fingers, "Um, He came home really drunk last night, when I asked where he was, he got mad..." She paused and continued, "I was to blame but the neighbors called the cops and got him arrested." She muttered, when I didn't speak for a while she lifts her eyes to me.

"The bruises on your wrist, did he do that to you?" I muttered and her sparked wide in scare before it went depressing again, then she nodded slightly. A sickly feeling came over me as she went on speaking, "He didn't mean to, he was drunk and I incited him, I should have just left it alone and not bothered him-"

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