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"So I did as you asked, I went to a bar, I approached this lady, she was just sitting there, a minute into the conversation, I found out her name was Janette," I said and laughed over the phone.

"That's very unlikely. ."

"Yeah, but it happened." It was a sign.

"What happened after that?"

"I apologized and left, I went back to the hotel and slept it off. I'm never doing that again. I want to work on getting my family back, nthat's the only reason I'm doing this. "


"I have to go." I cut in,

"Don't forget our session next week."


I hung up and pulled over at the boy's school, and walked in. The kids were littering around. I made my way to the teachers office, Joseph was seated on a bench outside.

"Oh God, what did he do?"

"Dad." He got up quickly.

"What happened?" I walked over to him.

"Mr. Hampton please come in." The principal called out, I made Joseph sit before making my way inside, I saw Jane, "We've been waiting for you, please sit."

I took a seat,

"What's going on?"

"Don't worry, he's not in any trouble, he didn't do anything, at least not this time. I called you in to talk about his performance, Joseph has been a remarkable student but lately, his grades are slipping, you must have noticed. He's gone from Bs to C-, I've tried talking to him, but he won't speak, perhaps it's the problem at home. I heard you got divorced, that might be it. I advise you to get counseling, a tutor or you talk him through the divorce, I believe you are great parents and can work this out, I'm only concerned seeing his one of my best student."

Jane and I don't say anything in response for a while, out of guilt I guess.

"We would talk to him." I looked at Jane for approval.


"Thank you for your concern, I assume this is settled then."

"Yes, that's everything."

"Thank you." I said with a nod and got up, with that we walked out of the school, Jane didn't say anything the whole time, I couldn't tell what she was thinking or feeling at the moment, it bothered, was she upset? Disappointed.

"You haven't said a word," I muttered as we walked to the parking lot.

"I don't know what you want me to say."

"Can we go somewhere and talk, this doesn't just concern us, it concerns our son and his future. I think we should put our differences aside and try to talk him through it."

"There's a pizza parlor just across the street, we could go over there and talk to him." She suggested to my surprise.

I nodded in agreement.

"I'd be right behind you." I helped them get into the car, before getting into mine.

We pulled over by a parlor across the street to talk to Joseph.

"Am I in trouble?" Joseph is confused.

"Not this time, buddy." I said, motioning Jane to say something.

"Joseph, we want to know how you're feeling, I know it's been difficult having to share your father and I separately. We just want to hear your thoughts, do you have something you want to tell us?"

"I want to be a family again, James too."

"We're a family, we would always be a family, you, James, me, and your father."

"It's not the same, we don't live together anymore, not like before." Jane and I stare at each other not knowing what to say to that, "Father could live with us and we could be a family again just like we used to be."

Jane cleared her throat seeming uncomfortable with the conversation, a waiter walked by and took our orders,

"Can we?"

"No, I'm sorry but that's not gonna happen," Jane said.

"Jane, stop."

"I'm going to the bathroom." Joseph storms off leaving us alone, each of us don't say anything for a while, I'm perfectly content with just staring at her but she's out of line.

"You're mad at me, be mad at me, don't take it out on the kids."

"The kids would learn to accept the situation eventually." She said.

I snorted.

"Why are you being this difficult?"

She snapped my eyes to him,

"Are you by any chance insinuating this is my fault, that I caused all this."

"There's a better way to fix this."

"Maybe if you had been a good husband and father we wouldn't be in this situation we are in right now." She spat.

I scoffed,

"You know what, I deserve that. . I deserve everything you throw at me, Jane." I leaned forward, staring at her, "I just need another chance to change all that, consider me again, and I promise you things would be different this time around, I can't say I've changed, I just know I could do better."

"Have heard those lines before."

"I'm begging you, Jane." I reached for her hand and she quickly pulled away, "Please." I added.

She exhaled and looked away from me,

"Jane, look at me... Please."

She does.

I took her silence as an indication to go on, "I know I signed the divorce papers, I regret it, but at the time, I thought I was doing the right thing for you, giving you your freedom but, to be honest, it kills me, the thought of you with someone else is maddening. I'm a selfish man, Jane. I won't have it, I want you for myself...."

She scoffed in disbelief,

"So this is about your ego, jealousy?"

"I'm jealous I admit, to watch the only woman I love in the arms of another, that's asking too much of me, Jane."

She shook her head like she's fed up, "What's it you really want from me, Luke? You want me to forget everything you did to me, and just take you back like nothing happened, that's not gonna happen, when I look at you Luke all see is that monster you disguise so well, I don't believe you've changed, after so many years I'm over your lies, your deceits, you can't deceive me anymore. For the 11 years, we were married every time I believed you've changed I end up being subject to your rage, that won't happen again. You're all talk, you want me to believe you've changed, prove it."

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