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As the days went on I noticed Luke was behaving strangely, he wouldn't even attempt to touch me like he always does, as if he's keeping his distance from me.

If I'm not mistaken,

I'm sure he's avoiding me.

I can't pinpoint why he's trying to distance himself from me though, that's unlike him, and to be honest I don't like it... not one bit.

Since we had that conversation he's done nothing but ignore me. I tried not to think much of it at first, but it's become a thing of concern.

I want to address the matter... God knows I do, but I'm afraid I would only make it worse, things are finally so good between I don't want to ruin it by saying something, I can't watch him return to his old self.

Luke is like a ticking bomb.

One wrong move and he would explode.

I know I shouldn't be complaining at least he's not hurting me, but he's still my husband, if I don't worry about him who will.

I went to get started on dinner. I knew Luke would be back with the kids soon, so I shook off the thought and got started,

I had just finished setting the table when I turned around and almost jumped out of my skin.

Luke was leaning against the wall, eyeing me out.

I sighed, calming down my pounding heart.

"You could've given me a heart attack." I scolded, placing a hand above my heart for emphasis. "When did you get back?" I turned around and went back to preparing dinner. "Where are the kids?"

Luke did not say a word which only made me more anxious.

I quickly turned to look at him.

"Luke ---"

"You won't believe who I ran into today."

I raised my brow in confusion.

"Frank lakers, remember him?" He said.

"Yeah, and I thought you hated Frank. Luke, I don't care, where are my kids?"

He kept ignoring the question.

"I have never cheated on you, Jane. It's never even crossed my mind, not even for a second, because no woman in my eyes can be compared to you....no woman, I haven't met anyone appealing enough to buy my attention, that's the effect you have on me, Jane. ."

"Luke, I thought we were over this?"

"Frank and I talked for a bit?"

I stopped smiling when I realized he's being serious.

"Luke, where are the kids?"

"What happened between you two?"

"I don't know what you're talking about, just tell where my kids are."

Suddenly he pushed himself from the wall and sprinted towards me. All thoughts left me when he gripped my jaw and started kissing me.

The kiss was hard, rough and angry.

He kissed me so fiercely that he was able to force me out of my clothes within seconds, "So you never slept with him, is that what you're saying? You've never done this with another man, no one has ever fucked you like this, huh? JANE, tell me." He tore off my underwear and before I could think he picked me up, forcing me to wrap my legs around him, and thrust into me with one hard thrust. "I can always tell when you're lying, Jane.." He groaned as soon as he was fully inside me.

I held onto his shoulders as he began thrusting into me ruthlessly, each thrust harder and more painful then the next. "The other day, you admitted you fucked someone."

I felt my body reacting with every thrust that rocked through my body and suddenly I was choking out of air.

"Who did you fuck at lakers, Jane? Was it Frank, his brother." Luke was strangling. I dug onto his arms on my neck as I tried to breathe.

"Luke, stop!! I cried as the thrusting became more intense, and the burning in my core increased along with the thrust.

"Is this how he fucked you, huh?" he's strangling me and I can't breathe.

"Luke, you are hurting me--" I was losing air.

"I thought I liked being treated like a whore..... I tried, Jane. I really tried to be this nice guy you wanted, I tried to be good for you, but you just had to ruin it, Jane. You had to mess it all up because you're so selfish and you never appreciate anything I do for you."

"Luke, stop!!" Before I even had time to register, I was slammed to the floor, sharp pain surged through my body as my cheek started hurting.

I sought for air as looked on at him with horror,

"You!" he pulled me up and began to remove his belt. "You think I'm a fool, huh?"

I tried to run, but he grabbed my arm before I even left the kitchen and proceeded to hit me with the belt on my back.

"No, stop!!!" I screamed.

"You think I'm a fool, you think I don't know what you've been up to. That baby you lost, that wasn't mine, was it? That's why you wanted to run away, huh? Answer me!" He demanded whilst he hit me.


He kept hitting me, harder and faster.

"Stop lying!"

He threw to the ground and kicked my stomach.

I screamed with every hit.

"You lying whore! You make me do this to you! It's your fault, not mine!"

I screamed, shuffling away from him.

"You're a monster. "

He stopped to watch me.

"I'm never believing anything you say again, you're never going to change--" I paused, as all the breath left my mouth. "I shouldn't have believed you would change--"

He slapped me again, even harder than the last time. Was this the same man that apologised a few days ago and swore he'd never hit me again? I looked at him not able to make out the difference from the man that pleaded with me a few days ago. how could they be the same person?

A foolish part of me wanted to believe it was my fault, that I caused this, that way it could make sense of what's happening. But it wasn't. I knew it wasn't.

He kept whipping me with his belt and his foot, and hand until I couldn't even take a breath without my chest hurting.

My stomach turned so much that I gushed out blood and puked all over the floor,

"This is all your fault, Jane."

"I hate you.." I shrieked.

"I wish I could say the same. I wish I could hate you the same way, Jane but I can't." I flinched as he removed the hair from my face, "I love you so much, Jane."

"Fuck you!!!"

He clenched and left me on the kitchen floor, next to a pool of my own blood.

I burst into tears,

I couldn't cry for long as my throat was hurting from all the screaming.

I couldn't move my legs either;

I managed to crawl to the phone and called---

"Mamma---" I wailed.

"Oh, dear.... Hang on baby, I'm on my way."

I had to stay in that exact position until she came for me.

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