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I returned from a walk and on reaching home I notice Luke swaying casually on mama's swing chair, on seeing me he smiles and quickly makes his way forward,

"Hey, where have you been?" he stops and stares down at my belly, he grins. "Incredible... I missed seeing you this way, pregnant. I really hope it's a girl." He says and smiles up at me, "You haven't answered me, where were you?"

I rolled my eyes and tucked my hair, "I just went for a walk, don't make a scene."

"You're right, so say your byes quickly, we are leaving."

I brushed past him, and made my way upstairs, where mama was waiting to give me a piece of her mind.

I sighed, "Mama, I'm not in the mood right now, Luke is waiting downstairs and you know how he is--" I walked over to the grey closet, to grab some things I forgot earlier.

"I'm starting to believe you enjoy this."

"Don't start mama, you know that man has my kids...I can't do anything."

"You can fight him, the right way, build up a case against him, anything but going back to that man.."

"Fight him with what, huh? I can't fight Luke without any evidence, which is why I'm going back, to get proof, I'm going back to get something to use against Luke in court, or this would keep going on forever."

"And, how are you going to do that?"

"I have a plan, and I think it would work." I made it over to her and pulled her into a hug, "Just pray for me, mama." I said and tightened my arms around her before finally pulling away.

She cups my face,

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding, think of Him in your ways, and He will guide you. Okay?"

I nodded, and broke away from her, before making my way outside, where Luke was seated patiently.

On seeing me, he got up and helped me to the car. I turned around and gave one last glance at mama before getting into the car with Luke.

After a long drive I was pulled awake by a shake on the shoulders, I blinked my eyes open to see Luke peering at me,

"We are home." He said, reaching out and helping me out of the car.

He got us a beach house in the village, he went on and on about it on the way.

I hate it, I thought as I took a step forward. I've lost count of how many times we've had to move.

As if reading my mind,

"You like it?" he asked.

I hummed and made my way inside, I took myself around, lost in thoughts. It took Luke bracing me from behind to pull me out of it,

"I can't see the kids anything, where are they?" the anticipation grew wider, I was hoping he would have them surprise me.

"They are safe. ..I thought we might get settled before bringing in the boys. We still have a lot to discuss, you're not off the hook yet."

"D-discuss." I stuttered.

"Relax, I'm not going to hurt you, I promised. I won't touch you ever again... I just have to make sure this child is mine."

I scoffed,


"You can't blame me for wondering, you're not exactly innocent." he spurned me around to him suddenly,

"And, how are you going to do that?"

"I guess we'll just have to wait, and while we wait the kids will remain safe, besides I can't have you running off again." He whispered, and then pins me with his gaze, "Why exactly did you have to make such a scene?" There was a threat in his tone.

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